Jim Hightower's Lowdown
Jim Hightower's Radio Lowdown
The Rattiest Right-Wing Congress Critter
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -2:09

The Rattiest Right-Wing Congress Critter

Vangunu, one of the Solomon Islands, is home to a giant species of rodent called Vika. Astonishingly, this rare and very large rat has jaws so powerful it can bite through a coconut shell!

That made me think of Rep. Jim Jordan, the GOP’s rattiest, far-right-wing congress critter. There is no documented proof that this extremist partisan was raised on Vangunu, but he sure keeps gnawing on Joe and Hunter Biden, desperately trying to crack open a scandal that simply doesn’t exist. Vikas are powerful, but they’ve not been accused of being smart.

Jordan, the former coach of a boy’s wrestling team, now has his team of House Republicans in a choke hold, draining national media attention to his goofy obsession with impeaching Joe. Impeach him for what? Well, says Jordan, we’re looking for a reason.

He has it bassackwards – real impeachment proceedings start with specific charges of an official’s “high crimes and misdemeanors.” But Coach Jordan is perverting that Constitutional requirement by first accusing Biden of high crimes, then holding hearings in hopes of finding one. But poor Jim – it turns out to be easier for him to bite through a coconut than to fabricate a Biden crime.

But Jordan keeps gnawing, wasting Congress’ time, staff, and credibility (plus millions of taxpayer’s dollars) scuttling down trails that go nowhere. Meanwhile, as he and the GOP House prioritize their clownish political agenda, they can’t perform the basics of government, which is simply to keep essential public services funded and functioning.

Unable to govern, Republican leaders abruptly stopped working in the House in early December, saying they’ll get serious next year. But, uh-oh, the vika congressman has just announced he’ll hold more impeachment hearings next year so he can keep gnawing at the Biden coconut.

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Discussion about this episode

I still don't understand how he was able to get by the OSU incident. Fifty years ago, that would have been a "death blow" to any hope of holding office. Now, it appears that the more rancid you are, the more rabid your followers.

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It is equally distressing that his congress colleagues allow him to do this, or appear powerless to stop him.

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You sure anyone wants to stop them?

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The whole GOP is circling the drain. In my opinion let them keep at it. Maybe the swamp that Trump always claimed he would drain will fulfill that promise all on its own.

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These crazed Rs have no intention of pulling the plug. Their idea of swamp management is to keep adding more alligators until the whole fetid mess spills over, spreading nasty snappers, info viral plagues, and stinking gerrymanders everywhere.

The 1%ers think they're immune; protected in their top of the hill gated communities. Fine with them if the chaos provokes outright fascism or some postmodern version of feudalism. We inferiors of the working class will finally be returned to our place as subservient peasants.

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The ineptness of the GOP is astounding the only thing they have done in this session is to protect their phony baloney jobs,reminds me of Mel Brooks as the Governor in Blazing Saddles!

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Gym Jordan is nothing but a ...... coocoo for cocoa puffs!! The elevator works BUT, does NOT go to the top floor!!! The lights are on BUT, there is no one in the house, etc, etc, etc..................


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Calling the MAGA mob rats is an insult to rats. Rats can carry the plague, but that isn't their fault. Among themselves they are a rather sociable and civilized species. They are occasionally carnivorous but they are not vicious.

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Jim, you do have a way with words!

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I'm trying to understand why "Gym" Jordan hasn't been charged with sedition. From everything I've read he was directly involved in planning the insurrection of the capitol and attempted coup. Why has he not been charged?

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It took years to dig up charges on Hunter ,we should immediately investigate everyone in congress till we find dirt

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What WE need to be doing NOW is letting all "public information outlets" know that we are fed up wtih their cowtowing to Trump's demand for attention and for the DISTRIBUTION OF HIS MESSAGE.

LET' call a fascist a FASCIST. We want re-runs of Hitler's speeches about racial purity, blood contamination, vermin ETC< ETC< accompanied by full translation, English and Spanish (as appropriate). Now let's see Trumps' latest (and past!) screeching proclamations - same vocabulary, same racial purity theme. (Ivana (1st wife) said - years ago - that Trump had a book of Hitler's speeches on nightstand NEXT TO THEIR BED - Not New News, People!) I am CONVINCED THAT A MAJORITY OF Our Fellow Americans are so unashamedly ignorant that I AM (You, too?) afraid.

Canada and Mexico will close their boarders, and I won't be welcome in Western Europe either. Hmmmm. New Zealand if I get a ticket in advance for first Wednesday in November.

OBVIOUSLY it is not enough to air Trumps speeches. Amerians are so totally and unashamedly IGNORANT of history, basic civics (three separate branches, the Constitution! (only 2nd that they have NO CLUE. And WE might end up paying the price their ignorance. (Canada will ban immigration from U.S., as well Mexico, and most of Western Europe.)

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Wouldn't be nice if you didn't have to be from a particular place to vote certain people out of office, make everyone run like a presidential candidate.!

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But that would mean Democracy still lives.....but it doesn't.

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What we don't understand is why the creature is reelected over and over. Can anyone tell us what he has done (much less accomplished) during all his time in office? And we agree, calling him a rat is unfair to rats. Apparently, there are quite a few humans who carry the plagues that affect our society - and they do it with intention. We are not powerless, folks. Calling these corrupt critters by their proper names is just the beginning. (Thanks, Jim.) And now - to the polls!!

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How can the American public be educated to what's going on? Why is such a huge proportion of folks in favor of the dictator that is Trump, along with his nefarious colleagues like Gym Jordan? How can America avoid a dictatorship in the near future?

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I cannot understand why jimmy jim isn’t in jail or least on trail for his “activities” at Ohio State.

Every person in America, who isn't addicted to conservative news, knows about the of sex abuse of boys that JJ knew about and hid.

Must be nice to be a conservative magat. You can do as you wish and escape accountability. Hopefully, that changes after November and we see jimmy in an orange jumpsuit.

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a Vika would be embarrassed to be in the same room as jorden

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It's bad enough Americans are largely ignorant of history, their own, and especially world history. That would be bad enough, but so many are willfully so, and don't care to learn. What's scary is that there are so many, ignorant or not, who support trolls like Jordan and Trump, despite their obvious disdain for the democracy they purport to serve. I live in Arkansas, where Trump won by roughly a 2-1 margin in 2020, and will likely do so again in 2024, despite likely felony convictions, and clear statements showing authoritarian intent. But then, we-by which I mean Arkansas voters, though not me-elected his former press secretary governor over a candidate who has a PhD, but was black and a Democrat, so three strikes against him from the start, competence be damned. But then, these people would elect Satan himself if he ran on the Republican ticket.

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A Vika would not be caught dead wearing that nasty yellow necktie.

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The GOP is irretrievably debilitated, dysfunctional and delusional. Jim Jordan and other Trump supporters are the personifications (and secondary sources?) of the disease.

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JIM HIGHTOWER you are the supreme "literati" when it comes to brilliant, mordant metaphors. I will never see Jordan's face on the news again without substituting the VANGUNU VIKA Face! It seems like it should be unconstitutional to "prosecute" someone in 'hopes" of finding something they are guilty of. Smacks of STAR CHAMBER inquisitions: something our Government was founded to protect against.

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I hope Jim Jordan and his ilk choke on their own bile. in trying to come up with something to charge Pres. Biden with. It's not there folks!!!!!!!

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Jim Jordan is corrupt as far as government goes and is morally bankrupt. He has no intention of doing his duty to facilitate a well functioning government. That's what you get when you have someone in charge who is a religious zealot who believes he is infallible.

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The "Impeachment" is just a fake investigation like Bengazi. The Global Oligarch Party is just looking for something to hit the Democrats with. They will continue using it, even though they don't find anything. They will just keep repeating the lies, holding hearings and eventually the dupes will fall for it.

It is a standard propaganda ploy. Repeat lies and people will decide that there must be something to it.

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Comparing Rep Jim Jordan to a giant rodent is apropos.

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eschew coprophagia

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And the press continues to report this obstruction as if it were news, while refusing to inform the public of the fact that it is all smoke and mirrors.

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A very apt association, and thanks for the biology lesson.

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It is well known that Republicans don't like big government and don't believe thet government is the answer to solving problems. Why is it then that whenever they are a majority they feel compelled to keep on proving it?

In case I haven't already done so, I would like to thank Mark for giving me the name of the person who first said what I put in a comment about religion. I'm really pleased to know it.

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They don’t dislike big government. They just don’t like when Democrats are in charge if big government

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I am tired of all the nonsense. People elect these morons because they only listen to the network news. People are brainwashed. When alternative news gets out to the general public it’s tossed off as fake news. Alternative news like hightowers is read by a select few who already know the deal. You can share these posts, but if your contacts are closed minded they will not listen. The blunt truth will frighten them into a attack mode. Perhaps if youknow of a good movie,one that can start a conversation . There is good alternative music out there, beyond the main stream garbage. Although there are some popular acts that have something to say. Listen to the comics,who point out the holes in our system. Read a good book. Take a walk get off the web,

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Yup. The world's gone mad, because politicians, billionaires and internet owners are seeing to it. I keep my land phone to remind me of the anonymous days when l wasn't being "managed" by strangers.

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You don't get it. Jordan is getting his point over to the public. Just the fact of his investigation is enough for millions of Americans to think there's no difference between the Trump and Biden impeachments. Same with all the Republican angerporn soundbites. The Republican rhetoric is played on Fox, but never the Dems' answers that totally destroy the accusations. Campaign advice, attack Fox relentlessly and constantly: have a 10-word "Story", 3 or 4 pithy 5-word "bumper stickers" repeat daily.

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As a former wrestler, he needs to be taken down. Logic is not in his vocabulary or practice.

It seems to be another example of Repugnicant “follow the leader”, no matter how bad his ethics or behavior is.

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You are so right on. Thanks

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Two words: A.. Hole.

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Making no attempt to lessen his rattiness, surely there must be a place on the dais for Lauren Boebert, whose one redeeming feature is that her rattiness is softened by how laughable she makes herself.

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Everyone in the House should be fired They are not doing their jobs…and at the least they SHOULD NOT BE PAID! This is ridiculous ! Also its time to take their 100% health care away ‘- OR let the people have the same benefits°!!!! Deb M

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Deb, I think my Congress Rep is doing a good job. She's a Democrat, of course. Maybe 2-step process: first, we fire all the Republicans Then we fire any Democrat who acts like a Republican (a much smaller batch).

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Isn't that treason?

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High crimes and misdemeanors is meaningless. Impeachment can be for no reason at all. As we are seeing.

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I want to scream every time a Democrat quotes statistics, lists Baden's accomplishments, or talks about social justice. You're talking to a public that has been dumbed down so far they don't have the intellectual rigor to follow such theoreticals. 35% support Trump because he hates the same people they hate. As long as many Americans are terrified of losing the world they grew up in (already happening), they'll want a savior (strongman) to bring back the old days.

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Unfortunately, par for the Repugnicants course!

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From where I sit, it’s been apparrent from the beginning that this whole impeachment movement has been an intended smear campaign, meant to stain Biden’s time in office, with no evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors in sight. Unfortunately there are those who will always believe “ there must have been something there” although there is not.

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There I go again. I should never post without re-reading, editing, calming down. I get so angry just thinking about the lack of revulsion toward Trump I am unable to ....

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