Jun 28Liked by Jim Hightower

Biden is not a bag of cement. He’s a brilliant, dedicated politician fully capable of being president again. The media have failed miserably to point out that Trump is a raving lunatic. While Biden is no Hitler of an entertainer, he is in full command of the facts and policies he envisions for the future. Shame on the press, again, and again gulled by a snake charmer.

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Hear, hear! Thank you for this!

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Jun 28Liked by Jim Hightower

Let’s not think of Biden as anyone but the person who can lift us out of this extreme danger. Find ways to help him get his message out. Emphasize the idiocies and failure of Trump’s time in office.

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I just want to point out that the Biden administration is more than Joe Biden. He has a large group of very bright folks on his team, and a large cadre of others outside the government whose talent he can draw upon. Mr. Trump cannot claim the same.

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And he is wise enough to listen to them, instead of thinking he knows it all.

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How can you even think that. It's Biden who's feeding the war in Israel and feeding the war in Ukraine that is threatening war with Russia that could easily go nuclear.

And Trump is no better. The only question between them is who will light the match first.

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Rubbish. Remembering history, if Putin was/is allowed to to take over Ukraine and the US sits by as Putin advances across Europe, achieving what Hitler failed to complete, then we next find China, after taking Taiwan, takes over Hawaii and then we are in a real mess. All involved are nuclear powers.

As to the Israel war, it is a horrible situation all round that has been brewing for many years. Plenty of very serious blame to go all around.

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Your memory of history is not very deep and your understanding of warfare and the economics of warfare is nil. Russia could never take over Europe even if they wanted to. The population of the EU is 5 times the number of Russia's population. The GDP of the EU is 7 times more. NATO's forces are equal to Putin's forces any day in the week and to break through an enemy's lines or equal strength takes a force ration of 3:1 which has been proven over and over again. It is even highly unlikely that Putin could take all of Ukraine if he wanted to.

The small section of Ukraine that is being fought over is the piece that Nikita Krucshev reassigned to the Ukrainian SSR in 1953 in order to gain the Ukrainian Communist Party Chairman's vote for his candidacy for the Chairmanship of the CPUSR. That piece of Ukraine now known as the Donbass had been part of Russia and later part of the RSFSR since it was taken from the Ottoman empire by Catherine the Great around the time of the Ameican revolution. It has been inhabited for centuries by ethnic Russian and Tatars and a small percentage of ethnic Ukrainians.

The present war is an extensio of a civil war begun by the Maidan Revolution, inspired and financially supported by the US in 2014. Because of hostilities directed toward the ethnic Russians because they had supported the deposec president (who was democratically elected), the people of the Donbass opted to decare independece from Kiev. This was denied by Kiev and it led to civil war. That civil war transistioned to an effort to ethnically clease the Donbass of all ethnic Russians, spearheaded by the neo Nazi AZOV Brigade. Being outnumbered, aid was requested from Russia which, at first, consisted of volunteers. As the war escalated, Putin decided to intervene militarily in 2022

This is simply another case of US meddling in the affairs of other countries that has led to civil war and total disaster. Libya, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cuba, Honduras, Chile, Panama, Nicaragua, and many other countries will attest to that.

So go back and remember that history didn't start in 2022.

Word to the wise. If you don't know history, you can't possibly understand what is happening today - and the history goes way beyond what you will find on CNN or Fox News.

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So you would let Ukraine fall to Russia and Russia as Russia originally assumed would happen when they tried to take Ukraine saying tat they would have a warm welcome? Then what?

News I saw was that Europe does not have the capacity to produce ammunition to support a war and is buying from us, and we need to expand production but we had good stocks.

Yes, the US has a history of meddling around the world but, than God that FDR meddled in WWII before the US population was ready to get involved and the Japanese kicked us into the war finally.

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Ukraine will not fall to Russia, but the Donbass and Crimea will probably never again be part of Ukraine. It's what the people of those regions want. If you accept the principle that the people have the right to choose their own government, then you have to let them..

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Jun 28Liked by Jim Hightower

Let's work to give Biden the House and the Senate so he can finish the job.

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Jun 28Liked by Jim Hightower

Thanks for these thoughts, Jim. We will never have the perfect candidate because we are not a perfect people. I’m grateful we have an honest progressive man who has shown up for so many segments of our population on so many of the most important issues. He has moved this country forward in spite of the MAGA crowd howling at the door.

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Thanks Jim for stating the obvious to some, but did Joe lose? How can you be pitched against someone who's constantly lying, not answering the questions posed, and going back to previous statements. It was total BS by this old woman's standards. The moderators failed at their respective jobs. Biden was not given the time he was due because of blabber mouth. What happened to killing the mic? I'm still voting for Joe even if he's on a gurney and the EMTs are hitting him with a defibrillator. We don't want any DICK-TATORS around here!

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Absolutely correct. Firehose of bullshit vs. Normal. What did anyone expect that there would be actual policy debate? No with Dump. He wouldn't know any policy but "I want" if it kicked him in the cojones.

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You may be voting for Joe but independents in swing states probably won't based upon his obviously extreme inability to think and talk under pressure at the debate. Call upon the DNC to make "Joe Go Now" to defeat Trump.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Jim Hightower

With Biden we at least have qualified people in his administration. With the other we will probably go back to putting his highly qualified children into those positions again and maybe some of his insurrection pals that fly a different flag, while the other plays golf.

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Jun 29Liked by Jim Hightower

Trump will surround himself with lackeys and those who are dedicated to implementing Project 2025. Dangerous!!!

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I think the USA is extremely lucky that Joe Biden is our President at this time in our history.

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Jun 28Liked by Jim Hightower

Dear Hightower, thank you for the sanity.

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I just wanted someone, anyone to call Trump out on his constant lying! President Biden couldn’t do it, obviously, but why can’t the moderators? Or have an additional person there to challenge each & every lie. I, too, wish Biden had done better, but I will vote for him even if he’s drooling in a wheelchair!

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Unwrapping that much lying would take a few weeks. Some media likes the lies, and some have been exposing it all along. It's amazing that there's are so many people who like lies, although it is a trait we share with our chimpanzee cousins - it's a primate thing. Keep evolving folks!

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No kidding. We've already seen the alternative at work. Why would we go back?

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Jun 28Liked by Jim Hightower

I can help push the wheel barrow...

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Let’s hope a whole lot of us understand that we have to vote against Trump!

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Jun 28Liked by Jim Hightower

I have an extra wheel barrow, Jim. It takes periodic pumping to keep it rolling smoothly, but I'll UPS it to you if it would help. It handles three sacks, easy.

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Jun 29Liked by Jim Hightower

Biden is the only sane choice. The other guy should be in jail. A Republican in Pennsylvania, I believe, who was being interviewed about the election said “I’m voting for Biden, even if he’s dead.” I’m with him.

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A vote for Biden is a vote for a President that has done well for America. Maybe he's not the man he was 4 years ago but we'll be benefitting from his policies for years to come. If someone needs to hold Trump accountable for his crap, it's us... not just Joe Biden! It's time Democrats stop expecting one person to do the whole job. Our Media needs to take its role in our Democracy more seriously as well. If so many Americans fall for 'style over substance', the Media has a job to do... hammer home the substance of Joe Biden, and hammer home to ridiculousness of Trump! 'Balance' is good in Media but so is truth... help with all you can to keep this excellent President and his administration going for as long as they can. This is the job for all of us, not just one person. Jim you're awesome!

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He is the president. He can gather the media, take back his time, and and clearly respond to every lie.

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Here's what Gavin Newsom sent to his e-mail list:

"Folks, Listen.

I am old fashioned, but on the substance Joe Biden won the debate last night. That is what matters to me.

All this other talk... it's unhelpful and unnecessary. We aren't going to turn our backs because of one performance. What kind of party does that?

Don't look at 30 minutes...look at 3 and a half years of Joe Biden as president. It's been a master class: 15.6 million jobs created -- 8x more than the last 3 Republican presidents combined; gun safety legislation; lowering the cost of prescription drugs; an infrastructure package to rebuild this country.

Joe Biden has delivered --and we need to deliver for him in this moment. We're talking about the fate and future of our democracy, this country and the world. They all need us right now.

That's what I intend to do, and I hope you'll join me."

(Followed by a request to send money.)

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