They also want Jonathan Kanter's head (Asst. Attorney General for Anti Trust).

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Wall street is the only winner. It's not left vs right it's bottom vs top. Both parties have the same donors. Project 2025 is Reagan's Project 1981. Feckless Democrats use it to get votes, when not shaming.

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Thank you for the interesting "Do Somethings", dear commisioner. I been Getin' Down wih the Lowdown for a long time.

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They all just care for their own job and power plus campain donations ftom the iuber rich.

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Big Democratic donors forced Biden out of the race by threatening to withhold their financial support for the party's presidential nominee and its congressional candidates if he didn't step down. Maybe they were right about that. But I've been wondering what else they're going to demand as a condition for their support. I guess I just learned one of the things. And I was afraid it wouldn't be good.

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RK Fobes - another great article Jim. Thank you. As a Monistic Realist, like the founding fathers, I have always thought that since the deification of Reagan’s “greed is good, let the market decide” economy, the only thing in America that is free about the free market is the extent to which a few plutocrats are free to corrupt and manipulate it at the expense of everybody and everything else. Keep up the good work. Later.

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Great statement in the piece, the free in free enterprise is not an adjective, but a verb!

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Project 2025 is merely the latest, most overblown iteration of an old story. Older than trump. Older than Reagan. Older than Nixon. Hell, older than Coolidge. As far back as 1776 Adam Smith understood the risks. That's in the parts of The Wealth of Nations they don't assign to impressionable minds.

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Thanks Jim and Staff...excellent to share this information.

While others stated this scenario in other terms, we should all know that "slime" exists is many colors (red, blue, etc.) and money can guide anyone's behavior and activities.

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It's interesting to note that Lina Khan has another strong supporter - J.D. Vance. And he has been since well before Trump selected hin as his running mate. Any thoughts here about how that can be so?

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The government creates an economic system where people believe in money as a means of trade, then the credit industry became mainstream and the electrical grid has so many people addicted to the internet and needing so Much electricity to make plastic toys form in your own home, what good is done for our life supporting habitat vs what harm , putting a price on the priceless, then a storm hits and the grid goes down and you're out of gas, stranded at a non functional shopping site, powerless.

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I know that l am supposed to contact my Governmental Representatives we,, the people of West Virginia, have a Republican Super Majority and Senator Manchin is no longer a Democrat and not seeking re-election, l feel the Presidency to be my nearest Democratic Representatives. I sent the Vice President a card of support for to support HR 6747 of 2023. I think that l will send the President a card about Citizens United and the necessity of reversing it with Kahn overseeing the Reform of the entire Corporate Legal Structure, Lord willing.

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The rich have always felt they should run the government so they can make more money and keep the workers under their fists. The United States has the best politicians money can buy.

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Thank you. Democracy will N.O.T. go to hell in a hand basket.

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"F" the supposed "big" Financieres". Let them hit the "Wall" on the People's Street! I think Kamala will defend.

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Thanks for making us aware of the flock. Can't have it both ways.

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