Well,the maga voters are now realizing the disruption in their lives and the country's economic engine.The thought process of these voters is beyond me.Are any of them willing to step up and pick the crops,roof their homes,change sheets in hotels and wash dishes?Better yet,eviscerate a cow so meat can be in grocery stores?Nope,I doubt they considered the problems this would bring about.Shows that the dumbing down and Maganites continually brainwashing by trump and his right wing cohorts have wrought.Thanks for the work Jim!

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Their reaction makes about as much sense as the folks (maybe the same) who held signs saying "Keep the government's hands off my Medicare".

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This is just a short precursor to slave camps.

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During the last election cycle I had posted in the comment section of an article in one of my news feeds. The article referenced Trumps's spouting off all that he was going to do when he got reelected with his usual unfounded ravings, I said "be careful what you wish for" ...I was immediately inundated with emails from Maga (?) Republicans that as a Democrat I was just jealous and afraid of what Trump was going to accomplish that our current administration had failed so miserably at. Well, here we are today, Trump is the new President elect and his spouting have confirmed what I said about wishing. And now I'm hearing an entirely different tune from the same commentators who can't believe that Trump had lied and mislead them into voting for him. Now they are beginning to realize the extent of the damage that their wishes have come to. And all I can say is "you made your bed and now you'll have to lay down in it".

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Unfortunately, so do the rest of us. Except the fortunate few who can emigrate.

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Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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Thanks once again Jim for shining that powerful beam of enlightenment down another enormous rat hole. Amazing how different things get when we get the whole story!

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Everybody relax.

The Orange-utan is not deporting people who harvest our crops, work in the building trades, or do all the menial tasks that keep us going,

He is only going to kick out Melania. He's tired of her, and after all she is here only by dint of violating her non-work visa.

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Laughter is all that's left to me. At 93, I'm too old to cry.

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This is the most frightening of the things Trump wants to do, both on a national *and* a personal level. He'd have to suspend habeas corpus or declare martial law or something to do it quasi-legally, but I think it's becoming increasingly clear that he intends to round up many thousands of people, probably including native-born US citizens, to incarcerate and rent out as slave labor. He's clearly going to have no trouble getting Abbott and Paxton to help out here -- as much as Abbott loves his razor wire in the river, he'd love lots of profits even more.

I won't even be surprised if Abbott decides to deal with his DFPS problems by renting out displaced children, too. Just the older ones, of course -- at least to begin with...

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Let's just hope his nastiness comes back to bite Trump (really, really hard) on the bottom. Thank goodness I just renewed my passport in case I have to get the heck out of the USA, being one of those presumably evil and unwanted (but lawful) foreigners who has been paying taxes for years.

Just put me down as a pissed off Brit - thank goodness I didn't apply for American citizenship.

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Maga voters are defined as people who refuse to see the facts, preferring to believe the same false promises and lies for a SECOND time. Lowdowners are people who tell it like it is, and face the threats without fear. The Maga people will have a very rude awakening, feel the pain, and wonder how that happened. Lowdowners prepare, resist, and survive. Let's hear it for our fearless founder!

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The maga voters also are the ones complaining about rigged stolen elections and then voting for the only president to have them bringing more of the lies and false promises they have complained about the last 4 years. What's the definition of doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results?

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We believe it's called stupidity.

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This is shaping up to be a complete nightmare scenario! Unless, and until, our Senators and Congressmen are overwhelmed by constituents insistent demands by for a more measurably and humane approach to illegal migration, we will look to the world as a cruel and unjust nation, and we will be guilty of the charges!

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This is more about deportation than immigration, yes?

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Don’t know what sort of distinction you’re trying to make but it’s about humane treatment. If people are in this country without going through the legitimate channels, they risk apprehension for being in violation of the law. If they are documented, and lawfully dwelling here, breaking no law, they should have no reason to be expelled. Deportation should not be universally applied to everyone that Trump chooses, just to fill his ego chest of political ambition. We should have a heart for these desperate people who brave severe obstacles to try to find a better life.

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To declare a State of Emergency so that homes and work places can be searched by the military for anyone who is considered to be an alien or enemy by the Trump Elect administration is about deporting people who are here already, not those who are trying to enter the USA at this point. Many immigrants are fleeing the areas where there is a military action destroying their homeland. The USA hasn't been in a war declared by Congress since World War 2 and Hitler.

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'Compassion is the new radicalism' Dalai Lama

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So, what’s your argument with me, or are you just doing your best to be disagreeable? If so, please big someone that cares what you want.

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I agree with you and I have no argument, l seek to understand into where this administration elect is taking our Nation with the proposed deportation policy,.

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Thanks for the definition of kakistocracy you nailed it. When the family separation policy was enacted children were housed in an old Walmart by Brownsville and taxpayers spent millions babysitting them. We also paid to give them separate immigration trials because they were then individuals, costing more millions. A good example of collateral would be DeSantis Florida law criminaling giving aid to illegals .just giving water, a ride or any help to someone in need became a crime.

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I hope we're not considered "collateral".

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A little over 20 years ago a For Profit Corporate Prison tried to locate down the road from us. The community fought it off with some lawyers hired and speeches made at the State Capitol, letter writing, etc. A distant relative of mine was incarcerated in one for being in a bad place at a bad time, seems the Judge and police were very zealous in their war on drugs. We wondered if someone escaped from such a place, since it isn't a government facility, would it be like escaping from Wal-Mart, legally speaking? The employees in for profit prisons are not Federal Employees, 20 years ago anyway.

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So will Trump send deportees out to work like prisoners to pay for the program? Would anyone be surprised if he did?

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Once MAGA starts complaining about the cost of Trump’s deportation, don’t be surprised if h

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Resist OR Die

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