People are cheering: Never fear! The Dem party is here!
They can be counted on to save the day, of course. The party that has always defended the common good and the unionized majority--it is, after all, committed to continuing the New Deal.
Oh sure, every now and then the tiny minority of oppositional ultra ri…
People are cheering: Never fear! The Dem party is here!
They can be counted on to save the day, of course. The party that has always defended the common good and the unionized majority--it is, after all, committed to continuing the New Deal.
Oh sure, every now and then the tiny minority of oppositional ultra rich, elite bankers, and old school conservative economists tries to undo what the vast majority of us know is a system that is best for us. These reactionaries, as usual, don't want to pay their fare share of taxes. They resent they can't just buy elections and that the silly idea that corporations are people was overturned as both extremely harmful and legally indefensible.
On the plus side, they've given up trying to privatize National Health Care and to end free tuition at public universities and community colleges. Since nearly 90% of the citizenry support these successful programs, there is no point to fighting them. Of course the major reason these were well funded was that the peace dividend totally paid off.
Sigh. If only this were true in our world--and it so easily could have been.
People are cheering: Never fear! The Dem party is here!
They can be counted on to save the day, of course. The party that has always defended the common good and the unionized majority--it is, after all, committed to continuing the New Deal.
Oh sure, every now and then the tiny minority of oppositional ultra rich, elite bankers, and old school conservative economists tries to undo what the vast majority of us know is a system that is best for us. These reactionaries, as usual, don't want to pay their fare share of taxes. They resent they can't just buy elections and that the silly idea that corporations are people was overturned as both extremely harmful and legally indefensible.
On the plus side, they've given up trying to privatize National Health Care and to end free tuition at public universities and community colleges. Since nearly 90% of the citizenry support these successful programs, there is no point to fighting them. Of course the major reason these were well funded was that the peace dividend totally paid off.
Sigh. If only this were true in our world--and it so easily could have been.