Feb 22Liked by Jim Hightower

I am a recovering Catholic, and also a retired primary care MD. I provided care for all. I am proud of assisting women with OB care, assisting at deliveries, as well a full range of contraceptive and sexual health issues. My wife and I needed help with conception, and we received that assistance. Health care is a right that we must ensure! These GOP politicians do not support child care, support education for all, school lunches, or any assistance for those in need, except for the 'wealthy elite caste' tax breaks.

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Feb 22Liked by Jim Hightower

On the other hand, Alabama‘s Supreme Court ruling that frozen embryos for all things are children will certainly help the tax picture. I’m considering freezing 35 or 40 embryo in Alabama just for the dependency deductions

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This is another unconscionable action by politicians. Politicians, attorneys, and judges need to recuse themselves from this type of advice and interference in women's affairs.

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Great idea William 👍.😆

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I think I can make $457,000 a year and still qualify for food stamps. I’m still a little fuzzy on how to obtain the Social Security numbers.

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The Republican Idiots that run Texas have driven me from the fold! I cannot believe the cruelness of Greg Abbot, Dan Paxton and Ted Cruise towards women. Pick on the women if you cannot stand up to a man! I hope they are all voted out the next chance we get! I will certainly do my part. Women should have the right to: NOT BE PREGNANT! If men could have babies it would be in the "Bill of Rights".

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What if a male was held responsible for giving his seed to a fertile female and that adage "l wasn't the only one" was not an excuse but a condemnation as being a good father was obviously not his intention? DNA testing could then determine who was the perpetrator of criminal abuse.

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And what if every "wasted" seed that fell from a man was considered murder?

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Those three will make fine minions for neuvo-Hitler and his mini-me, De Santis.

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This is patriarchy at its worst. I have problems with the legality of this law. Wasn’t that settled with the civil war?

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Texas is way off the mark on this. Time to get in touch with the times.

But, Democrats welcome your actions, driving more ladies to the Dems fold.

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But it's Biden who is complicit in genocide!

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So tired of these anti abortionist, if men got pregnant abortion would be a sacrament

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How can a Government which is killing hundreds of women and children in Palestine come up with these asinine laws in their own country.

IF kids are so sacred to these Evangelical/misdirected people why are they not yelling genocide?

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Ms. Stokes, WE are not killing anybody in Palestine--Netanyahu is. Please don't continue to spread nonsense.

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Not YOUR bombs?

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Well, in the old days, if a stagecoach was carrying precious cargo, a man on the top next to the man holding the reins would be "riding shotgun." Maybe that's an old Texas custom that should be revived! Fight fire with fire, I say. If I lived in the renegade state of Texas, I'd go against everything I believe in and learn how to use a firearm.

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Thank you for your sanity, Mr. Hightower!

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How the hell is Paxton not behind bars? That pig bastard has been dodging jail for how long ? Abbott should be indicted for treason and interfering with federal officers in the line of duty! These criminals are passing judgment on freedom loving Americans! How dare they the hypocritical pigs?🐷🐷🐷🐖🐖🐖

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I started to respond to this ridiculous Texas nonsense but as I sit here I don't even know where to begin. In the end I think this is a problem to be resolved by the Texas Supreme Court and if they can't or won't hear the case or resolve the issue it need to go to the U.S. Supreme court.

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What could be scarier than referring this case to SCOTUS?! What if they actually decided it? I can't say I would look forward to their decision on this Texas lunacy.

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The SC allowed this nonsense!

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Actually The President allowed it by letting the Supreme Court rulings stand , even though they ahave been unconstitutional

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In my opinion, President Bidens failure to override the Supreme Court of the United States decisions to reverse Roe VS Wade and other Civil Liberties, by not reversing Citizens United of 2010 and wielding the power of his elected When the tsunami hit Fukushima Japan the economists said that the disaster will stimulate the Japanese economy, office over the Supreme Court sell outs, that'll the focus in truth. Wars always go for women and children first, the destruction mode, but there's a lot of money in it!

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Go from elected to office with Japan being the last sentence

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The US Supreme Court ruling that revoked Roe VS Wade and gave abortion rights issue back to each State to decide started the whole problem over again

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More than anyone else, thank Mitch McConnell.

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I also see the European Monarchies , the Corporate elite and self righteous Christian? Nationalists as right up there with Mitch

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Yes - evil thru and thru. But Mitch is responsible for 6 to 3.

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Boy, if men were the ones to get pregnant, these laws would change in a heart beat!! Hey you empty headed brainless politicians, like Tommy Tupperville?,, maybe we women ought to deny you men sex, like the Sabine women of yore, till you come to your senses. Or maybe when you reach the age of say, 13, you're forced to undergo a vasectomy. You want to rule our bodies, then tit for tat, we rule yours!!! Fair is fair!!

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I have suggested the vasectomy at age 13 to several people. Of course older males totally give it a thumbs down. Strangely, my 17 year old Great Nephew thought that it was a reasonable idea. And it is. Noninvasive and easily undone when they are ready to breed. Unlike what females have to go through with the hormones, etc., that actually Affect our bodies. Thanks 👍

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I totally agree and so does my cousin. She's the one who first voiced the vasectomy idea to me. I won't hold my breath.

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The brutal intrusion of this exterritoriality strategy into the most private lives of women is appalling, hunting them down like animals. Maybe women seeking care in other states should gather friends in a convoy, all claiming to be journeying for this purpose, masses of women headed for the state line. What would the vigilantes do? Have them all arrested? Examine them to see if they are pregnant or not? I'd like to see the women of Texas create bedlam.

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Is this not a clear, blatant and totally unconstitutional violation of the 1st amendment? The "logical premise" used to justify this state intrusion into the very bodies of the victims can only be "justified" by the sanctimonious invocation of "God's will". But which God? The Holy Bible whichever version shows little to no kindness to children. And certain Godly actions have been positively deadly to the little ones. If the "Thou shalt not kill" injunction is the basic premise then how can wars, deadly medical interventions (i.e. toxic medicines, vaccines, unchecked pollution, etc. be allowed?). And just what are the state's interests in the matter at all until such time as a social security card can be assigned and taxes can be imposed. Isn't it high time to put the "state" back in its place?

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One of the most basic laws of Nature is "Eat and be eaten" another is "Survival of the fittest to reproduce". These self righteous Bible thumpers have lost any connection with the reality of life on Earth.

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And what has happened to the wonderful separation of state and religion?!?

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The Fugitive Woman Act...first Unitarian Church of Dallas assists women with their choices. Some are flown to other states. Some make different choices. We are not fugitives. We continue to make healthy choices with our bodies.

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Jim, watching the news with all of the "controllers" out there makes me want to scream. Good thing I live in the country 😉. I truly enjoy and learn from You. A true voice of sanity is this increasingly insane country of ours. Thank You Sir and I truly hope that you live long and prosper so that we can hear/read real common sense. 🌺

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