The easiest ways to cut the deficit are anathema to the Republicans. Just repeal the Trump tax cuts and fully fund the IRS to bring the agency up-to-date & go after the wealthy's unpaid taxes. That would certainly go a long way to shrinking the deficits, without further punishing the poor for being poor & needing help. But that's too easy and the corporations would balk at having to pay a penny.

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Just a comment from an old country hick in rural N.C.---You always want to be smarter than the idiot you deal with but never let him know it!!! Let's see what happens to McScarthy and the rest of his Republican "cronnies"THE TRUMPANATORS ARE COMING----Just watch No way the Voters can be that dumb!!!

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I really, really hope you are right!

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I love good sarcasm!!!!!!!!!!

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It's always about 'winning' in the USA.

It should not be so.

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There seems to me to be one blue whale scale "elephant" in the halls of congress. Its' "nickname": Fedcoin. Our beloved Commander-in-Chief is an acolyte of Davos - signed, sealed and delivered to our beloved republic to insure digital enslavement to the true master of all that is moral and good - the central banks. The authorizing paperwork apparently was initiated by that other pillar of rectitude - Nancy Pelosi, Desperation disquised as beneficence by our great leaders it shows no regard for "We the People", liberty, freedom much less justice for all. We are being set up for one monstrous failure when our unified and "tidy" monetary system gets blown away by a well targeted cyber attack. The sure result: CHAOS of unthinkable proportions. Why aren't we calling out the main perpetrators? CBDC is not the answer but rather the death nell of people and country. Shame and a pox on the traitorous desciples of that horrific cabal out of Davos.

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