What a beautiful tribute! Yes, we lost a national treasure, and we may not see his like again. But to know that he lived and worked - using his talents for the common good - is a day brightener, and his legacy should be preserved. It belongs to all of us. Thanks, Jim!

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" . . public purpose . . ". This phrase caught my eye. This was the corralling impact of Donahue. Brought back memories when a positive purpose could be spread in the public domaine, giving strength to the good of community. How far away, how improbable that sweet contribution could exist today in America, which has become an arena of violence, distrust, hate. I weep deep at the loss.

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God love him . Life is the miracle on Earth and our planet can support life because we are so placed in the universe that we often have temperatures where water can be liquid. It's all about the water and Hydraulic Fracturing to harvest the natural gas is poisoning the water, The best way to wipe out a species is to destroy it's life supporting habitat, but corporations are not a living being and West Virginia American Water is based in Germany and their motto is "We keep life flowing" l think life is a gift from God not some corporation.

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God the all spirit and no thing

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Did he not lose his TV gig by refusing to give in to pressure to get on board and support the invasion of Iraq? If not that, then it was another principled position he refused to betray.

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I agree with your terms “peacock and pontificate”. That’s what Donahue did NOT do. That’s why we loved him.

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Phil also was flexible. When he taped a show in Michigan many years ago - I think it was about General Motors and/or the auto industry - it was scheduled to be an hour long. BUT, the audience was really "into it" and Phil decided to tape two hours. He divided the tape, then, and aired one hour each week. (It's been awhile, so I'm fuzzy on the details, so please give me some slack if I've made any egregious errors!)

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God rest his beautiful soul. I loved his humble authenticity!

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I once worked for a post house that was hired to archive every show. It was a great job!

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Phil was a free thinkinhg genius whoso made people think ! A gentle man with class!

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My mom brought my attention to Phil Donahue in those years, and I started watching when I could. She loved Phil, and spread the word to everyone in her orbit. My mom was a real progressive, and helped to form the values that have always stayed with me!

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Thanks for great tribute. I live in the Dayton area - so have followed Phil Donahue from the beginning. He was able to give the audience more than they had been getting on tv. Thank you!

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Short answer: Nope.

The MSM makes more $$$$ (MSNBC & FOX etc. click-baiting regular viewership) promoting headline grabbing visceral issues which mostly ignore or lie or gloss-over about underlying economic concerns of the majority of Americans....like listed here in this article.

If I remember correctly, MSNBC fired Donahue because he was about the only one on TV questioning the Cheney-Bush motives for the run up to the Iraq War; despite his high ratings. Well, he's gone now. So is Molly Ivins. Bill Moyers is about 90 & retired while Jim Hightower is still out there swinging the progressive bat. We're well past 2 generations who remember the economic screw job perpetrated by the Reagan GOP, aided & abetted by the DLC-Corporate Democrats, and continued to this day. Their adult aged children today mostly don't know our relatively recent political history, but they feel the aggregation of the pain and doubts for the future. Whether this gives us hope or despair from this election remains to be seen.

I sure wish Gov. Walz were president. But, then again, we all know why he would never get support by the DEM's establishment and certainly little to no positive press from the Neo-Liberal MSM.

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I tried to go to this sight: jimhightower.com/donahue, but it showed nothing available. Is there another way to get to see Donahue's presentation(s)?

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