It’s hard for me to accept that Texas, the state of Lyndon Johnson, Jim Hightower, Molly Ivins and Ann Richards has morphed into the state of Greg Abbott, Ted Cruz, Ken Paxton and Dan Patrick.

More and more, I’m embarrassed to say I hail from Texas.

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I groaned involuntarily at the succession you highlighted. How Texas has devolved, politically, into a pit of vipers...

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I would support an airport escort for Senator Cruz only if it involved escorting him off a plane and into the local slammer.

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We all know what kind of a sanctimonious fraud Ted Cruz is.....Now's the time to show him the door.

Vote him OUT!

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Yes!! And the sooner the better - like this year!!!

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Cruz does not want trans people to use their chosen names only allowing them to use names given on birth certificates. In this vein please stop allowing him to bypass his given name of Raphael. Never again refer to him as Ted!

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As one of the many Republican legislators who pushed the big lie about imaginary voter fraud, which stirred up anger and violence against poll workers, etc., I find it ridiculous that he is afraid to travel openly and meet constituents in public. Afraid to reap what he has sown?

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May 28·edited May 28

Loved: "Not while I'm alive he's not"

Meanwhile, do you know why it is that everyone who ever meets him takes an instant dislike to Ted Cruz?

Answer: It saves time.

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My placement of Senator Cruz is last in the line of group D passengers waiting to board the raft crossing the River into Hades.

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Tony, we prefer to think that he has a first-class, one-way ticket to Hades, where he will have a happy reunion with a lot of people whose names we all know!

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Cruz is like a bad joke, but a dangerous one. He gets nothing, nothing from me and I hope from all other voters and taxpayers.

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In order to rank the importance of Senator Ted Cruz's travel ease and security, I would have to regard him as qualifiing to be ranked on such a hypothetical list, which I am unable to do. I would, however, be happy to put him in a tie for First Place on a list of those qualifying to be the biggest threats to sanity and truth (makiang room at the top for Lee, Hawley, McConnell, et al).

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I would tell us congress members & anyone who would not normally fly in Air Force 1 oe 2, Get at the back of the line like everyone else-no special ecsorts And that inclued justices also

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The definitive statement on Ted Cruz was offered by a fellow Senator, Al Franken: "Here's the thing you have to understand about Ted Cruz, I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz."

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Lindsey graham said that if you murdered Ted cruz on the floor of the Senate and your trial was held in te Senate, no one would vote to convict you.

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Is there no end to the grifting of Congress persons, Supreme Court justices (an oxymoron if I've ever heard one), and former potus?

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While I am not embarrassed to say I am from Texas, because I really believe that there is a lot of our culture and tradition that is beautiful and worthy of admiration, I will admit that it is increasingly difficult to maintain my Texas pride when I travel I10 from Houston to San Antonio and see huge billboards touting Trump 2024 and when I see the swamp of right wing Christian nationalistic, homophobic, misogynistic, downright stupid ideation that our state legislature and executive have become. I have already donated to Allred Have you?

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Yes. Twice.

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He is lower than low. Vote him out. He is lying hypocrite.

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What is just as sad as Ted Cruz’s antics is that the public doesn’t see or care enough to put charlatans like him out of office before they do more damage to our country and democracy.

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I think he and his cohorts deserve security escorts in when they are sent to Prison out of the area where they are physically at the moment of the court ordered incarceration commencement!

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