This subject you mention in your commentary is gift in and of itself. We all do better when everyone does better.

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I love, and try to adhere, your father's philosophy. I'm certain I would liked him. And, while I don't know you personally, I like you, and am thankful for your commentary. I'm certain he was as proud of you as you, obviously, are of him. That is a gift everyone should aspire to, and have the fortune of being graced with.

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Jim, your Daddy must have heard about Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations", who wrote back in 1776: "Public services are never better performed than when their reward comes in consequence of their being performed, and is proportioned to the diligence employed in performing them." Maybe our politicians should study this. And maybe those text-hungry Supreme Court Justices should too. Your Daddy had the spirit of a true American. The kind of person who made America great. If we all pitch in, we can keep it that way. Making the world a better place for all of us -- and I mean everyone of us -- should be every person's resolution.

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And the good strong relief felt when everyone did better by doing better…. It was a wonderful feeling to know that putting back meant getting back too.

Being better than you even thought you could be. My Father practiced that. Nothing mediocre. Go for perfection…. not always achieved but always worth the journey.

It is a hollow destination to think money is the only reward. It doesn’t buy character or guarantee greatness. But purpose spread out to everyone in the form of “be the best you can be and then do one better “catches on like the sun rising in the east… hope and glory…

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Old fashioned conservatism often has blind spots like expecting conformity and accepting hierarchy. But it also values care for the community as a whole (the common good) as well as the individual's responsibility for helping neighbors. They're dissed by neocons who only respect power and control. Who believe those whom they dismiss as paleocons to be naive and hopelessly behind the times.

Similar among neolibs, a term meaning approval for the current econ system. Dem faithful don't want to see the D party elite has been neolib for decades. Look at the huge donations from amoral corporate "persons." So the Ds did for the unemployed, suffering Rust Belt workers same as they did to the Wall St. vultures who caused the '08 crash--nothing! Yet which group was bailed out with public money? Was anything done to prevent this from happening again? No! Why are these same econopaths allowed to lay off millions to finance stock buybacks benefitting only CEOs and banksters? The D party elite is silent. In effect, the common good isn't relevant here.

I've done fund raising in the days when the D party was anchored by its majority working class activists. People who gave their time and their small donations to candidates they knew cared. A living legacy of the New Deal, which was explicitly about the common good. Many, many small amounts of money do add up. The many volunteers made it possible to doorbell each precinct directly.

I've also done fund raising for cystic fibrosis. Middle class and lower income folks were much easier to get donations from than the wealthy. Probably because the rich are way more attached to their money as defining who they are. Those old fashioned conservatives and religious traditionalists would give what they could.

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We all need to hear this again and again. Your Dad's bit of wisdom should be posted in every classroom in the country, instead of the ten commandments, which the billionaires are breaking all the time!

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Simple, yet powerful philosophy, Mr. Hightower! Reminds me of my mother’s favorite kiddie song, “When We All Work Together….The Happier We’ ll Be”. The for the good of all art of giving has been laid aside for too long, hasn’t it?

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Here, Here. Those who are awake need to voice and act for our disadvantaged ( in any way) neighbors and community members. When most of us are 'doing well' then crime goes down and people feel safe and less anxious. A rising tide lifts all boats.

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thank you,

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Sounds like a Christmas miracle wish. However we outnumber those people/corporations/government coopted agencies. Elbow crease by caring individuals continues to make our country a great place to live.

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Well said🙏😊

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Such sage wisdom from your daddy and you! Thank you for reminding us that WE are the ones that hold this country together!

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or donate to a university to get their relative admitted.

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Such a beautiful thought (thoughts) Hope we all can have the best 2025 possible, under the circumstances! courage to al!

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Thank you for sharing your father's wisdom. Unfortunately, very few wealthy people care how the 'little people' live. Rising tides are meant to lift all yachts. Don't have a yacht? Too bad.

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