Protest votes are dumb. A vote is not a comment. In order for the swap notion to be effective requires trust in an unknown 3rd party in another state. Will the swap people ensure that Trump doesn't make a deal with Bibi to have no cease fire if Trump is not elected? No. Just vote for Harris and let the other chips fall later.

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Appears to me both candidates are doing their best to lose the election. First Harris send Obama to talk to black men, he has lost touch as he has aged. Bill Clinton was a real groaner in Michigan, unlikely he convinced any Arab Americans or me that Harris is willing to help Palestinians. One sentence would convince them, "I will stop supplying Israel with arms and money." Then we can sit down and resolve the issues, not escalating to deescalate. Give peace a chance. The amount of money spent on elections is the main issue, publicly fund elections and media companies are required to provide equal time to all candidates as a condition of using our airwaves. I think what would be different if Keith Ellison had been chosen to run DNC after Hillary's loss in 2016? What metrics does DNC use to evaluate their success, my guess is how much money was raised not how many candidates won? Democrats viscously fight progressives while supporting converted Republicans. Democrats need a populist messge versus we are not as bad as them. Watched "Fahrenheit 11/9" yesterday, Michael Moore offers free viewership until Election Day, embarrasing history. Current Democrat leadership sucks and we should fire them all. Tired of receiving emails from Schumer asking for donations to pass his no kings bill.

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Amen to all that. I am tired of voting against Trump, democrats think they can raise more money by running a leftwingnut who squeaks by. I had hopes for Biden but he is only worried about people smart enough to go to college and too stupid to pay their bills. He needs to grow a pair and stop the holocaust in Giza.

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Why am I not surprised at the summation of electoral events being performed this election cycle? Because they have been slowly metastasizing for at least the previous 234 years.

The current events have been nourished over the past 56 years by the corrupted GOP, whose only guidelines have been GREED – gimme money, money, money, without any restraint, at any cost or liability! That ‘greed’ has been nourished by a media with the same appetite, and also with little restraint or guidelines.

Are we underwhelmed by these issues? I can answer only for myself, even though there are many who might agree with my: “H E L L N O !”

It’s been a long time incubating, and the signs are everywhere, IF we pay attention and comprehend the long trail of events that reveal the slow, slow decline of this once vibrant healthy democracy, of, by & for “the people!”

Have these events been ‘enuf all reddy?’ “H E L L Y E S !”

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Learning the he words to 'The Bullhead Song" by Magpie and the first song on the Brown Bird "Salt for Salt" to perform at local Karaoke. Last night l performed Connie Dover "Lady Keiths Lament" shouting the WATER !!! One of the audience echoed.

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Will be working the polls on Tuesday. Not anticipating any trouble but thinking about possible courses of action should there be any. Phones at the ready.

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What a waste of time and energy. Just vote.

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I am focusing on Glenn Elliot for US Senate, even Republicans do not like Jim Justice, and Senator Manchin I-WV is not seeking re-election.

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What kind of support is Elliot receiving from DNC? Justice was featured in "Fahrenheit 11/9," he wanted teachers to ear Fitbit as a health monitor, the score would determine their health care copay. Teachers went on strike and won, that strike led to teacher strikes in other states.

The race that I feel could change things in the Senate is Dan Osborne versus Republican Fischer in Nebraska. He is running as independent declining help from Democrats.

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Here in Southern WV we have our local Democratic Party helping with his campaign as he visits each WV County, holding free pizza lunches, being present at festivals, making speeches, interviews and knocking on doors. WV Governor Justice isn't bothering to campaign and has saved his Greenbrier Hotel by borrowing money from foreign governments

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I voted early and was dismayed by how many seats had Republicans running unopposed

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Vote, even if you heard that your opponent already won - they need to see all votes.

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