Most of the loud "Christians" are about as Christ-like as Stalin. And hypocrites were about His least favorite people. He never said a lot about ordinary human vices- drinking and cussing as such. He did say"don't commit adultery". But hypocrites were number 1 on His shit list. And greedheads seem to be right behind them.
Most of the loud "Christians" are about as Christ-like as Stalin. And hypocrites were about His least favorite people. He never said a lot about ordinary human vices- drinking and cussing as such. He did say"don't commit adultery". But hypocrites were number 1 on His shit list. And greedheads seem to be right behind them.
Most of the loud "Christians" are about as Christ-like as Stalin. And hypocrites were about His least favorite people. He never said a lot about ordinary human vices- drinking and cussing as such. He did say"don't commit adultery". But hypocrites were number 1 on His shit list. And greedheads seem to be right behind them.