I would have hoped that one of Biden's first tasks would have been to run him off. At least to appoint an intelligent person with no political agenda. What happened?

Don Frazier

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Someone mentioned, in a previous comment, that the president can't fire the postmaster. It seems odd that the president can appoint the postmaster but can't fire him.

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I believe the President can only appoint a postmaster if the space is vacated while said president is in office.

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Biden tried to smoke him first thing. He refuses to leave. Just like Dump

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It's more like what didn't happen and why isn't this administration standing up to SCOTUS?

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How, in our system, does one "stand up to" the United States Supreme Court? It is set up for each of the three branches to be independent of the others.


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That seems to be a glitch in the system which needs to be worked on, yes?

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Trump has shown is how to address the issue. DeJoy just needs a kiss from a flag staff issued by a proud boy - hopefully it doesn't kill him.

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Biden vetoed the Mountain Valley Pipeline once but Manchin pushed it through with the help of the Supreme Court Judge Roberts. And what a deadly tragic mess MVP is. Ban Fracking Now! Turn MVp into remote mountain estates utility trunkline. MVP has the best roads in Summers County!

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The president cannot appoint the PMG, but he can put pressure on the board that approves his choice. (Similar to the situation with Supreme Court justices.) And he can't fire the guy because the Postal Service is separate and independent from the federal government. He can replace the 2 retiring board members with people who care about the nation. Then, it's a matter of waiting for due process to happen (and hoping for the best). Please, people, stop blaming Biden for everything that goes wrong. Give him some credit for what he DID accomplish in just over 3 years. And remember, no president can just wave a magic wand to make things happen, especially with a GOP House that tries to block him at every turn. Go Joe!

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We have enough dems in the committee to fire him. I thought they would eliminate him 2 years ago. Gutless as usual

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Retired Postal here, ditch this asshat before he turns USPS into an extention of XPO Logistics

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Several months ago an alleged Democrat was appointed to the USPS board, which theoretically gave that board sufficient votes to fire the Trump appointed Louis Dejoy. However that did not happen, as once again our Democrats in name only did what they always do -- go with the money. It's no secret that Dejoy's appointment to head USPS had one and only one purpose: to drive the post office into total financial disrepair, thereby giving impetus to the scheme to sell the post office to Dejoy's former business associates. The post office was established to fulfill a provision in our original constitution, but what does the U S Constitution matter to the political Visigoths and Huns of today.

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Last summer, (shame I didnt take a video) I sat in front of our local small town post office at lunch time. On the lunch break, the post offce main clerk was out on the sidewalk manually pulling grass, etc. out from the cracks in the sidewalk. On her lunch break. These are the people that these pirates want to put on the street. Not to mention that the post office has been a stellar institution that gives prefarence to our war Vetarans for employment. Of course , these same awful politions, one in particular, just consider veterans as suickers anyway.

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Yay for the workers!

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Seems appropriate to post the following words that are carved on the Post Office building on Capitol Hill:

Messenger of Sympathy and Love

Servant of Parted Friends

Consoler of the Lonely

Bond of the Scattered Family

Enlarger of the Common Life

Carrier of News and Knowledge

Instrument of Trade and Industry

Promoter of Mutual Acquaintance

Of Peace and of Goodwill Among Men and Nations.

The original of this inscription was called "The Letter" and was written by Dr. Charles W. Eliot, former

president of Harvard University. President Woodrow Wilson changed the text slightly before the

inscription was carved in the white granite of the Post Office.

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Fire 'im !!! Light 'im up like a rocket and GET RID of HIM !!!

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Does anyone know the effective way to lobby for DeJoy's removal? Is it to bombard the Post

Office Board of Directors? I remain puzzled as to an effective lobbying effort--the impetus is

certainly there for his removal, but how to do it is the question. A unified approach is necessary. Thanks.

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Ingrid, the link that appears at the end of Jim's text offers some suggestions. It's TakeOnWallStreet. It is a start, anyway. Complaining and name-calling are not all that helpful.

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P.S. to this comment: We were not referring to you with that last sentence. Your comment is rational and intelligent. It seems that complaining and name-calling are the national sport now. To quote the Orange Blob: "SAD!"

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My trouble is I never get anything in the mail worth opening except my ballot. We need to evaluate what the post office really needs to deliver, to whom and how that can be delivered most efficiently. I believe Congress passed a bill saying the post office has to support its self and that isnt possible the way it works now. I think we need to go back to a government supported entity.

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They give you the option to opt out of much of the junk that you receive, adds, etc.

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I was told by a postmisstress that the only way they finance the post office is the junk mail but my point was we cant keep paying my post person $30 an hour to deliver 2 pieces of actual mail each per year to the 1600 people in my community. I desperately want the post office to survive! But we need to create more things to do or be willing to think of it as a charitable organisation. Rather than a money making business model.

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DeJoy's goal when he was appointed was to destroy the PO as we know it--largely because DJT believed that mail-in ballots in swing states cost him the election. Georgia is at the epicenter of horrible service, so much so that our senator Jon Ossoff held hearings on the sad state of said service. Biden can't get rid of him on his own but I'm hopeful that when he is re-elected take steps to reshape the committee that employs DeJoy. Write your senators and representatives and complain loudly. They are up for re-election in the future and will listen.

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Edith, your fellow Georgians here. Totally agree. And let' s hear it for our two great Democratic senators!!

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As an elderly Brit I spent my childhood saving birthday and Christmas money in my Post Office Savings account, as did most of my friends. Sub Post Offices were generally within walking distance of home and we usually knew the people who staffed them. But since the Post Office decided to go with computer accounts they have ruined many hard working, honest people - even driven some of them to suicide by accusing them of stealing vast amounts of money. Do watch "Mr. Bates and the Post Office" on Public TV which will tell you the whole hideous story.

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Gone Postal?

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The only way is for postal workers to go to www.

wsws.org/iwa-rfc and join one of the postal workers'rank-and-file committees which workindependently of mgmt and the sellout unions to devise a strategy to fight back. Only the working class can successfully win this.

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I rent a small size P O Box at my local PO branch. The annual rent fee has just jumpted up to $200.

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Was it about $65 the year before?

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I seem to recall about $85 , up from 65 the previous year. Not positive about that.

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As novelist Tom Robins observed, heaven and hell are right here on earth. I say we mail Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s sorry ass straight to hell—Special Delivery! He's earned the extra postage.

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Its called the gutting of America.

Its been going on for 40 years and finally coming to fruition. " So how does it feel".

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I am remaining hopeful that Fracked natural gas is never transported through the Mountain Valley Pipeline, as long as we're alive we have everything to protect. Of course the most effective way to wipe out a species is to destroy it's life supporting habitat.

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It feels really bad, Andy. I was remembering the other day that the mailman used to bring the mail right to our door! That was 60 years ago, before I left home. Now I have no choice but to walk two blocks to get my mail, and I can’t help but think how wonderful it would be to once again have the luxury of home delivery!

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WHY is be still there??? Gutless Dems need to fire him

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