Our updated Golden Rule: They who have the gold, rule.

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Promote 50:1 - a law to limit the highest-paid person in any organization to a maximum salary (or income from any source) to 50 times the salary of the lowest-paid worker in that organization.

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Let's go back to the 70s when it was 30 to 1

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I almost like that idea. But we also need to make the corporations pay.

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Maybe an upside in this thievery is that people will drink less of this diabetes-causing brown fluid. Even the no-cal sweetened type stimulates the craving for more sweets and so contributes to obesity, diabetes and all the other attendant ills. We might ask why the soda pop industry doesn't have to pay a heavy levy to the health care industry (which has its own forms of thievery - a different story...). ALSO, if less plastic from fewer sodas manufactured is in the waste/pollution stream, so much the better. It remains to be seen whether these potential upsides will come to pass. Hopefully yours....

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Let Coke Croak! It’s bad in more ways than one.

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To allow the theft of corporations by diminishing content for same price, tells me that #45 has undermined the very fabric of our American psyches to know the difference between right and wrong. And l'm sad to say is echoed by an increasing number of religious zealots with personal feelings that have NOTHING to do with scripture except how "they" mangle it. NONseparation of church and state also allows noncontents and the billionaires to lead dastardly lives with impunity and arrogance.

Fyi: you personally: Hamas invaded Israel who is the size of your thumb nail. That they have a bad

Leader should be your focus...not the Jews. North Korean leader incurs hatred but we understand the people in Korea are not to be hated. Why do we blame the horribleness on the Jews and not the Koreans or the Iranians or the the other cultures? Leaders are not always reflective of their people . Maybe some l'm afraid

cannot admit the Christian Bible is 3/4's Old Testament. And on that note, l believe America the Beautiful is a better song to represent the U.S.

It was the first chosen, but it was written by a Jewish person, Irvin Berlin, so it was eliminated for the more militant , "oh say can see....". Which is combative. America is a beautiful country in search of peace, harmony and accepted cultures of all kinds...l hope. I respect you and honor you which is why l write cmann

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About America's Song: I'm with you 100%. The SPB is a bitch to sing, I never could hit the high notes when we had to sing it out loud while standing in line after recess at grade school. And to hear Ray Charles' version of "from sea to shining sea" is truly music to my ears! We DO live in an absolutely beautiful country, folks!

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I think that we should change our national anthem to America The Beautiful

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Right back to you, C Mann, and thank you. We agree with you and Catherine that America the Beautiful is the better choice to represent who we are. In the end, our better angels (or whatever you choose to call the good in us) will carry the day. Hope springs eternal - those are not empty words. Have a great weekend, y'all!

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Water For Life! Ban Fracking NOW!

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All I have to say is that’s Capitalism at its finest. It’s a trickle up method of keeping the right people happy.

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I. Think that it has morphed in to corporate socialism

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My uncle said the left wants free stuff. I say the right thinks free stuff is only for billionaire donors. That isn't socialism it's bribery kickbacks and payoffs .

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Our government now, through bribery, payoffs and kickbacks is operating of the corporation, by the corporation and for the corporation, thanks to the Supreme Court passing Citizens United in 2010. Governments create money and gain power by putting a price on the priceless (our natural resources and life supporting habitat). Life is just in the way of the Corporate Empires insatiable greed for more power. More money should not be the desired end result, money should be a tool. It only lends power because people believe in it.

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Citizens united has to go. Water is becoming scarce in many places I imagine there will be a lot of price gouging when places dry up we are likely to see water become a commodity in the future and some corporate head will find a way to shrink the size of a gallon

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Yes! Yes! Ban Fracking NOW ! Water For Life! Don't Dump On Me!

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It seems to me to be beyond outrageous the huge salaries and benefits etc. that so many coporate CEOs get paid. I do not think anyone is worth that kind of money and power. They have not cured cancer. They certainly have not ended wars and other violence. I mean, what have they done but make themselves and a small percentage of the population super rich. The age old story of a few greedy people take advantage of the majority of all the other people. Give them any name of King/Queen/Emperor/President/CEO. Comes down to dictatorship using the majority of people to fulfill the obsession of the few for riches and power.

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I hadn't heard of PPA until now. Thanks!

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Hey that has been going on for a few years now cereals, crackers, even some canned goods. Just made small enough to put an ounce or two less but change the packaging so minimally, stating in small letters, the accurate number ozs. inside but package looks almost the same. Or make a well known English muffins a bit thinner, then reduce after a bit, the diameter of the individual product.

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This not a business, it's a set of corporate management procedures that involves lying, deception, doublespeak, bribery of elected officials and regulators to allow this thievery, poisoning people, animals and the environment, ruining the honest, factual dialogue that democracy so depends on to make decisions and judgements that are beneficial to regular people. It's like putting sugar in the gas tank, ruining the running of the engine. Like putting lies into the scientific research process, so that our scientists and all the rest of us can't tell what's true and real; this has been happening with antidepressants for decades, with the FDA suppressing studies that have no result or negative results for studies of antidepressants, giving a false impression to the public, as well as to prescribing doctors. Billions of dollars in profits to Big Pharma for a drug that does nothing more than suggestion. Only a freedom of information lawsuit got these negative or null studies (hundreds of them) published, so we could, in legitimate science, put all the published studies together to see what the overall result was, is. The true result was no effect more than suggestion or belief. This is the world of Giant Corporations. Why do we put up with this?

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By the late '80s-early '90s, it was obvious labor wasn't going to be helped by the D party. So I set aside my beloved New Deal allegiance and union activism to go to business school. Either a 'know your enemy' or if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I did two years before deciding I'd rather be dead. And no way could I utter one of those BizSpeak phrases without breaking into hysterical laughter.

BTW, a very important part of a CEO's job other than the ones already listed is to join with the 1/10th of 1% elite in their brave effort to make the entire world safe for plutocracy.

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Consider this a public service announcement:Tesla's corporate board just voted to offer Elon Musk $45 billion (you read that right).If that is not obscene than what is?

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I only recently noticed that the little bag of de-caf coffee that used to be 12oz, is now 10oz! And this size reduction is apparent, when I see the amount of crackers less than usual in the non-transparent box! Even the size of packaged bread slices can be seen to be smaller! "Shrinkflation" is RAMPANT!

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The main value to producers is not reducing content, since the cost of ingredients is tiny, it's that consumers will have to buy more frequently to obtain the amount they want to use.

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I'm so glad you've spoken out about the amount change with the same price!

I've noticed it on more than Coke Cola - less for more!! GREED HAS NO LIMIT!!

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When the excessive greed of the French aristocracy finally became too onerous, the French people loaded those powdered and perfumed parasites into tumbrils and hauled them away to the nearest guillotine. It is said that those who fail to heed the lessons of history or cursed to repeat it. But James Quincey and others of that ilk don't read history. They're too busy reading Mein Kampf..

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Don't forget to burn the witch at the stake

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America recently had an aristocrat found guilty after a lengthy witch hunt. Like the French aristocrats taken to the guillotine this witch needs to be burned at the stake lest history repeat itself

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Me? Burn a witch? Whatever gave you that idea? I see eye to eye with civilized observers of the human tragedy, like Christopher Fry, and say quite emphatically: The Lady Is NOT For Burning.

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I agree that this is not witch burning and, besides, so-called witches were mostly midwives who competed directly with the church for medical business, cures, using much more effective herbs, salves based on local knowledge. The book, Maleus Maleficorum, the witches hammer, was written by two priests and followed for some centuries to kill witches. Not very scientific, but based on what people had then for beliefs.

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Thanks for your comment. I was unaware of the Maleus Maleficorum. Also thanks for calling me back to this thread where I saw Paul thomas' addendum to his reference to witches. I'm embarrassed to see how obtuse I was, not recognizing the "witch" as one Donald John Trump. With the orange-utan claiming for for years to be the victim of a witch hunt, I should seen what Paul was alluding to. I didn't. Put it down to old age

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