A farmer friend of mine once bemoaned the fact that the Democrat we’d both supported for president, Bill Clinton, was hugging up Wall Street and stiffing family farmers.
Agree, but we need to keep pressuring Biden and other Democrats to bring these ideals to fruition. I know it's tempting to not vote for Biden; he's not a perfect candiate by any means; but to either not vote at all, or vote a 3rd party candidate instead would be a huge mistake. My great fear is that if too many voters take that route, then Trump will win. If that happens, there will be no path forward to a more equitable society. Read Trump's plans for his second term in Time Magazine and read the Project 25''s mandate. They lay out a blueprint for the future that is terrifying!
40 years of voting for a party that not only takes us working people for granted but acts repeatedly against our interests is enough to see the pattern. The D elite represents the slow way to the same goal: oligarchy.
If they're so different, why the same plutocrat and corporate donors as the Rs? Why the same neolib economics--defense of a system that considers the destruction of human and natural resources to be externalities (meaning not counted)? Why do neocons--hawks and fans of empire trained by VP Chaney and PNAC--run the Biden State Dept.?
If we keep tolerating the D elitists they will never have any reason to change.
PS--technically, they are different. The D elite follows the conservative Austrian econ school. They want government, but only to ensure stability, like trade agreements and very limited social services, which help protect corporate interests. The Rs are Chicago econ school; libertarian conservatives where except for national defense, all govt. is bad, so get rid of Social Security, libraries, medical services, etc.
I actually like and respect President Biden. He and his Administration have gotten us out of a great deal of muck that dumb nuts got us into. No problem voting Biden/Harris.
If you want something positive, keep your eyes on the Biden Department of the Interior and its Bureau of Land Management. The little known BLM is quietly responding to grass roots lobbying led by the National Parks Conservation Association and hundreds of thousands of supporters, in urging better management of our national lands, especially those in Alaska. We can thank our native American tribes for leading the way, in many of our critical environmental protection efforts.
I think of myself as a Social-Democrat. As a former flight attendant (Eastern Airlines) retired before I was ready. However, I figured out the system and it has worked for me if pilots can benefit from Sec.8 so can flight attendants. I try to keep up with Union activities through Union Retirees and political issues (glued to MSNBC, Lowdown, and Raw Story especially important during presidential election cycles. Although a lesson from high school civics pay close attention to the politics in your backyard.
--Also may I note that the Finnish-American immigrants who worked mostly in the mines and forests of Northern Minnesota the Upper peninsula of Michigan were the primary sources in creating the 8 hour workday. If you don't own the company you need a Union. A vote for Biden is a must this election cycle. Let us think third party progressives after this election and vote for one in four years.
What about the League of Conservation Voters uniting with the League of Women Voters and pulling all of the feminist and conservationists, all of the Save Our ...Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, Wilderness Society, Audubon, Greenpeace ...members together to support our rights to protect our homeland from the imperial Corporate Culture and it's paperwork purgatory. Greed is one of the 7 Deadly sins (excesses l like to say) and the corporate economic system feeds the unbridled greed of the money worshippers. Life is in it's way
I'm thinking that the Clinton Strategy set us back. The "average" in congress has shifted to the right and honestly, too many Dems have been accommodating. I like the influence of the squad and social democrats - need more.
Clinton & even Obama sold us down the river!! Obama could have done SO much more for economic & social justice in his 2nd term, but didn’t & showed us he was NO BERNIE, as he pretended to be!!
I am somewhat small-L libertarian by nature; i don't want leftists telling me what to do anymore than I want rightwingers telling me what to do. But the Squad at least talks about some of the issues the corporate dems ignore.
The retired Labor Historian Steve Babson recently published a book repudiating the media for calling Trump a populist... and going on to tell the rich but brief history of the Populist Movement.
Titled Forgotten Populists, Subtitled: When Farmers Turned Left to Save Democracy
Both major parties are crippled by the success of their inertia-- repeating what has proven effective in the past-- and the inertia of their success-- justifiying the repetition because ihistorically it's been effective. The GOP, acting on the twin strategies outlined in Kevin Phillip's advocacy of a Southern Strategy and Lewis Powell's famous memorandum, focused on getting hundreds of millions of dollars and co-ordinating the efforts of overly-wealthy cranks (Sheldon Adelson, Charles Koch, etc.) to achieve dominance by winning rather than governing. Beginning with its Democratic Leadership Council, the Democrats started copying the GOP tactic for tactic (e.g., adopting the RCCC's "pay to play" fund-raising extortion in the House.
As it takes $8 billion to create a sufficiently hefty political party in the US, there is no effecitve opposition. These two are bringing the country down. The only recourse is to join them and overthrow the cultist (GOP) or ossiifying (Dem) leadership and consultancies.
Losing when we win is pretty much a given in the "vote for the lesser of two evils" system. If the greater evil wins, we definitely lose and if the lesser evil wins, they then move away from those who voted for them to the platform of the greater evil, in order to expand their base!!!
I've had enough of this. There are progressive Democrats that I do support, but even though I voted for Biden in 2020, his actions in supporting genocide and in very inadequately supporting the climate, make it highly unlikely that I will vote for him again.
The young people are right on the Gaza ceasefire and justice and on saving the climate. I keep getting emails from the Biden campaign asking me to contribute so he can finish the job, and I always wonder which job he wants to finish: genocide or the destruction of the planet.
The duopoly continues to crush and scapegoat third parties; the actions and lack of actions by the leadership of the Democratic Party and Biden suffering from "iron clad" brain rigidity appear to be helping Trump. As a California resident, I have the luxury of voting my conscious, voting for the Green Party candidate because the party does not take any form of corporate money, has a bottom up grass roots structure, supports voting processes to achieve majority rule instead of minority rule, supports people, planet and peace. CA passed a "top two" initiative and as more Latino/Latina residents shift their support to conservatives, I may lose the luxury of voting Green.
What the Democratic Party did to Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders, and Keith Ellison is unforgivable.
They are wholly owned by the Military-Industrial-Surveillance-Corporate Complex, Wall Street, and AIPAC. Obama's and Biden's betrayals are the last straw.
I'm voting for Jill Stein, and here's good reason:
Breaking Points —
Krystal and Saagar are joined by Jill Stein to discuss her 2024 presidential campaign.
The d party apparatchiks installed Clinton as their candidate- either they are afraid of her, or they figured the corporate mass media would give her decent coverage and beat up on Sanders. But the last I heard Keith Ellison was still the Leftist-authoritarian AG of MN. Which was a damn nice place before the Leftist-authoritarians took over. the dogmatic Left is almost as much a pain in the butt as the dogmatic Right.
Mardi-- That bumper sticker, which I also have, is provided by the American Farmland Trust. Google 'em-- I'll bet they'll be delighted to send you one or two.
I also hate losing when we win. Autocracy is not a commodity which is solely peddled by the GOP. The Party of FDR, Harry S Truman, and JFK has since been hijacked by Plutocrats who secretly have the same self-serving ambitions as do the GOP Plutocrats. In the meantime, We, The People are the ones taking the hit, no matter who wins the public service elected offices. If the Party of LBJ's successors were on the up-and-up, why did Alexander Vindman not have his Government livelihood restored? Why did former CIA Director John Brennan not have his security clearances publicly restored? Why is the USPS still hopelessly broken? Why was the entire Free World not united against Vladimir Putin by American leadership BEFORE the first Russian boot set foot in the sovereign country of Ukraine? None of the aforementioned are important enough for the dinosaurs in the current ruling party to worry about. THAT is why we need the leadership of the falsely maligned and politically oppressed Kamala Harris.
Agree, but we need to keep pressuring Biden and other Democrats to bring these ideals to fruition. I know it's tempting to not vote for Biden; he's not a perfect candiate by any means; but to either not vote at all, or vote a 3rd party candidate instead would be a huge mistake. My great fear is that if too many voters take that route, then Trump will win. If that happens, there will be no path forward to a more equitable society. Read Trump's plans for his second term in Time Magazine and read the Project 25''s mandate. They lay out a blueprint for the future that is terrifying!
40 years of voting for a party that not only takes us working people for granted but acts repeatedly against our interests is enough to see the pattern. The D elite represents the slow way to the same goal: oligarchy.
If they're so different, why the same plutocrat and corporate donors as the Rs? Why the same neolib economics--defense of a system that considers the destruction of human and natural resources to be externalities (meaning not counted)? Why do neocons--hawks and fans of empire trained by VP Chaney and PNAC--run the Biden State Dept.?
If we keep tolerating the D elitists they will never have any reason to change.
PS--technically, they are different. The D elite follows the conservative Austrian econ school. They want government, but only to ensure stability, like trade agreements and very limited social services, which help protect corporate interests. The Rs are Chicago econ school; libertarian conservatives where except for national defense, all govt. is bad, so get rid of Social Security, libraries, medical services, etc.
Exactly! You have done your homework.
I actually like and respect President Biden. He and his Administration have gotten us out of a great deal of muck that dumb nuts got us into. No problem voting Biden/Harris.
If you want something positive, keep your eyes on the Biden Department of the Interior and its Bureau of Land Management. The little known BLM is quietly responding to grass roots lobbying led by the National Parks Conservation Association and hundreds of thousands of supporters, in urging better management of our national lands, especially those in Alaska. We can thank our native American tribes for leading the way, in many of our critical environmental protection efforts.
I think of myself as a Social-Democrat. As a former flight attendant (Eastern Airlines) retired before I was ready. However, I figured out the system and it has worked for me if pilots can benefit from Sec.8 so can flight attendants. I try to keep up with Union activities through Union Retirees and political issues (glued to MSNBC, Lowdown, and Raw Story especially important during presidential election cycles. Although a lesson from high school civics pay close attention to the politics in your backyard.
--Also may I note that the Finnish-American immigrants who worked mostly in the mines and forests of Northern Minnesota the Upper peninsula of Michigan were the primary sources in creating the 8 hour workday. If you don't own the company you need a Union. A vote for Biden is a must this election cycle. Let us think third party progressives after this election and vote for one in four years.
What about the League of Conservation Voters uniting with the League of Women Voters and pulling all of the feminist and conservationists, all of the Save Our ...Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, Wilderness Society, Audubon, Greenpeace ...members together to support our rights to protect our homeland from the imperial Corporate Culture and it's paperwork purgatory. Greed is one of the 7 Deadly sins (excesses l like to say) and the corporate economic system feeds the unbridled greed of the money worshippers. Life is in it's way
I'm thinking that the Clinton Strategy set us back. The "average" in congress has shifted to the right and honestly, too many Dems have been accommodating. I like the influence of the squad and social democrats - need more.
Clinton & even Obama sold us down the river!! Obama could have done SO much more for economic & social justice in his 2nd term, but didn’t & showed us he was NO BERNIE, as he pretended to be!!
I am somewhat small-L libertarian by nature; i don't want leftists telling me what to do anymore than I want rightwingers telling me what to do. But the Squad at least talks about some of the issues the corporate dems ignore.
The retired Labor Historian Steve Babson recently published a book repudiating the media for calling Trump a populist... and going on to tell the rich but brief history of the Populist Movement.
Titled Forgotten Populists, Subtitled: When Farmers Turned Left to Save Democracy
Myabe we needed Jerry Brown after all instead of Clinton. Hindsight is better than foresight.
Both major parties are crippled by the success of their inertia-- repeating what has proven effective in the past-- and the inertia of their success-- justifiying the repetition because ihistorically it's been effective. The GOP, acting on the twin strategies outlined in Kevin Phillip's advocacy of a Southern Strategy and Lewis Powell's famous memorandum, focused on getting hundreds of millions of dollars and co-ordinating the efforts of overly-wealthy cranks (Sheldon Adelson, Charles Koch, etc.) to achieve dominance by winning rather than governing. Beginning with its Democratic Leadership Council, the Democrats started copying the GOP tactic for tactic (e.g., adopting the RCCC's "pay to play" fund-raising extortion in the House.
As it takes $8 billion to create a sufficiently hefty political party in the US, there is no effecitve opposition. These two are bringing the country down. The only recourse is to join them and overthrow the cultist (GOP) or ossiifying (Dem) leadership and consultancies.
Losing when we win is pretty much a given in the "vote for the lesser of two evils" system. If the greater evil wins, we definitely lose and if the lesser evil wins, they then move away from those who voted for them to the platform of the greater evil, in order to expand their base!!!
I've had enough of this. There are progressive Democrats that I do support, but even though I voted for Biden in 2020, his actions in supporting genocide and in very inadequately supporting the climate, make it highly unlikely that I will vote for him again.
The young people are right on the Gaza ceasefire and justice and on saving the climate. I keep getting emails from the Biden campaign asking me to contribute so he can finish the job, and I always wonder which job he wants to finish: genocide or the destruction of the planet.
We all need to join the "good " fight even if we are underdogs.You can't succeed if you don't try.
The duopoly continues to crush and scapegoat third parties; the actions and lack of actions by the leadership of the Democratic Party and Biden suffering from "iron clad" brain rigidity appear to be helping Trump. As a California resident, I have the luxury of voting my conscious, voting for the Green Party candidate because the party does not take any form of corporate money, has a bottom up grass roots structure, supports voting processes to achieve majority rule instead of minority rule, supports people, planet and peace. CA passed a "top two" initiative and as more Latino/Latina residents shift their support to conservatives, I may lose the luxury of voting Green.
This is a ray of sunshine in a dark time.
Instead of a Party, we have a Partly.
What the Democratic Party did to Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders, and Keith Ellison is unforgivable.
They are wholly owned by the Military-Industrial-Surveillance-Corporate Complex, Wall Street, and AIPAC. Obama's and Biden's betrayals are the last straw.
I'm voting for Jill Stein, and here's good reason:
Breaking Points —
Krystal and Saagar are joined by Jill Stein to discuss her 2024 presidential campaign.
NOT JILL STEIN‼️ She’s a corporate sell-out‼️
The d party apparatchiks installed Clinton as their candidate- either they are afraid of her, or they figured the corporate mass media would give her decent coverage and beat up on Sanders. But the last I heard Keith Ellison was still the Leftist-authoritarian AG of MN. Which was a damn nice place before the Leftist-authoritarians took over. the dogmatic Left is almost as much a pain in the butt as the dogmatic Right.
My bumper sticker wore out: "NO FARMS NO FOOD" where can I get another one? Or something better???
Mardi-- That bumper sticker, which I also have, is provided by the American Farmland Trust. Google 'em-- I'll bet they'll be delighted to send you one or two.
I also hate losing when we win. Autocracy is not a commodity which is solely peddled by the GOP. The Party of FDR, Harry S Truman, and JFK has since been hijacked by Plutocrats who secretly have the same self-serving ambitions as do the GOP Plutocrats. In the meantime, We, The People are the ones taking the hit, no matter who wins the public service elected offices. If the Party of LBJ's successors were on the up-and-up, why did Alexander Vindman not have his Government livelihood restored? Why did former CIA Director John Brennan not have his security clearances publicly restored? Why is the USPS still hopelessly broken? Why was the entire Free World not united against Vladimir Putin by American leadership BEFORE the first Russian boot set foot in the sovereign country of Ukraine? None of the aforementioned are important enough for the dinosaurs in the current ruling party to worry about. THAT is why we need the leadership of the falsely maligned and politically oppressed Kamala Harris.