This is so spot-on. Democrats will not get a chance like this again if they do not act NOW. People are talking, and they should be listening! We have told our representatives over and over: don't ask us for money, show us what you are doing with it. All together now: stop playing nice and start playing hardball!

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YES...take a lesson from Bernie Sanders who is out there laying it all on the line, and get with it, the rest of the Democrats in Congress! RIGHT NOW!

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Chuck Schumer should threaten Trump by telling Trump that he’s "going to hold his breath until he turns blue and DIES, and then Trump will be sorry!"

And then Democrats in the House and Senate should curl up on the floor in fetal position and beg their white Republican leaders not to beat them anymore, and they’ll PROMISE to be good!

Because honestly, with the exception of a very few Democratic Representatives and Senators who have shown that they have some actual, functioning BALLS -- that’s pretty much what Democrats have offered in terms of resistance to Trump and MAGA.

I’m donating to specific candidates now. I’ve told the DNC, the DSCC, and the DCCC that they’re not getting so much as a single DIME from me until they start representing the people of the United States and OUR interests, and stop whoring themselves out to large corporations.

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They haven't for decades. The goal of the party elite was re-election; holding power. The common good was of no concern because their focus was on helping to make this country and the world safe for their main sponsors, the multinational corporations and 1%ers.

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I am doing the same...if the guy or gal is making a lot of good points and or is running for election, I'm donating what I can and sharing on FBook.

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We, three!

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Me, too! ❤️

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Ironically, many of the staunchest members of the opposition are women, like Maxine Waters, so I liked your comment but need to point out that male anatomy isn't actually a prerequisite.

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"Balls" was a metaphor.

AOC and Maxine Waters don't just have balls, they have COJONES. (I'm from Texas, and that is a MAJOR compliment!)

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There are neither balls nor cojones among any of the GOP "leaders." Too sad.

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They need to get off their Corporate, Billionaire sucking Asses and do the dirty work and get out on the streets with us like Bernie. We need a Revolutionary Push Back on the ground. This is War!

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I absolutely agree. It's time.for them to get the hell out of Dodge and get down and dirty out here with the rest of us. The time for symbolic ho-hum protest is over. This is a real war! Stop hiding behind your desks and get out where it's actually being fought for God sakes!

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When 10 Democrats agree to censure Al Green I think you’re expecting too much from the party as a whole. Getting those 10 out of DC and back to reality sounds good. Let the fighters stay and gum up the works in Washington.

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In my main comment, I mentioned Stephen Colbert's monologue He asked "why did it take so many strong men to remove Rep. Green? Well, when he was searched, it was discovered he had smuggled in a spine!"

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I saw that on the show and it was hilaious!

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Organized by 97 year old great grandmother street protest has grown from 11 to 57 to 90 people in three weeks! People lead, democrats listen up! Time to ACT UP & ACT FOR the American people

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The day of Trump's speech Stephen Colbert did a monologue that included the D responses. Like those little paddles they held up; he held up one that said: "Try Doing Something." He also asked why it took so many to remove the loudly protesting Rep. Al Green D-TX, a 77 year old who walks with a cane. Colbert continued with "when Rep. Green was searched, it was found that he had smuggled in a spine!"

As for the Dems, I've been screaming for decades about how starting in the late '70s, the party was usurped by neolibs. A term that means support for this trickle-up econopathy and for making this country and the world safe for multinational corporations, their sponsors. They dumped the New Deal and abandoned the majority working class.

Their attitude exemplified in 2016 by Sen. Chuck Schumer. He said: "For every blue collar vote we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs of Philadelphia and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin." Not only morally reprehensible, but stupid politically--it didn't work, did it? Also reveals their focus is on winning, keeping power, and not on helping suffering people with real needs.

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The Democrats seem to think this is 1988, George H.W Bush against whoever. Clinton? The Bushes did some bad things- no doubt! But they mostly played by the rules (until 2000) And even though Bush Jr was illegally appointed by the Supreme Court, neither Bush was a traitor. Neither Bush wanted to destroy the Republic. Trump is, literally, a Russian asset. Has been since 1987. Either they have pictures of him porking 14 year olds, or Trump worships Putin for being the kind of supervillain Trump wants to be, or both. Trump's mission is TO DESTROY AMERICA. The Dems need to quit pissing around and start fighting. If they have a clue how to fight. They need to talk to real people not their $500 an hour consultants.

And it might help if they renounced putting men on women's teams ( I know it's kind of a tempest in a teapot, but a 2023 Gallup poll said 69% of voters disapproved of that) They might renounce trying to ban AR-15's (I don't care for them myself, but 20 or 30 million Americans do)

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By even using the phrase "men on women's teams" you reveal your lack of scientific knowledge about trans people. And line up with both the bigots and those who want to use us as a convenient scapegoat. Thanks.

What percentage opposed civil rights--and what are the stats now? Or interracial marriage? Or gay and lesbian rights?

How about instead a focus on the biggest issue of all--the fact that starting in the late '70s the Dem party was usurped by neolibs. (The term's not political; it means approving of the current trickle up econopathy.) They dumped the New Deal and abandoned the majority working class. They repealed New Deal finance regs that enabled the crash of '08 They bailed out the Wall St. vultures who caused '08, but for the millions who lost jobs, pensions, homes? Nothing!

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Jim, you have never steered me wrong-your writings have, so far, never gone against my conscience. Thank you for your wisdom which I know stems from your own experience and righteous sensibilities. 👍🏽

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That is so absolutely true. Our leaders have been out of touch for a long time and meeting with real people might turn them around. If not, the future Trumpy candidates will continue to play to folks' grievances and we will have nothing to offer instead.

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Oh, I love this idea so much ... and could not agree more. That is, if the Dems can't find a way to remove trump/musk from the White House (or can’t think of a way -- or don't want -- to try), the least they could is remove *themselves* from the fray so we can stop hoping they will DO something about the calamity unfolding. I'm thinking the midterms would be a good time for brave and talented Democrats to start THEIR campaigns NOW ... which is to say we need a NEW Congress, not just a non-MAGA one.

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We need to protest in from of our local post offices against the oncoming privitization. Shall we say Fridays at noon?

ps. Poor James Carville, he has already been run over by the gop! Ha ha ha!

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He and other party hacks like Rahm Emmanuel have recently made populist noises. They must know that's the way to go. I would ask: "Where have you been for the last 40 years?" They were part of the D elite; for the safe thing of being pro corporate.

Ha ha ha indeed!

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Right you are, Jim, and just what my congressman, Lloyd Dogget did last weekend and has been doing. He is the only one from Travis County with our needs in mind, the others being MAGAts gerrymander on Blue Austin by our neo-Nazi legislature.

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Carville's misguided thinking reminds me of the Communist response to Hitler. They 'knew' Hitler was the final stage of capitalism and had to be in power in order for the inevitable Bolshevik revolution to take place. I can't remember - how did that turn out?

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Carville's wife, a republican strategist must have received a huge raise for him doing nothing. Democrats really sucked at pointing out trump himself signed the best trade agreement like you've never seen with Canada and Mexico in his first term after he singlehandedly crashed the world economy with his tariffs. The new tariffs were well publicized before the 24 elections so Democrats should have been saying the same economic disaster will happen again just like stocks have done the last 2 days. Somebody should have been screaming this to the millions of fools who thought trump lower the price of eggs. Can anyone imagine how construction wages will go up when we deport 25 % of construction workers??? . Democrats sucked at any kind of debate they might not be playing dead.

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