Truly evil corporate vermin. i sometime wish that, just for one week, Joe Biden really WAS the communist the far right accuses him of being. Any communist worth his red bandanna would execute all the corporate grifters on day 1. Of course, the commissars generally turned out to be almost as greedy as the CEO's, and less competent., but still it would be nice to see the great thieves pay the price for their crimes.

While i am at it, I want to denounce the right wing A-holes who hate immigrants. Immigrants take the hard, dirty , dangerous jobs most white men are too lazy to take. Picking fruit and vegetables, tending livestock, landscaping, doing the grunt work on construction sites, working in slaughterhouses, and so on. I have done most of these jobs. You wouldn't like them. Thank God the immigrants will take them. No immigrants would mean NO FOOD ON YOUR PLATE.

The trumpovitches who hate immigrants must be very ignorant, very evil, or both. I wish we could deport THEM, not the immigrants.

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Immigrants: Why is there still a conversation about them.

As you rightly say they are doing the jobs no American would do.

Corporations do NOT want to stop immigration.

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With our birthrate and an aging population, we clearly need immigration. What is happening at our southern border is not orderly or reasonable. We need a workable national policy that prevents an uncontrollable and really disastrous problem. Our cities are full of homeless people and now we are allowing a flood of undocumented immigrants who also need to be housed and fed. We can be and are heart broken by the situations these people are fleeing but we cannot take in all the people escaping disastrous mismanagement at home and natural disaster which will only get worse as our climate worsens. Again ideological politics prevents any pragmatic bi-partisan solutions from taking effect. Our political system has broken down and is not serving us. Getting rid of profit driven and ideological news would go a long way to helping us think straight.

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yes, there were always Mexicans that came across at harvest time and made money to take back home to their family, but the current crop of undocumented immigrants get a free pass and even prepaid credit cards.

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I wish I had said that Joe! Thank you sir!

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Once again I'm horrified, outraged and compelled to put your post on my FB page. I'm 80 so getting too old to imagine the arc of Justice (and how about kindness and honesty? ) will bend toward righteousness before I die. And I've spent my life always seeking the "happy endings" I know must be possible for any difficult situation. Maybe the happy ending for me is to always have the strength and energy to keep crying out for justice, peace and kindness. In which case I've always been right here, and am not turning my back any time soon.

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From one 80-year-old to another, thank you! Your attitude is refreshing and inspiring. With you 100%!


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I am not 80yrs yet but I am getting there and I agree.

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“Disgusting excuses for human beings” how polite! I think they are maggots and lower than shit in an outhouse, even worse,I’m out of words to describe the evil these and so many others represent!

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Make that MAGAts

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I'm another 80 yr old has been. All these comments I've read are right on and hits the nail on the head. The problem as I see it is talk is cheap. Whats needed is aggressive unrelenting action. Women's Suffrage, 40 hour week, living wage etc, etc, was only achieved by action, and the most productive action was hitting the streets in protest and boycotts. Wealth doesn't ask the working class if its OK to not pay a living wage, or affordable housing, or affordable healthcare etc. We must not ask for these rights, we must demand them. What concerns me the most is the current generation doesn't seem to believe this and doesn't have the leadership and desire to execute it. What gives me a glimmer of hope is the younger generation does seem to believe and has shown the desire for action. We need to support them aggressively.

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WE normally travel on AMTRAK from SF to LA & return, where we are limited to only 30-40 mph, DUE TO LACK OF TRACK MAINTENANCE!




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Mending roads and not building new train lines.

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Until we have real term limits on Congress and the Supreme Court, cut the money poured into campaigns, and impose restrictions on corporate lobbying, we are stuck with this excrement. It's why we have politicians like Trump, Biden, McConnell, Schumer, Gaetz, Jordan, AOC, MTG, Clinton, etc. It's not just the moronic Republicans, it's the moronic Democrats, too.

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Just like Trump, criminal vermin in action!

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Excuse me but I think this happened under Biden?

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Yeah, so this train wreck that threatens this town in Ohio is the fault of the President because it was on his watch? Did you bother to read the list of railroad lobbyists (I wasn’t aware of Thune’s past, but now I know more about him to be wary of that bastard). Did you even bother to read Mr. Hightower’s entire piece? Tell me what it is that I need to know about how the Biden Administration is at fault here and not the profit$ only driven industries that put American communities in such danger and then spin with their sleazy lip service to media and buy off unscrupulous, pompous sob’s like John Thune!

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Yes, it did happen under Biden. It' s part of the hot mess he inherited and is still trying to clean up.

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At risk of being ever the cynic - this is life in the U.S., where our government is owned lock, stock and barrel by corporations run by no-goodnicks who enrich themselves at the expense of those of us who believe we are powerless and can't fight them. Well, there is a place in which we fight back however . . . the ballot box. We must get informed and use it to the fullest. Thanks Jim, for helping us to do just that!

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

In the late '70s, the Dem elite dumped the New Deal and abandoned labor. Deregulation happened under Clinton. The Dems support the WTO and other policies favoring the financial few with their extractions; parasites feeding on what's called the Real Economy--physically real goods and services.

Horrors like devastated towns and poisoned ecosystems are actually called "externalities," meaning they're irrelevant to econ. The transportation industry is an egregious example; tending to monopoly and the capitalist financier's dream--all of the power and profits with none of the responsibility. Licensed professional and skilled workers are the ones with the responsibility. Let's bet on who gets blamed.

The occasional gushing praises of Biden as an FDR by Dem propagandists don't convince me whatsoever. They know they can blame the totally repulsive Repubs and thus get away with mere talk. Wouldn't want to really upset their own corporate sponsors. When I hear fine-tuned criticisms of the deliberately undemocratic econ system, denunciations of the financial parasites continuing to trap us workers in that race to the bottom, and specific New Deal type programs to help the at least 60% (realistically more like 75-80%) of us, the U.S. working class, then I'll reconsider. Can the Ds ever again do more than represent the interests of the privileged administrative and managerial elites produced by the Ivy League?

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When short term stock price and profit are the only measures of success, we get the broken system we have today! Just look what has happened to Boeing, where bean counters took over a great engineering company. Yes I believe that we probably have too much red tape and bureaucracy which impedes fixes to our many problems, but serious and proactive government oversight clearly is required to push back on the greed. All the more important with near monopoly power across our entire economy. Of course, the immense bureaucracy requires careful and thoughtful oversite as well, which our broken legislative process is incapable of providing. It would be great if we would elect pragmatists instead of ideologs to our legislatures and somehow get big money out of the political process.

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All the money spent on lobbying would fix all of the problems and probably pay off the national debt and taxpayers wouldn't have to clean up their messes

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I think that our society is about to be awakened to to the realization that throwing big numbers of dollars at a problem can not fix everything

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At the very least, term limits on Congress. All else will follow, albeit slowly.

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I feel helpless and frustrated. I don't understand this need to make money at all costs. However, a Psychiatrist friend thinks it's akin to old fashioned hoarding. If these folks were poor, one wouldn't be able to walk through their yard to get to the house with floor to ceiling piles of junk!

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Thanks for telling us a blatant truth about corporate lies. Too bad it can't get in the mass media!

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Thanks for your work to shed light on more corporate greed and lies.

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Who else do you suppose is reading it?

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ah!, the 'wealthy elite caste' escape responsibility AGAIN.

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There has been an almost continuous flow of fossil fuels, coal and gas trains, miles long being transported through Hinton, WV. Coal and gas tank cars. The new open date for the Mountain Valley Pipeline is April 1, 2024. I wonder if they plan to let local residents know that the big suck of Fracked gas transporting it to sell the priceless. Come on President Biden! Show SCOTUS that they can not rule the country!

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Biden? He is dead along with all the Democrat party.

Thoughts and prayers for all those living in BOTH Palestines.

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Check out the Charleston weekend Gazette Mail pg. 3 A of the March 2-3, 2024 the Department of Environmental Protection entitled,'Wr need some help."

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Read my critique of econ and the D elite as a reply to Brian's comment above.

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Oh, yeah right Jenny - that’s always helped with the slaughter here in the US right?

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