More than any other factor, Big Oil is responsible for the high inflation coinciding with the wind down of the pandemic (No, not Biden). Don't believe me? The top five oil companies all had record high quarterly and annual profits, some of them the largest corporate profits in the history of the world. Of course, we lowly humans paid for…
More than any other factor, Big Oil is responsible for the high inflation coinciding with the wind down of the pandemic (No, not Biden). Don't believe me? The top five oil companies all had record high quarterly and annual profits, some of them the largest corporate profits in the history of the world. Of course, we lowly humans paid for a lot of that, but the companies from whom we buy food, furniture, clothing, cars, and everything else had higher expenses too, further compounding inflation. Such taxes should be almost totally taxed and funds used to reduce taxes for everyone else. Oh yeah - does anyone else remember paying $4.50 a gallon for gas during the W admin? The elephants were not rampaging about that!
More than any other factor, Big Oil is responsible for the high inflation coinciding with the wind down of the pandemic (No, not Biden). Don't believe me? The top five oil companies all had record high quarterly and annual profits, some of them the largest corporate profits in the history of the world. Of course, we lowly humans paid for a lot of that, but the companies from whom we buy food, furniture, clothing, cars, and everything else had higher expenses too, further compounding inflation. Such taxes should be almost totally taxed and funds used to reduce taxes for everyone else. Oh yeah - does anyone else remember paying $4.50 a gallon for gas during the W admin? The elephants were not rampaging about that!
Sorry - That should be "Such profits should be almost totally taxed and funds used to reduce taxes for everyone else."