I wonder if these crazy people remember Nazi Germany and the burning of books. I'm on my local library board and we have had to develop a whole procedure for complaints and requests to ban books

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Thank you for serving on your library board!

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May 12, 2023Liked by Jim Hightower

I was flabbergasted when I read recently that for re-publishing a book about Rosa Parks, any mention of segregation has been deleted. How are the teachers going to explain why she was insisting on sitting in the front seat of the bus? And why she was arrested for it? The younger children may conclude that you can get arrested if you try to sit in one of the seats in front.

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023Liked by Jim Hightower

Have these book banners heard of the internet? The kids they are trying to “protect” have. And there’s no better promotion for a book than to ban it.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Jim Hightower

I'm not sure how much more of the right's outrageous behavior I can stand. Each time they steam role another of my rights, it causes actual physical reaction. The country no longer belongs to the citizens, if it ever did. I have Great Grandchildren. I'm terrified for them!

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IF there was ONLY one "book" that SHOULD be banned - it is the BIBLE!!! Indiana is only ONE of the "several" states that is rushing FORWARD into the PAST!!! Or is it running BACKWARDS into the FUTURE??!!

As a certain cartoon character would say - "What a bunch of MAROOOOONS!!!! What a bunch of IGNORAMOUSASSES!!!!


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In effect, Indiana libraries will close.

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Having read the Bible numerous times, I am not aware of the promotion of bestiality or copulation in church. I do agree about the other points. There is much in the Old Testament that is disturbing, however, there is a code of ethics with which I totally agree. Jesus said there were basically two commandments which cover everything, and I believe that many Christians have strayed greatly from one of them, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." No young child should be reading an adult Bible.

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