Your dad's axiom: “Everybody does better, when everybody does better.” reminds me of one we often said in the past: A rising tide lifts all boats. Then after Reagan's tax bonanza for the rich, or was it Bush 41 or maybe Bush 43, anyway one of those scoundrels, an unknown wag refined that to read:
"A rising tide lifts all yachts."
I think by the end of the Orange-utan's administration, if there ever is an end, the rising tide will just be lifting his yacht and Musk's.
May they collide at sea at an early date, with no survivors -- except the impressed able seamen.
That's right, the correct right. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is GOOD FOR BUSINESS. Why would anyone buy from a business that excludes you from employment, or even actively exhibits animosity toward you and people like you.
I volunteer at an outdoor history museum that relates to the operations of a rich manufacturer in the first half of the 19th century. One of the things I have often discussed is that it appears ("appears" because history always involves interpretation) that he had figured out that treating his employees fairly was good for the bottom line - which most companies today still have not.
The point here being that I have yet to have someone object to either of those contentions. People know - but cowardly corporations whose vision doesn't extend beyond the next quarter still don't;.
So back in the day - 20-30 years ago when I lived in Michigan instead of Iowa - I did a good bit of both diversity training and anti-racism education and training (they are not the same). The organizations that started the whole non-profit that carried out the afore-mentioned training and education, plus some other things, like informal mediation, included the local Chamber of Commerce, not exactly a "flaming liberal" organization, the local Community Foundation and the local United Way branch; can't forget the city and county governments' involvement, either. As you'd expect, there were many disagreements, tense conversations and even arguments, but in the end everyone agreed we ought at least try to make the attempt at understanding the issues surrounding race, diversity, ethnicity, and identity. So, the current political climate on the alt right, seems quite ludicrous to me.
At 87 y.o. I'm a great grandfather (and hope to be a GREAT grandfather. With all these kids marching off into the future (and other kids we support with scholarships) are we WOKE? You damn right we are!
Transparent through the antiwoke (a term made up and exploited by extremist right wingers)sentiment is the opposition to a more inclusive America.We all benefit from an equal starting line based on merit.
I've past the point that I can have faith. Instead, I'm constantly reminded of this, which was presented as a Turkish proverb:
"Although the forest was shrinking, the trees continued to vote for the axe. For he was cunning and convinced them that, because his handle was wood, he was one of them."
Lest one think it applies only to trump and his inner circle, it takes no great intellect to se it as describing, among many others, Joe Manchin and Jim Justice, Ron DeSantis and Kristi Noem.
"Don't be woke " the name of the game is stigma. The minivan was the most popular car on the road but people got scared of being called a soccer mom. Instead of telling an egotistical butthead to crawl over the transmission hump of their gas suckling s.u.v. and worry about their own ride people caved like a tunnel in the sand and bought s.u.v.s . Anybody who has seen the documentary IDIOCRACY knows we have to adapt to the mindset of immature 3rd graders or risk being called a tard. Every year brings a new normal and intelligence and logic are becoming rarer and less popular. In 2025 be sure to watch IDIOCRACY and find out what we are up against it's time to conquer immature 3rd graders and be woke and drive a minivan if we want to .
Not only do we need to realize that the extremists do indeed believe in a type of DEI, but we need to shout it loud and clear so that everyone understands what they are doing.
They truly believe that people should get ahead based solely on their ethnic group. The thing is that their belief is that being a white male, preferably "Christian," means that you should be given preference in just about every aspect of life and society. If you look at so many of the loudest MAGAts, you see someone who wouldn't be in the position they are in if they weren't a white man. They certainly didn't earn their position through their intelligence or their abilities in whatever position they are in.
Republican DEI, Deportation, Exclusion, Indoctrination.
Your dad's axiom: “Everybody does better, when everybody does better.” reminds me of one we often said in the past: A rising tide lifts all boats. Then after Reagan's tax bonanza for the rich, or was it Bush 41 or maybe Bush 43, anyway one of those scoundrels, an unknown wag refined that to read:
"A rising tide lifts all yachts."
I think by the end of the Orange-utan's administration, if there ever is an end, the rising tide will just be lifting his yacht and Musk's.
May they collide at sea at an early date, with no survivors -- except the impressed able seamen.
That's right, the correct right. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is GOOD FOR BUSINESS. Why would anyone buy from a business that excludes you from employment, or even actively exhibits animosity toward you and people like you.
I volunteer at an outdoor history museum that relates to the operations of a rich manufacturer in the first half of the 19th century. One of the things I have often discussed is that it appears ("appears" because history always involves interpretation) that he had figured out that treating his employees fairly was good for the bottom line - which most companies today still have not.
The point here being that I have yet to have someone object to either of those contentions. People know - but cowardly corporations whose vision doesn't extend beyond the next quarter still don't;.
I love this. It’s just the clear, clean dose of straightforward spirit I was looking for this afternoon. Thanks and Happy New Year❤️🍾🥳☮️❤️
So back in the day - 20-30 years ago when I lived in Michigan instead of Iowa - I did a good bit of both diversity training and anti-racism education and training (they are not the same). The organizations that started the whole non-profit that carried out the afore-mentioned training and education, plus some other things, like informal mediation, included the local Chamber of Commerce, not exactly a "flaming liberal" organization, the local Community Foundation and the local United Way branch; can't forget the city and county governments' involvement, either. As you'd expect, there were many disagreements, tense conversations and even arguments, but in the end everyone agreed we ought at least try to make the attempt at understanding the issues surrounding race, diversity, ethnicity, and identity. So, the current political climate on the alt right, seems quite ludicrous to me.
Right on, brother Jim! Write on!
At 87 y.o. I'm a great grandfather (and hope to be a GREAT grandfather. With all these kids marching off into the future (and other kids we support with scholarships) are we WOKE? You damn right we are!
Transparent through the antiwoke (a term made up and exploited by extremist right wingers)sentiment is the opposition to a more inclusive America.We all benefit from an equal starting line based on merit.
Thanks for voice of reason and reassurances that good and truth will prevail
I've past the point that I can have faith. Instead, I'm constantly reminded of this, which was presented as a Turkish proverb:
"Although the forest was shrinking, the trees continued to vote for the axe. For he was cunning and convinced them that, because his handle was wood, he was one of them."
Lest one think it applies only to trump and his inner circle, it takes no great intellect to se it as describing, among many others, Joe Manchin and Jim Justice, Ron DeSantis and Kristi Noem.
"Don't be woke " the name of the game is stigma. The minivan was the most popular car on the road but people got scared of being called a soccer mom. Instead of telling an egotistical butthead to crawl over the transmission hump of their gas suckling s.u.v. and worry about their own ride people caved like a tunnel in the sand and bought s.u.v.s . Anybody who has seen the documentary IDIOCRACY knows we have to adapt to the mindset of immature 3rd graders or risk being called a tard. Every year brings a new normal and intelligence and logic are becoming rarer and less popular. In 2025 be sure to watch IDIOCRACY and find out what we are up against it's time to conquer immature 3rd graders and be woke and drive a minivan if we want to .
I've adopted your father's mantra as the signature line for my emails.
Evil wins only when we give up.
Your courage and knowledge are great lights in this ugly on rushing darkness.
Not only do we need to realize that the extremists do indeed believe in a type of DEI, but we need to shout it loud and clear so that everyone understands what they are doing.
They truly believe that people should get ahead based solely on their ethnic group. The thing is that their belief is that being a white male, preferably "Christian," means that you should be given preference in just about every aspect of life and society. If you look at so many of the loudest MAGAts, you see someone who wouldn't be in the position they are in if they weren't a white man. They certainly didn't earn their position through their intelligence or their abilities in whatever position they are in.
Happy New Year, everyone. I'm sending a link about the story of the little hummingbird, which appears in various variations around the world. Enjoy.