Very well said indeed, Harvey. What were they "thinking", you ask? Try this: $$$$$$$$ - you get the idea. These are our responses: the 3 R's - Refuse, Reject, Resist. And lastly: DO NOT RE-ELECT!

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Even if this space "umbrella" would work to prevent warming the Earth (and the Earth's climate is so complicated that doing this will very most likely create other problems such as ocean current shifts, magnified climate differences, increased threats to species extinction, etc.), it doesn't address air pollution due to fossil fuel use, water pollution due to drilling and oil spills, oil processing, health issues such as cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive problems due to exposure to toxic substances and hazardous waste generated during extraction, refining, and combustion processes and, believe it or not, even more issues and important ones.

What were they "thinking"?

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Are these space-brella people nuts?? Do they understand that this screwy umbrella plan will trap heat and pollution and keep it close to the earth? We will be worse off than we are now. What a way to melt the remaining glaciers and breathe in pollution caused by fossil fuels!!

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Icarus must have been a model for Boeing. There is no cure for stupidity, but ignorance can be treated.

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Solar collectors create hot water or electricity. They are also shades close enough to the people they serve to track the sun...and shade what needs it. Clever designs with local controls can aid agriculture, charge EV's too. The trick is to use nuclear power, the kind that's safely 93 million miles from earth and doesn't send out bills...Larry Kinney

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Good job on pointing out a fraud scheme, Jim. I suppose the "do nothing" crowd will fall for this scam. And, some right wing Republicans will talk it up, because doing nothing will keep the trillions flowing to the Aristocratic Overlords and Giant Corporations until disaster strikes. One comment for the gullible: If you block the sun crops will not grow and we will all starve. The dinosaurs experienced this and we would too - by this stupid scheme, or by a nuclear war with all the very fine dust in the atmosphere that would stay there for years. Yes, we can be the cause of our own demise and the greedy, arrogant ultra-rich think they can escape. That attitude didn't go so well for Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

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It will take about 100 rocket loads of fuel to get the space brella up there or we can stay on earth plant more trees and thank God for an awesome planet

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Who’s pitching THIS weeks scam , Mr Haney from Hooverville ? Are Snake 🐍 oil salesmen a forever thing? It’s incredible that some people will buy into this,it’s simple it doesn’t hurt business it’s a sure fire success,.."…Bullshit🐂💩,people must wake up at some point and realize that the hard problems require hard work,there are no easy answers to difficult problems! 💪🏽

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Don’t forget when you get something to quit warming up it cools off. My cuppa coffee every day. Then you have to keep it warm enough. I do not need 4000 feet of ice on my happy home..

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There once was a "space-brella"of sorts, when Mount Krakatoa blew. May 20, 1883. In the US it was called "the year without a summer". All we need to do is get another monster volcano to blow. I wonder if there are any in central Russia or near Peking? (just kidding- i am madder than usual at P-ew tin, his bitch Donny Dump, and all dump's bitches in the Groupies Of Putin party. In any sane country, like Mexico or Nigeria, those shitbag traitors would have been shot and tossed into the river on Jan 20, 2021.)

Don't know if there is any way to set off a volcano. I suspect that not even a hydrogen bomb would do it , unless you could plant the bomb far enough underground to blow the cap off the magma reservoir. A volcano the size of krakatoa ( est. 200 megaton; 10,000 X the power of the Nagasaki bomb) was very unhealthy for anyone within at least 500 miles. Hmmm, get all the sane people to move out of Texas, get all the trump lovers and American Taliban assh*les to move there, and set off the big one in the middle of them. Don't we wish?

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It's not so much we humans who have to change our priorities and behaviors as it is Corporations and governments which are falling into money he'll and seem bent on taking down our life supporting habitat on Earth with their house of cards. People have to realize that throwing out big numbers of money and technology can not restore life support to poisoned fluid flushes, even if treated and without topsoil plant life can not regenerate. Ban Fracking Now!

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Hello. Lord the stuff they come up with to put even more money in their pockets. Most important book I think people can be reading on the global warming issue is This Changes Everything: Capitalism VS the Climate by Naomi Kline

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I think Louie and Marie figured they were safe since they commanded the palace guards and the military. They didn't figure out that the guards and the military personal had friends and family that were Les Misérables.

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wonderful commentary...a long with many other ones you have posted.Thank you for your input and efforts to educate.

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Why not conserve resources? Drive/fly/waste less!

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I feel like I'm seeing the opening credits of a bad syfy movie where the super rich abandon Earth and leave the rest of us behind to suffer the consequences of fossil fuiel abuse.

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