Aug 22, 2023Liked by Jim Hightower

The CURRENT situation with the railroads, in my opinion, began with the introduction of PSR-Precision Scheduled Railroading-which meant, generally, that RRs could run fewer, but vastly longer trains. We can thank E Hunter Harrison for that. Indeed, the result of PSR was a focus on the bottom line, rather than customer service and common-sense safety concerns raised by the longer and heavier trains. The "gold standard" was something called an operating ratio, which one of the RRs - I think Union Pacific - reduced to below 60. Finally, after many customer complaints, "customer service" occasionally finds its way back into the purposes of the RR corporations. Unfortunately, as you point out, it takes MORE than a catastrophic event to get the RR boards and operating officers to move back to real customer service. (Another topic for another time: RRs have not been able to take advantage of the long-haul truck-driver shortage because of PSR.) I've loved trains since I was a kid; even to this day I "chase" trains once in a while; and I also pay attention to what any of the 13 rail unions bring up regarding safety and customer service (i.e., one-member crew for a 2-mile long train?). Just thought I'd weigh in as a railfan.

Lyle A Kleman

Cedar Rapids IA

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So there is only one person either at the front or back.......... someone is making a lot of money!

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Thanks Jim for educating the public. It gets back to our Congress. We need laws that protect the people who want to use the rail system. I love train travel but it is not always available. If we had the kind of train travel that Europe has, the airlines would have to compete with better prices.

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Just the locomotive engineer in the lead locomotive; the proposal, generally, is that the "2nd" person on the train actually would be in a pick-up truck in the various regions through which the train traveled - the "conductor" or "trainman" would then do safety checks as the train went by, throw switches as might be necessary, etc. Somehow, I doubt that such a person would have detected the wheel-bearing issue that derailed the NS train in Palestine - even the electronic detectors didn't pick it up, at least not in time to do any good. Besides, it takes a LONG time for 2-mile long trains to stop.

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I seem to remember that it was Biden (after Palestine) forced the Unions to go back to work.

There was no indication of health coverage/sick days or vacations paid?

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