Yes, let’s turn Earth back into Earth. Judy S.

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I love it! Absolutely love this column today! Thank you bunches, Mr. Hightower. Lay it on 'em!

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Ban hydraulic fracturing for Natural Gas NOW! This is a just say NO solution.

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Powerful and "right on!" Seems we are all due for a reality check as to the health of our world, its limits and vulnerabilities. We are ALL citizens of the world, and surely should do our best to make sure we leave the world in a better state than when we arrived!

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Those billionaire bozos have no intention of living on Mars. They only want attention any way they can get it, plus they have to find more and more creative ways to spend their (our) money. Sending them to Mars NOW would be a great way to end this nonsense, but it ain't gonna happen, folks. Besides, Mars would probably send them back.

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Thanks for making me laugh Jim.

I remember these lines from the American 'shakespeare' of our times:

"Man thinks 'cause he rules the earth he can do with it what he please

And if things don't change soon, he will

Oh, man has invented his doom

First step was touching the moon." License to Kill. Bob Dylan

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yes, send them to Mars! Of course, you might have to also send nannies for the kids, electricians, cooks, plumbers, hair dressers, and others to keep them in the style they are accustomed to.

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LET THEM DO WITHOUT-------THEY WILL FIND OUT JUST WHAT IT IS LIKE. very good for them, no more slaves (US) that work for the little money they want to pay, it's time for them to do all the work, FOR A CHANGE. price yourself out of reach, and keep them where they left for. SCREW THEM--ALL THEM.

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I have felt that we should develop a virtual reality program for those folks where they can experience all the power and prestige of being wealthy and yet being removed from messing with our act.ual planet .

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another idea is to---SEND THEM THERE-------and let them all DIE.

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I love it ! If I had the money & time I'd send this to all the billionaires & congress members & every person I know. Love you Hightower!

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The obvious solutions are just that: Too obvious and thus unworthy of their genius attention😒

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the only people that think thy are OVERLY SMART are the STUPID----STUPID STUPID---STUPID, do you get it ??? and the simple solution will work--most of the time.-----the "UBER-RICH" can't make any money from that-------SO WHAT !

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That Neil DeGrasse Tyson quote is PRICELESS! Great column!

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50 or so years ago, Court Dorsey and Bright Morning Star sang "Serious men are ruining our world" and suggested we "send them seriously off to Mars". Can we finally do it?

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isn't MAR'S way to close?---why not JUPTOR----it's to far to get ANY HELP----good idea or what?.

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Their wealth, they believe, makes them superior to the “common people” and no amout of reasoning and facts will destroy their fantasy. A great tax code however...

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to get a GOOD TAX CODE we must divest ourselves from the Rapethepublican Greedy Old Pricks first!--- then we'll have something to work with----when you take PROFIT out of the picture it changes every thing, and this will help with inflation to. NOW TO GET RID OF THE MONEY LOVERS, when their gone we'll have a place to start.

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the problem is the truth is so unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!


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Great wealth and power begets arrogance and arrogance begets stupidity. Let's send all of them to Mars and transform earth back into an inhabitable, sustainable, and peaceful planet with a focus on the common good. We're going to have to focus on minimizing our use of limited resources, using renewables, and slowly reducing the population of the planet; as well as the common good for all people. We can do it if we want to survive more than about another 100 years. The path we're on now is headed for starvation, war, and doom.

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Wow. Absolutely spot on. Could we send them all to Mars right now? It sure is disappointing that these guys with so many resources are so stupid and greedy.

Looks like we are going to have to do what we can to save the earth and our fellow creatures ourselves. Use every strategy we can trying to influence the policy of governing bodies and the private sector from local to national, help out as we can people and organizations on the front line who are endeavoring to turn things around for our earth home, people and animals.

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