Bravo, Lilly! And a big Georgia hug and thanks to Jim for another fine piece of writing that is a fitting tribute. Lilly's legacy will live on, long after dung like Samuel Alito has been forgotten. And who the heck says women cannot be great leaders? Time to ditch the "Great Men" myth and recognize and support great women!! GO KAMALA!

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I love your posts--so happy to learn you, too are Georgia good folks!

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Thanks so much, Edith - we are trying to stay optimistic. Thinking of folks like you and hoping more Georgians will think and vote like you! Did you see Kamala's rally with Bruce Springsteen and President Obama in Clarkston today on TV? It was fantastic. We live less than 10 miles from Clarkston but were not able to get in, it was so packed. Wow!!

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Indeed! GO KAMALA1

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If there is not a U.S. Postage stamp with her image on it, there SHOULD BE! What a motivated lady! Doing what is right no matter...that is the American way! A statue of here would be nice too!

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We all love you so much Mr Hightower! And I am speaking as a 62-year-old white man in Nebraska.

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And I'm a 76 year-old white man in Wisconsin.

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"Sam Alito, the far-right judicial extremist absurdly decreed that she should have filed her claim of sex discrimination when it first started 20 years ago. Never mind that she had no way of knowing back then that she was being gouged, Alito is not one to let reality interfere with his political agenda."

Mikado-like our nation's cursed:

Executioners drawn from our worst.

A cannelloni bandito

Like Samuel Alito

Should lop his own vile head off first.

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Cool limerick!

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As always, Mr. Hightower, you zero in on - and beautifully articulate - the pith of any issue. If SCOTUS were actually just, several of the current judges would have been impeached for obstructing justice and defiling democracy.

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Alito is such a women hater. Can’t wait for him to tip over.

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The great man fighting for justice and square deal, whether in the Wild West or in cities and towns is just another American myth.

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I still won't buy a Goodyear tire--I firmly believe in the power of the purse, so for the same reason, I don't shop Hobby Lobby, Home Depot, Smithfield, Hormel, and other mega-businesses who regularly abuse their employees (and by extension, their customers). It is a shame that Ms. Ledbetter never got a penny from Goodyear, but I honor her grit (southern, I believe), and her will to make wrong right for others who followed her.

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Well said, and you've chosen to boycott some of my favorite villains.

And brought to mind a breakfast I've been saving for colder weather, but what the heck, I'll just crank up the a/c and have grits and eggs over easy tomorrow.

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Justice seems to always come with a price so I want to thank all the courageous Lilly Ledbetters out there.

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First i wanted to agree Lilly is an American hero. I admire people who wake up and fight for justice. I also believe that we all need to be our own hero - become aware of American's fulfilling the WEF belief that we are useless feeders who can be controlled by being entertained TV/movies and video games. However there is a whole system of independent media groups who are challenging us to look be-hind the curtain. But we are being feed that this is a bunch of liars and our government wants to safe us from malinformation - information that is true but not in the government best interest. I want to be a free thinker and listen to all sides and determine what makes sense to me. Interesting information shared today on thehighwire.com OF course i have been against war since the Vietnam war - if you never noticed ever time the talk of ending the war was discussed - wall street fell - why do we need wars to have prosperity. Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you for the privilege of commenting.

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Alito and Co. make me sick. they are NOT conservatives-NO respect for the Constitution or judicial integrity. they are for "State's Rights" except when they aren't. They basically declared "the president is Supreme Leader" knowing dopey joe B would not have the cojones to USE the power, and trump would. If that madman takes over there will probably be extermination camps set up for his enemies and for "untermenschen" as Hitler called them. Subhumans, as Trump calls non whites.

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Thank you for all you have accomplished. You are a true inspiration.

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I early voted today and was dismayed by how many offices there was only one candidate running so l wrote in my wishing for candidate.

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Thanks for reminding us of the POS (plural) on the SCOTUS. Are they just beneath embarrassment?

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Great thoughts and words by everyone. Supporting a Lilly stamp is a terrific idea, and a statue in the capital rotunda seems fitting to look down upon the millionaire billionaires that parade around there and supposed represent all Americans.

Should there be a "nobodies PAC"?

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