To expand a bit on William Porter's comment re: Ford - 1) my grandfather-in-law worked for Ford back in the day, quit because of those faults alluded to, but had by then earned enough money to start his own business; 2) over a half-century ago I worked summers in heavy construction manufacturing and was represented by the Teamsters (ditt…
To expand a bit on William Porter's comment re: Ford - 1) my grandfather-in-law worked for Ford back in the day, quit because of those faults alluded to, but had by then earned enough money to start his own business; 2) over a half-century ago I worked summers in heavy construction manufacturing and was represented by the Teamsters (ditto with the comments of Ford's faults), but I earned enough during those four summers to not have to take out a loan to finish college. I earned twice as much, or more than many of my classmates. I can't imagine working for $7.25/hour today, unless I decided I wanted some "walking around money" in retirement; but then I'd be taking a job away from some kid just starting out in the workforce.
To expand a bit on William Porter's comment re: Ford - 1) my grandfather-in-law worked for Ford back in the day, quit because of those faults alluded to, but had by then earned enough money to start his own business; 2) over a half-century ago I worked summers in heavy construction manufacturing and was represented by the Teamsters (ditto with the comments of Ford's faults), but I earned enough during those four summers to not have to take out a loan to finish college. I earned twice as much, or more than many of my classmates. I can't imagine working for $7.25/hour today, unless I decided I wanted some "walking around money" in retirement; but then I'd be taking a job away from some kid just starting out in the workforce.