This a movement that's waaaaay overdue. When the suits in the top floor executive suites and board rooms decided that stockholders bottom lines were more important than the folks who made those bottom lines so attractive, the erosion of the American middle class started becoming the poor class. Well, the pendulum is starting to swing the other way and again I say "bravo."
This a movement that's waaaaay overdue. When the suits in the top floor executive suites and board rooms decided that stockholders bottom lines were more important than the folks who made those bottom lines so attractive, the erosion of the American middle class started becoming the poor class. Well, the pendulum is starting to swing the other way and again I say "bravo."
And I say "Bravo!"
This a movement that's waaaaay overdue. When the suits in the top floor executive suites and board rooms decided that stockholders bottom lines were more important than the folks who made those bottom lines so attractive, the erosion of the American middle class started becoming the poor class. Well, the pendulum is starting to swing the other way and again I say "bravo."