Exactly. Bernie knows what needs to be done . As with many voices on this and others , we don’t need more goddamn requests for money . We all want to join the fight so just use us for Christ’s sake . Mobilize the democratic masses to physically confront those traitors that would steal our democracy away from us . We need to make the Trump world’s heads spin around . They need to feel the heat of our righteous indignation every day , in every way . Hit them in the only way they understand…in their pocket books . Corporate leaders will be all over these people when they see the their pocketbooks shrinking . We should be picketing every single buissness that supports MAGA in any way . We need the next Economic Shutdown to be for a week . Make sure they feel the pain .
As to our morale and long term plan …
1. We need to take over the Democratic Party from its very grassroots. I’m joining my local county Democrats for that purpose. Sadly , the reality is that it doesn’t take hundreds even to do that . Publc apathy is so great that a few dozen activists can turn the tide . From there we reach into the State organizations . That is the way to truely change the party’s direction , to becoming closer to the real voters , to firing the over-paid consultants, to being more transparent and accountable, and putting forth younger , fresher leaders . Too many old white men ( like my self ) stuck in old ways that no longer work .
2. Besides stronger boycotts , we need a general national strike or 2 . The Europeans could teach us a thing or two about that . When the French get pissed off about a government policy , they shut the country down !
My genuine hope is that as Trump and the Maggats rush to destroy institutions, as any would be dictator has….that the good hard working people of our country will rise up in anger and horror and make a real resistance a truely massive and powerful movement. Sadly I have witnessed that most Americans are too slow to see reality until their own blood flows , their own jobs are lost , their SS checks stop , and their neighbors are deported. Trump is unwittingly doing us an unplanned favor by moving in such a speedy and reckless manner .
Open your eyes American . Don’t wait until , as the old German quote described… that they have taken everyone else and there is no one left to help you .
The so called “leaders” of the dems at the national level are so far behind the people it is sickening. Talk, talk, talk but not action. Jeffries is going to get the Megas to vote down the budget resolution that zaps social security, etc. get the courts to stop tRump, yada, yada, yada! Why aren’t the dems in Congress physically re-occupying the publically owned buildings closed by Musk. Any college student knows you can do this and stage a sit-in. Beneath their dignity, might get arrested? Be unseamly? My god the country is being attacked and institutions destroyed and the leaders still don’t get it after weeks of destruction and all they can do is ask for donations. Think the courts are going to save the government? Look at the dw
Great analysis. Jim. Looks like we little people have to depend on ourselves. But we have found that even in red Georgia, there are a few "little-d" democrats who are becoming mighty champions for us. First and foremost, our two terrific senators. Big shout-out to Ossoff and Warnock! We can't wait for the midterms!!
Every day we delay in actively fighting against this illegal fascist takeover is accelerating the race to the bottom for the vast majority of us...the congress is proving themselves to be russian assets...the republicans more directly, by bending the knee consistently, and the democrats by drifting along day to day instead of being true activists. I'm so thankful for Bernie Sanders. It is disgraceful that he seems to be the only one courageous enough to lay it all on the line.
Right On. We all need to contribute to Bernies efforts, Lowdown and others who are fighting the fight against maga magotism. As a hayseed form Wisconsin I do know what oligarchy means although sometimes I misspell it. Pay attention to the supreme court race in Wisconsin. Lets give what help we can.
I believe the Democratic Party (DNC) has desired to go "UpScale" a long time, now. Ever since (when I first took notice) Senator Tom Harkin backed out of the Primary just two weeks before the election,.. leaving most hard working average everyday Americans (along with the AFL-CIO and especially the UAW) in a tailspin and without a candidate. Governor Bill Clinton had been a part of a new version of the Party supporting the "Democratic Leadership Council" (DLC). I believe the DNC was saying to Rust Belt States "you will NOT be the tail wagging this election dog anymore?" Other than leaving the country sick of "W" and finally breaking the cycle for a term or two,.. that's where it has been. Senator Bernie Sanders, as an "Independent" has not ever been perceived as the "FACE" of the DNC desired,.. they continue to try and battle the "Oligarchs" with a plastic sword and shield. My highest mentor once said to me "Yeah,.. all them things are good,.. but if you don't win the election, none of it matters!" Today, it appears the only time democrats win is after they've gone through one or two terms of extreme political abuse? When we heard Kamala saying "The economy is strong, look at the Stocks!,.. when voters went to the gas stations and grocery stores, they weren't seeing it! Win elections,.. then start working on the democratic beliefs and values.
I am not giving a cent to the DC Democratic machine. I am a loyal Democrat, but I am not blind or stupid.We need our own version of Project 2025 (not Project 2029)
Like Bernie, other democratic congresspeople should be going out into red districts all over the country holding town halls to inform the public of the damage this administration is causing and the laws they are breaking.
Look at the definition of treason and sedition and this administration fits it to a capital T with their support of Putin against our interests and security. If the courts won’t back that premise them the only recourse is for a national coup to take place to remove these violators from office before our democracy is totally destroyed.
Extraordinanry job on relating the truthful and Informative facts as they are! It's the people that need support and Bernie is doing the right thing appealing to the masses!!!! Hopefully all of the democratic party with recognize and realize that their allegiance needs to be with the people they are supposed to be serving.
jim I sometimes wonder why Im a democrat a cradle democrat at that it is in my blood but why are our people acting this way ?? hopefully they will wake up keep up the good work my good friend Bob
I grew up in a union working class home with what was typical then--a picture of FDR on the wall. Why the huge difference now? Because decades ago, the D elite dumped the New Deal and abandoned the majority working class to make this country and the rest of the world safe for corporate interests. I replied to Janice H's post above by quoting a 1936 speech by FDR. In that same speech, FDR said that the (banksters and Big Biz) had grown to consider govt as "a mere appendage to their own affairs...government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob."
That's true. A friend of mine said after the election "The Democrats seized defeat from the jaws of victory". Even the voter supression the Repubs are doing (and the Dems need to do so in return, to get the Supreme Court to rule such challenges as against the Constitution) could not stop a Sanders-like party.
Exactly. Bernie knows what needs to be done . As with many voices on this and others , we don’t need more goddamn requests for money . We all want to join the fight so just use us for Christ’s sake . Mobilize the democratic masses to physically confront those traitors that would steal our democracy away from us . We need to make the Trump world’s heads spin around . They need to feel the heat of our righteous indignation every day , in every way . Hit them in the only way they understand…in their pocket books . Corporate leaders will be all over these people when they see the their pocketbooks shrinking . We should be picketing every single buissness that supports MAGA in any way . We need the next Economic Shutdown to be for a week . Make sure they feel the pain .
As to our morale and long term plan …
1. We need to take over the Democratic Party from its very grassroots. I’m joining my local county Democrats for that purpose. Sadly , the reality is that it doesn’t take hundreds even to do that . Publc apathy is so great that a few dozen activists can turn the tide . From there we reach into the State organizations . That is the way to truely change the party’s direction , to becoming closer to the real voters , to firing the over-paid consultants, to being more transparent and accountable, and putting forth younger , fresher leaders . Too many old white men ( like my self ) stuck in old ways that no longer work .
2. Besides stronger boycotts , we need a general national strike or 2 . The Europeans could teach us a thing or two about that . When the French get pissed off about a government policy , they shut the country down !
My genuine hope is that as Trump and the Maggats rush to destroy institutions, as any would be dictator has….that the good hard working people of our country will rise up in anger and horror and make a real resistance a truely massive and powerful movement. Sadly I have witnessed that most Americans are too slow to see reality until their own blood flows , their own jobs are lost , their SS checks stop , and their neighbors are deported. Trump is unwittingly doing us an unplanned favor by moving in such a speedy and reckless manner .
Open your eyes American . Don’t wait until , as the old German quote described… that they have taken everyone else and there is no one left to help you .
We ARE stronger together.
The so called “leaders” of the dems at the national level are so far behind the people it is sickening. Talk, talk, talk but not action. Jeffries is going to get the Megas to vote down the budget resolution that zaps social security, etc. get the courts to stop tRump, yada, yada, yada! Why aren’t the dems in Congress physically re-occupying the publically owned buildings closed by Musk. Any college student knows you can do this and stage a sit-in. Beneath their dignity, might get arrested? Be unseamly? My god the country is being attacked and institutions destroyed and the leaders still don’t get it after weeks of destruction and all they can do is ask for donations. Think the courts are going to save the government? Look at the dw
merchant idealogues
Great analysis. Jim. Looks like we little people have to depend on ourselves. But we have found that even in red Georgia, there are a few "little-d" democrats who are becoming mighty champions for us. First and foremost, our two terrific senators. Big shout-out to Ossoff and Warnock! We can't wait for the midterms!!
Bernie is right…we need to fight these oligarchs! More people are waking up to what the Orange Idiot and fElon are doing and how it’s affecting them!!
Every day we delay in actively fighting against this illegal fascist takeover is accelerating the race to the bottom for the vast majority of us...the congress is proving themselves to be russian assets...the republicans more directly, by bending the knee consistently, and the democrats by drifting along day to day instead of being true activists. I'm so thankful for Bernie Sanders. It is disgraceful that he seems to be the only one courageous enough to lay it all on the line.
Right On. We all need to contribute to Bernies efforts, Lowdown and others who are fighting the fight against maga magotism. As a hayseed form Wisconsin I do know what oligarchy means although sometimes I misspell it. Pay attention to the supreme court race in Wisconsin. Lets give what help we can.
So sorry Dems rejected Bernie for president in 2016 Was extremely popular and had vibrant huge proponents organized behind him.
What a huge difference for working class Americans, most of us. Instead, disliked Hilary, true insider, snd evil Trum was on his way And here we are.
But Bernie never gives up his values and
His determination to work for… DEI!
Trish Dayan
I believe the Democratic Party (DNC) has desired to go "UpScale" a long time, now. Ever since (when I first took notice) Senator Tom Harkin backed out of the Primary just two weeks before the election,.. leaving most hard working average everyday Americans (along with the AFL-CIO and especially the UAW) in a tailspin and without a candidate. Governor Bill Clinton had been a part of a new version of the Party supporting the "Democratic Leadership Council" (DLC). I believe the DNC was saying to Rust Belt States "you will NOT be the tail wagging this election dog anymore?" Other than leaving the country sick of "W" and finally breaking the cycle for a term or two,.. that's where it has been. Senator Bernie Sanders, as an "Independent" has not ever been perceived as the "FACE" of the DNC desired,.. they continue to try and battle the "Oligarchs" with a plastic sword and shield. My highest mentor once said to me "Yeah,.. all them things are good,.. but if you don't win the election, none of it matters!" Today, it appears the only time democrats win is after they've gone through one or two terms of extreme political abuse? When we heard Kamala saying "The economy is strong, look at the Stocks!,.. when voters went to the gas stations and grocery stores, they weren't seeing it! Win elections,.. then start working on the democratic beliefs and values.
I am not giving a cent to the DC Democratic machine. I am a loyal Democrat, but I am not blind or stupid.We need our own version of Project 2025 (not Project 2029)
Right on! Let's put forth something else for a livable and a workable plan for a good healthy culture and society.
Plan 2B ok
Like Bernie, other democratic congresspeople should be going out into red districts all over the country holding town halls to inform the public of the damage this administration is causing and the laws they are breaking.
Look at the definition of treason and sedition and this administration fits it to a capital T with their support of Putin against our interests and security. If the courts won’t back that premise them the only recourse is for a national coup to take place to remove these violators from office before our democracy is totally destroyed.
Extraordinanry job on relating the truthful and Informative facts as they are! It's the people that need support and Bernie is doing the right thing appealing to the masses!!!! Hopefully all of the democratic party with recognize and realize that their allegiance needs to be with the people they are supposed to be serving.
jim I sometimes wonder why Im a democrat a cradle democrat at that it is in my blood but why are our people acting this way ?? hopefully they will wake up keep up the good work my good friend Bob
I grew up in a union working class home with what was typical then--a picture of FDR on the wall. Why the huge difference now? Because decades ago, the D elite dumped the New Deal and abandoned the majority working class to make this country and the rest of the world safe for corporate interests. I replied to Janice H's post above by quoting a 1936 speech by FDR. In that same speech, FDR said that the (banksters and Big Biz) had grown to consider govt as "a mere appendage to their own affairs...government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob."
Bernie -Crank up the old Farmer-Labor party. I still have my IBEW tee shirts from the good old days.
Has anyone relayed this to Hakeem Jeffries?
That's true. A friend of mine said after the election "The Democrats seized defeat from the jaws of victory". Even the voter supression the Repubs are doing (and the Dems need to do so in return, to get the Supreme Court to rule such challenges as against the Constitution) could not stop a Sanders-like party.
Thank you, Jim for doing what you’re doing. Hopefully, with all of us working together, we can save democracy.