I agree and am finally excited about the choices we have in this next election.

I believe joe Biden will be remembered as a great president and political leader not only for the things he did but leaving when he did. I wish Ruth badger Ginsberg had chosen to do the same....

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Certainly, RBG should have had a crystal ball to know the date of her death, right? And after McConnell had stalled on Pres Obama's nominee, then rushed Amy Coney Rabbit, RBG should definitely have guessed that he'd make up the rules to suit his orange overlord. Let's bash some more women for not foreseeing the future!

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Exactly. Even re Ginsberg whom I met. She authored a decision in 2003 that said it was okay for the Secretary of Interior to have off the record (ex parte contact/improper) contacts with a representative of Peabody Coal while a DOI administrative proceeding was pending in which the Navajo Tribe was winning. DOI is the "institutional trustee" for Indians with land. A trustee is a fiduciary. The highest legal standard known in law. The Secretary, Donald Hodel, told the decisional official in DOI to persuade the tribe to go back to the bargaining table without telling the tribe it was winning the case. The tribe negotiated to its detriment. Hodel was a so-called "fiduciary" in the Bernie Madoff sense. The decision was an abomination. The energy industrial complex always has special friends in DOI--to whom no legal duty is owed. Even the claims court said that DOI's behavior was appalling. But then DOI has had secretaries like James Watt and later Zinke who had 16 investigations going on when he wisely resigned. His successor, Bernhardt, had four investigations opened within days of his Senate confirmation.

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We would rephrase the word "deposed". Yes, he was urged by his own party to step aside. But the decision to do so, and in enough time to give his successor a healthy start, was totally his. He handled it beautifully, abdicating the most powerful office in the world with grace and honor. Now it's time to look forward to a better future, and do our best to make it possible. Your call to continue the work, Jim, is spot on. Onward!

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I felt very similarly - a sensation of "pure relief" that we could get off what had become a knife edge (justifiably or not), and move on to heighten the probability of our democracy surviving. I have been a big fan of Joe Biden - among other things his climate policy, embodied in the IRA, is brilliant. We owe him a lot.

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I was knocked off my props for a bit. The billionaire/corporate Dems did Trump's work for him. That is why I quit the art in 2008. Obama used Bush-Lite's economic advisors that got us into the subprime mess. If I wanted to vote for a Republican, I'd do it. I'd even consider Liz for certain slots. I instantly cringed as I thought of the vitriolic onslaught that was going to rain down on KH's head by trolls. Black, DEI, a female. I even saw a reference to her sleeping her way to the top. But wait...that was Boebert, right. Lest we forget: AG of the state with the 6th largest economy in the world, a D.A. prosecuting felons and a senator. But no, you would think she was Boebert. I'll be fascinated and annoyed by the b.s. the Maggat trolls come up with. She's smart, far younger than Trump, knows far more about governance that Trump or Vance and can dish it out as good as she gets and does no in style and with utter calm. People are so sick of the Apricot Antichrist that even misogynists (with brains) would vote for KH over the orange Jobba the Hut.

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Sorry for the typos. Mea culpa.

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Don't be sorry. It's the content that matters, not the perfection of the typing. You tell it like it is, Sister!

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If the Republicans could manage to install a dictator as our country's leader, their lives would be diminished the same as us. Who in their right mind would do that? (and there's are millions of them). Are they making fun of God? Can't they find a better candidate than an obvious liar? They will try to be cruel to Kamela. I think she'll be a great president. Maybe Americans can be good, positive people.

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We can only hope.

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Yes, agreed. But we can do more than hope. This is still a free democracy - let's keep it that way.

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No, they wouldn't be diminished. The Nabobs always exempt themselves from their own rules because they are so special--the delusionally imagine.

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The republicans have been ripping away at President Biden for the last year plus-about his age. I hate to see this kind or scurrilous hateful attack rewarded in any way. Plus, I think Biden did a good job as president, more progressive efforts than I expected and all kinds of good for the country. Maybe he isn't quick enough to be a TV star, but why would that be considered a quality that our chief executive has to have. Trump is quick and he sucks hugely. We used to repeat the accumulated wisdom of our elders and they were often the wisest leaders, but now you have to dance on the Howdy Doody show to qualify. I do hope Candidate Harris rises to our needs in this terrifying political moment. And I do think John Stewart's minimizing the moment is wrong. I worry that the rising power of the wealthy and corporate elite is already too far advanced for us, the people, to stop it taking over. If you follow the money (falling tax rates for the rich and rising wealth inequality), there are good reasons to worry. Lynn Means

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The incongruous part is that they act like Trump isn't old and doesn't have medical signs of dementia. That thing he does when his speech starts by being unable to pronounce a word then starts sliding into incomprehensible gibberish. E.g. oranges for origins. Good thing they have the insight of a newt or they might be embarrassed.

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Many of us were surprised when Biden decided to not run again, but he had the foresight to see that we had a qualified person to take the lead, and he did that by having selected her to be his VP. Kamala is perfect for that role. She is learned, experienced, knows how to communicate, is affable, kind, understanding and compassionate---the perfect selection as VP and our next president! Joe exemplifies what each chief exec. should be--looking out for each and every American!

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Thank you! And, yeah, that Jon Stewart clip nailed it.

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I felt a sense of sorrow and relief when the announcement came, and I, too, feel hopeful. Now we have to be strong as the Repubicans begin to unleash a torrent of racists and sexist tropes, even worse than what they did to Obama and Clinton. They've had time to hone their rhetoric. Let's get behind VP Harris and stand firm for democracy!

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A mixed race daughter of immigrants defeats Deadbeat Donnie and the white nationalists, and the white supremacists. I would call that poetic justice.

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There is a new T-shirt or poster: Obama = Hope, Trump = Hate, Biden = Healing, Harris = Grow

What more can we say, a new era has begun and we all need to work to support work toward a more perfect union of humanity. Freedom to choose our lives. Freedom to educate our children and our ourselves. Freedom to reach out and support those in need. And not to wake up every morning worrying about what idiotic thing has been perpetuated by someone who cares about no one but himself.

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It is urgent that we not only vote, but vote Blue ALL THE WAY DOWN THE BALLOT. We must take the House from the mindless minions of the GOP and increase the margin in the Senate. Especially knowing how the wind blows in the SCOTUS, it is imperative that President Harris has the strength needed to get policies through the Congress.

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Yes! and thanks for the Jon Stewart clip.

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simple human nature : a smile wins over a scowl ! a smile is infectious a scowl is repellant .

so smile on kamala . our country needs positivity , no more negativity! human nature wins !

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I wonder what happened to my subscription and to you and the Lowdown? After a few terrible moments on my devise l had to shut it off to get rid of the barrage of lnternet advertising. Then my subscription receipt the rest is silence from your kitchen table. Are you OK? Best wishes

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I think I owe you money. I'm not sure when my subscription ran out, and I hate to miss my "Lowdown." How do I up my subscription? I haven't gotten a notice or whatever.

I LOVE THE LOWDOWN. You give information without being depressing.

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