He cannot heip himself. The real suckers are his maga group.

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If I remember correctly, Trump added greatly to the "swamp" by the characters he appointed to various cabinets: Wilbur Ross, Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, Scott Pruitt all had to resign in disgrace. There's probably some I'm missing and some that should have resigned, but I guess ethics don't matter much when you have your own fortune to rely on.

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A Constitutional Amendment is needed to limit campaign finances. Nonprofits working on this include Wolf-Pac.com, FreeSpeechForPeople.org, and FixDemocracyFirst.org.

But this must be done with a Limited Article V Convention. Such a convention will NOT be a runaway convention if each state resolution has detailed information and a revoke clause when new off-topic amendments are made.

For more info read this.


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You forgot Move to Amend -- the only organization calling for a 3-part amendment:

1) Corporations do not have constitutional rights -- only real people

2) Money is not First Amendment free speech.

3) Governments must regulate political spending.

This has been repeatedly introduced in the House as H.J. Res. 54.

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Best idea I've heard or thought of about this topic. I'll be looking into these organizations.

Another thought, also requiring a Constitutional Amendment...term limits for the US Senate and House. Cumulative, not sequential. Ten years for each body (requires changing the Senate term to five years).

Submit both amendments for a convention, with seperate votes, both or either to be enforced starting the next Federal election cycle or a total of two years, whichever is longer. Existing campaign funds to be evenly split between the Democrat and Republican candidates.

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Move To Amend has been banging its head on the door of Congress for decades with no success. They have become addicted to donations. Time for change. We at ProjectLeapfrog.org have 18 college interns in 18 state capitals getting our LIMITED convention bill passed.

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The only - and I do mean only - reason trump would drain a swamp would be to slap his name on some chintzy monstrosity of a building put up by somebody almost as unscrupulous as he is. Of course, you can bet on multiple code violations (bribed into nonexistence) and scab labor. Oh, and it won't be a swamp. It will be a protected wetland, providing vital habitat to creatures far more valuable to the planet than trump is.

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How can anyone vote Republican? Goodbye EPA, Post Offic?e, Soc. Sec., Medicare, women's rights, accountability of polluters, affordable child care, environmental protections, worker safety issues, pla;ying with the law, and more ever more.

Where is most media on these problems? They're (except for some) constantly enabling and encouraging Trump and his supporters. Why? Are they in dream land? The Republicans have become a horror.

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I sure miss the old fashoined sane repubs like Eisenhower, Goldwater George HW Bush and John McCaine. Not saying they were always right. No one is. But they were honest and patriotic men, not stinking traitors.

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I laughed and said you will take it to new levels the first time I heard Trump say he was going to eliminate pay for play politics. I have heard many people say they don't understand Christians supporting Trump. In 2016 i didn't understand so many people voting for someone who was filing bankruptcy while running and not releasing his taxes. In 2018 I thought no one would support the only president to singlehandedly crash the world economy with record stock decline because he is too stupid to negotiate a trade agreement before making Americans pay tariffs. Trump canceled nuclear agreements with Iran and Russia because he didn't like them but they were 100 times better than the nothing he left us with. A total revolving door of an administration of Russian loyalists the highest deficit of a peace time president, the payroll protection plan is the most scammed in history at over 13% only Maxwell Smart can save us from this agent of chaos. He still has v.p. wannabes even though the job requires committing crimes or wearing a special necktie. Millions were raised the day after he became a convicted felon, there must be a lot of minnions ,thugs henchman, patsys,and fall guys ready to buy drained swampland from a bankrupt felon and join Mike Pence and all the other roadkill thrown under the wheels of the trump bus. That's enough evidence to declare IDIOCRACY as the best documentary ever made. I have to go to the bank, cash my reality check and buy stock in Gatorade.

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Corporate money in politics is the same kind of existential threat as climate change. Without getting bribery out of the system, we will never be able to fix anything.

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Always remember Trump is only out for Trump. Everything he says is just BS! Turn around his BS and you have the truth. He will say anything to get what he wants. "Everything Trump touches DIES! And if we let him he and his sycophants will KILL America and American Democracy!! The current Republican party is a sewer and Trump is the chief sewer rat that is destroying our country..........

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The Swamp Thing has not been known for keeping promises, except to his obscenely rich donors. But he did get one thing right: after his "guilty on all counts" conviction, he was heard to say that, of course, this was a rigged, very, very bad trial, etc., but then added something like this: "The judgement by a jury does not matter, but the real judgement will be made by the voters in November". Right on, Donald! Your Judgement Day is coming! You can't buy all the votes, all the time!

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He says it was a rigged stolen election alot too ,in the case of the obvious v. The oblivious all of the people who believe that b.s. are going to vote for the guy in charge when it happened

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I've said it before. I'll say it again. Money in politics is corruption. Wealthy people paying politicians to do their dirty work is wrong, and undemocratic.

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I can only afford a nanosecond and even that would be too long.

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Citizens MUST be overturned. This decision allows corporations (people in its view) to buy politicians who then cater to the donors as thanks, leaving us “ poor folks” stuck with the results. Every day I delete at least 100 emails from politicians seeking money. I also get at least two requests per day in snail mail requesting money. I find this disgusting and appalling. Our “Democratic” government is for sale and Trump is making a mockery of it. My reaction to this is to ID these donors and, to the extent possible, boycott those businesses. We can make this work both ways.

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Isn't it a crime for a politician to do favors or promise favors in exchange for money? Why doesn't the DoJ arrest him?

If i'd been inaugurated in 2021 instead of bankers' waterboy Joe B, i would have had Trump and all the Senators and rep's who illegally voted to appoint him President, tried for treason by a military tribunal and executed. Not a john wayne fan, but there was a very good and true line in True Grit. "You can't talk law to a rat. You k*ll it or you leave it alone."

Putin is a rat, Rump is a rat and all the republicannazis who serve them are rats.

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Hightower nails it. Again. As usual

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Where does that leave us ?? How about high and dry. The purchasing of our political representatives has been going on now for some fifteen years. The courts opened up the flood gates and look at where we are today. We the People need to get the rules changed. and we can do it with the vote. Approach your respective representative and put a fire under their respective a$$es and let them know we are sick and tires of big money politics that only benefit the rich and themselves. Let them know under no circumstances will we sit by and continue with the way things are getting done, and if they can't do it We the People will vote individuals in who can.

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You can buy "Trader"(Traitor ) Trump for the right amount of $$$.He doesn't pretend,he openly says he can be bought for the right price.

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