I recall learning that the one time Jesus became physically angry was when he drove the money changers from the temple. It's pretty clear how he would view DJT hawking autographed bibles to "raise funds".

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Jesus doesn't get enough credit for changing religion and taking the pay to pray out of religion

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Wasn't Jesus the dude who gave free health care and told people to pay their taxes? I wonder why the Bible didn't tell me he was a Marxist for feeding the hungry.

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Jesusy - what a word, huh? And yes, they are NOT Jesusy at all.

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To quote Gandhi" l like your Christ but l do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ"

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I thought the Dali lama said that but I understand what he is saying and it is what Hightower just wrote about

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The Dali Lama said " Compassion is the new radicalism."

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Perhaps it was Bertram Russell or one like him who said, 'I -- like your Christ -- do not like "Christians."'

La ponctuation c'est tout.

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They refuse to take their lead from Christ’s loving way in the real world. That makes them Christian Nihilists, not Christian Nationalists. To win the debate, We must always call things by their right name. Always! Spread the word.

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Are republicans truly pro life?

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No, just anti woman.

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The life is in the way of the corporate economic system and the their monster machine. This has to change. Water for Life! Don't Dump on Me! Cool the Earth, plant a tree

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Yes, as long as it's their life, and that of their own shallow, greedy tribe.

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Just for babies that can't live outside the womb. Pro-life is not for women. The republicans want to return women to their second class status.

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GOP = KKK = ISIS. They are traitors, and if Dopey Joe had any cojones , he'd treat them like traitors.

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The repubs say "Jesus" all the time but their "god" is not Him. Their "god' is their reflection in the mirror, or the worms between their legs.

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It seems to me that the Christian Nationalists don't know the difference between the Old Testament of the Bible and The New Testament. Jesus was inclusive and love was what he taught, whereas the Old Testament preaches 'An eye for an eye ' (leaving everyone blind) and 'If you're not with us you're against us' ( fighting words ). The Roman Empire crucified Jesus because he was a radical who drove the money lenders off of the steps of the Temple. Around here the people who follow Jesus' example and teachings are generous and caring. The self righteous right follow some preacher's lead and blame the poor for being so, because they don't save money. After the Civil Rights Act passed l was in grade school and we had a minute of silence before the Pledge of Allegiance so each could pray their own feelings and all Religions we're respected there by, or the lack of religious teaching. Corporate money worshippers use "Bible' as a rouse to distract from the government backed immorality that controls our lives with the money misery

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It was the Jewish priests who demanded Jesus crucifixion. I am sure they were pissed off that he overturned the money takers tables.!!!

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Actually those priest were in a festive mood. Skipping beside Him along the Via Dolorosa, singing "Yes, You have no maňanas, you have no maňanas today.

Little did they know.

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If you're familiar with the Austin Lounge Lizards, I guess you also know their song "My One God (Is the One True God)".

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There really are no words to adequately describe these f***ing monsters. I'll try two words:



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All religions are two faced (like the Roman god Janus). They can't even follow their own tenants from their own religious tomes. I'm not surprised that they would be against free school lunches anymore than I would be surprised that GOP elites would support a program that turned control over to individual states. We can bash the GOP and Christianity all we want and no matter how ridiculous , far fetched, dangerous and immoral their behavior, the sad part is they'll never change because they don't care for anything but money and power.

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What if we just give the kids of Republicans half a loaf and fish heads? Probably wouldn’t be “Jesusy” either, would it? There’s no limit to the smallness that them looneys won’t stoop to. Maybe if we just had the government issue every citizen a ham sandwich?

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This should be on the front page of every newspaper above the fold.

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In MA, if 50% of children are eligible for free lunch ALL get it. That eliminates shaming and also provides good food for all A good start but it should be food for all, all the time

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I don't think Jesus meant what they think he meant. (That's assuming they actually ever read any of the New Testament -- or even a decent translation of the Old. Really don't think that's a given here.)

PS - love the Lounge Lizards...

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right on my friend keep up the great work

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I'm always amazed at how all those pseudo-Christians can reconcile their conscience with their unchristian behavior and irresponsible action, totally convinced they can somehow fool the ultimate judge. With their politicizing social issues, they give Christianity a very bad rap.

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