We must simply stop talking about him in any medium, all media, and in life. The less we see and hear him, or of him, or read about him the better, the sooner the better. Let's be done with this matter and invest strongly in growing our American dream once again. Relegate him to the almost unspeakable, to-be-forgotten past, except when providing warnings.

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YES indeed.! He is just another distraction from the real true challenges to life on Earth!

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A gold toilet would be appropriate.

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Give him the golden toilet metal and that reads Don't Dump On Me then flush him away! Water for life, catch the flow, ban Fracking NOW

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Please don't flush toxic waste down the drain

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His "contributions" are worth less than a micro-particle of gold dust.

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My idea exactly.

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Obviously a wimpy attempt by a wannabe VP candidate, fostering his desire to become DJT's running mate. Renaming a prison is much more appropriate. Other considerations should include a garbage pit, outhouse, or similar entity with equally undesirable characteristics. There is enough pollution to our seas as it is!

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Perhaps a nice burn pit would be most appropriate. It's a scourge on the environment like Trump is.

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That would be appropriate for finally burning that witch at the stake. No more witch hunt

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Love the trump tower prison idea!

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But especially if he gets his own room there.

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What a capital idea! But may we suggest using brass instead of gold? There is nothing golden about the Donald or any of his cult members. Also, brass is cheaper. That gang has cost the taxpayers enough in legal fees alone, not to mention wasted time in Congress. Love the toilet idea, too - just be sure it is a size X-Large.

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It needs to be big enough to flush a big piece of crap

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We were thinking more of the big butt, but this works too!

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You gotta wonder how a guy built like a jelly donut can show up on a t-shirt looking like Rambo and carrying a big gun that would hurt his bone spurs

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wish this was hard to belielve, but it isn't.

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Great idea to name a federal prison "Trump Tower". Perhaps he could live there.

BTW, why isn't anyone talking about something egregious that Trump will surely do if reelected? He will do what every authoritarian dictator has always done. Trump will begin transferring tax-payer funds from the US Treasury to his personal accounts. There will be no safe-guards with his enablers in place.

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On to the real life safeguards Reinstate and fortify the Clean Air and Clean Water Act and our Constitutional Rights before the Fossil Fuel Corporate takeover of our Government Offices and Washington DC isn't even included in the voter base.

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I suggest that they aptly rename the Monarch Hill Renewable Energy landfill in Boward County Florida, better known as “Mount Trashmore”, Mount Trumpmore landfill. The name would be fitting for the garbage he spews to be located there.

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let's try to forget the name, period....no buildings, no medals, no airports or parks ,nothing.

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Shark- filled waters, hopefully.

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As long as gullible and uneducated voters continue to send people to Congress who do no work to represent them, THEY get the government they deserve. The rest of us do NOT.

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LOL - love the suggestion!

The Big Apple could rename the North River Sewage Processing plant running 8 blocks along Manhattan's Hudson River shoreline after the Orange Savior. Why not add a statue of him sitting in his diaper on the pot, producing what does best?

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Very good idea 👍

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I couldn't stop howling after hearing the recommendation to name a prison "Trump Tower".. That would be most appropriate. So these right wingnuts have nothing better to do? How about giving us a reason to be proud to call ourselves Americans?

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As long as everyone and anyone is talking about him - his is winning..................

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Jim, a HUGE yes to YOUR proposal.

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