OMG - $43 million in personal payola for merging! Not for producing anything, not for contributing to society in any useful way, not for solving any problems we face on this fragile globe....in fact, $43 mill for doing harm. Makes a mockery of all of us who have actually worked for an ordinary living.

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A sick game played by egomaniacal sadists to see who can create nothing for no one for no reason but to play the game regardless of the harm done to others ! How sick !what a demented waste of existence and the squandering of talent time and resources for the playing of a game with no winners ! So Fucking Sad 😔!

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It's been a long LONG slide downhill for the GOP beginning in 1973 when the Koch Brothers introduced their A.L.E.C.. agenda, designed to achieve what we witness today. Their agenda shenanigans began with the lowest level pols that could impact local political outcomes a la A.L.E.C. That A.L.E.C. was successful is a moot point when its accomplishments include SCOTUS and the Maralago Moron's occupancy of the White House. A.L.E.C.'s greatest achievement was to ensure that the general population knew/knows little if anything about the nefarious A.L.E.C. agenda!

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Thank you for the update, Jim. This latest marriage is obscene. Wedding bells for the plutocrats, funeral marches for the rest of us. What happened to our anti-monopoly laws?!?

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All I know is that since the pandemic began my grocery bill has almost doubled while my income and caloric intake have both remained essentially flat. I am a capitalist and I have nothing against making a buck, but this is ridiculous. Hunter Thompson would call the people orchestrating these mergers GREEDHEADS.

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I have solved my grocery purchasing by using Aldi's when I can. They do not have everything but

what they have is reasonably priced. I don't like that Aldi's is foreign owned, but with the increasing contraction of the grocery market, it has to do.

Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota has been trying to do something about combinations that limit

competition (anti-trust) but it has been slow. Perhaps with a new administration......?

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Good for you that you shop at Aldi. If it makes you feel better, the parent company is in Germany, but Aldi is fully invested in the U.S.A. !

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Thank you once again for reminding me to shop local small businesses

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If you can find any.

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The State of Washington has a standing lawsuit against this merger, filed by the current Attorney General, now running for governor. Whether the lawsuit will survive is an open question. I hope it will, but given the right-learning (meaning Republican) judges in many courts), I and others can only wait. Thanks for writing about this, Jim.

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Rat bastards! Enough is NEVER enough!!! Meanwhile people blame the Biden administration for high grocery prices. This information should be screamed all over mainstream media so that everyone knows the truth. Leah Popp

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The truth went up on the bidding floor long ago ! It didn’t cover the reserve of a three dollar bill but was sold anyway ! The new owners twisted and disfigured it beyond all recognition and created our present age of amorality and hate ! Just because they could ! WTF ?

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Given that grocery prices are now on nearly everyone's radar as problematically HIGH, it is stunning that more of us are not up in arms about this Kroger & Albertsons merger. What will it take for us to recognize that too-high prices for groceries represent the difference between the cost of food production and the cost of corporate greed?

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Yes, you deftly point out the huge greed tax we pay. And as Marcia asks below, what DID happen to anti-monopoly laws? Has SCOTUS scotched them too?

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Yes, but given the increasing reluctance of US Attorneys General to prosecute under the Sherman Act, in modern times the public has largely been protected from corporate overreach (read "greed") by federal regulatory agencies. Recognizing this, the Roberts Court has begun the systematic dismantling of these regulatory protections. See for example: https://www.skadden.com/insights/publications/2024/09/insights-september-2024/supreme-court-decisions-curtail-regulatory-agencies-powers.

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Absolutely obscene! I thought we had anti-monopoly laws------What happened to them? Will it ever stop?

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Here in the 2nd largest city in Indiana, we had 3 excellent local/regional grocery chains plus some small stores. Then Walmart arrived. Then Kroger. Kroger is the worst. The bigger it gets, the less the choice of goods offered.

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There is nothing democratic, or even decent in that Fat Cat CEO getting paid like that, unless taxed at the 99percent level! We’ll all pay. Now and forever! This is the time to besiege our congressional representatives, demanding they stand up for us, not them boogeymen! Get in their ears, constantly!

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Buy from local farms. Smaller grocery stores/chains. do not eat ultra processed foods, buy organic

(and do not trust big government agencies - they are not here to protect you they are here to protect corporations -

stop letting corporations buy our government. MAHA

highwire.com corbrettreport.com mercola.com childrenshealthdefense.org

Thank you


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Don't have Albertson's here, but Kroger is abysmal. Treats its employees like chattel, ignores customer service (I rarely visit a Kroger where there is even ONE handicapped scooter charged and working. The prices are competitive, but when they get even bigger--then what? Scary.

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Whatever happened to capitalism's slogan of "competition benefits consumers" and the government agencies that are to regulate monopolistic practices?

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Oh ! That slogan like all slogans was purchased and replaced with the new and improved “ “fuck everyone and everything I’m getting mine no matter who the fuck I gotta shit on “ Is that the slogan you were referring to? 🧐🤔🤯🤮. Does anyone remember when you took pride in being an American citizen and worked hard to produce something of quality or provided a service or professional vocation of higher learning that benefited society as a whole and helped create the most admired and respected country that ever existed? I do ! That time has an expiration date it’s about twenty days from now ! Use before November 5 ,2024 ! The era of our nations unchallenged greatness is rapidly approaching the toss it in the shitter date 📅 and it won’t be getting renewed! Vote Blue ! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Stormy Daniels should have held out for way more.

m. lockhart

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