Here is a conservative, Rattner, laying out rules of the road for the GOP. We need to spread the word, there is nothing in his concepts that help or benefit a working-class person. Why are we failing to convince so many lunch box people vote in their best interest, one of life's mysteries.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023


Blatant class prejudice. And a wonderful demonstration of why the privileged, self-designated superiors aren't. If he were our better, he wouldn't be so clumsy as to let the fat cats out of their gilded bag in full view of us, the working class majority.

He must assume the last few decades of destroying public education has worked. The elite figured out that good public schools resulted in the peasants doing pesky things like forming labor unions and voting. Unfortunately for him and his kind, there are still people like me and my Wobbly grandfather. Summa us cain rede, wraght, an thank.

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You are what you do.Workers are proud to do hard work & mad because upper class robs them of a fair wage or at least the minimum living wage.

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Meanwhile, the US is at least 1/2 million short of workers in the construction industry.

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In the 80’s workers were told they were not productive, too greedy, too unionized, and on and on; therefore the US was not competitive in the burgeoning world economy. So companies sent their factories to Mexico, China, Bangladesh, etc. where they were “free” to exploit the workforce desperate to work for pennies a day without any worker protections. There are no new admonitions from the plutocrats, bent solely on making as much profit as they can squeeze out of a beleaguered workforce.

Oh, what corporations have wrought.

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Small apartments in cities spill people into the streets and offices...makes a more social pool and people feel less lonely. So not all bad, considering what is happening in America with lone wolves.

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Cui bono is my favorite Latin phrase and my favorite political come back

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Great writing from Hightower always. Other than Jim Hightowere's Lowdown, PLEASE do not send other Substack links. I only want Hightower!!! Please!

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