Mar 14, 2023Liked by Jim Hightower

And people HERE don't think that what those "crazy" German's did in the 1920's - 1930's, will NOT occur in the U.S???!!!! They started with "book bans," then it was "book burnings," and THAT lead to burning OTHER "things!!!"


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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Jim Hightower

Is this the same Jonathan Mitchell who was behind the Texas abortion "bounty hunter" law? He's certainly a busy man with too much time on his hands.

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Fascism is alive and well in America! Just like in Nazi Germany. First they came for.......... If you don't stand and fight this there will be more to come...... Like DeSantis says there is more coming OR NOT if people say ENOUGH - NOT IN OUR TOWN - NOT IN OUR COUNTY - NOT IN OUR STATE - NOT IN OUR COUNTRY!

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And so it began, in the United States of America, in 2023, a country of 374, 972, 393 people, a handful of power hungry right-wing autocratic politicians, enabled by 6 of 9 Supreme Court justices who dismantled 50 years of women's rights to bodily autonomy, setting off a fervor of rabid faux Christian white supremacist ideology to ban books they didn't seem appropriate for children in libraries.

These are the first baby steps in the Most Post-Post-Modernist Neo-Nazification of America.

I hope that maybe they will come up with a different, more interesting name for the United States then Atwood's "Gilead" in Handmaid's Tale, or Orwell's "Oceania" in 1984 or Huxley's dystopian united planet of "World State" in Brave New World. But if the lunatic fringers, like MAGA GOP Reps, Bobert, Taylor-Green, & Hee-Hawley, and esp. the WhatstheirName governors of Florida and Texas, get their way and continue to grow in power as-is, we probably become known as the Ultra-Maga States of America.

I guess Rick Wilson really was correct after all, Everything Trump Touches Dies.

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Republicans claim in De Santis-speak that gay people "groom" young people. Uh, I'll tell you who's been grooming whom: For generations (including the three I've lived through), straight people have been grooming gay kids to be -- prepare for it! -- straight! Yes, until the past 20 yrs (at best), thanks to gay liberation, most gay kids grew up thinking "I'm the only one." That was fueled by the 100% hetersexual characters and situations in the literature we were required to read, the movies/tv shows we watched, and -- horrors! -- our parents, churches, scouting organizations, etc. No one is grooming straight kids to be gay. Right-wing hets in gubmint and Bibull-based churches are grooming LGBTQ to be anything but who they are!

And would someone please tell Ron DeSantis and his worshippers that drag queens harm no one. The only bad thing they do is occasionally flub lip-syncing a Diana Ross hit. Drag bingo is a lot more for than "straight" bingo -- especially when 0-69 is called. Bin-goooooooooooo indeed!

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O powers of Light, Right, Love,etc.etc. please help this invasive, guileful, etc. species we are.

Just a little prayer

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Why do we need depictions of masturbation, anal sex and fetching in school libraries?

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Mar 15, 2023Liked by Jim Hightower

Yes, we need books on fetching for those kids who are training their dogs.

Martha, please learn the correct terminology for things you are opposed to.

(It's felching, by the way. And don't knock it until....)

And speaking for the zillions of LGBTQ kids in schools across our country, do we need so much depiction of rampant, out-of-control heterosexualithy in school libraries? "Fun with Dick and Jane" indeed! I propose new versions: "Fun with Jane" and "Fun with Dick." Whoops....that didn't quite come out right. Actually, it did!

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Ok you raise your kids on a steady diet of porn. Just do it at home. And as for felching, we’ll you knew what I meant so 🙄

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

Well, you sure seem to know a lot about porn even if you can't spell.....

I didn't say I think books with detailed depictions of sex acts (heck, when I was little kid and heard about male-female intercourse, I was grossed out!) should be (or not be) in libraries. I was just correcting you. But thanks for the post which reminded me that my 12-year-old niece got a new puppy. I'm gonna see if I can get a book on fetching from the library for her. I'll tell the librarian Martha O sent me and I'm sure I'll get very good service.

Meanwhile, how about if you raise your kids on a steady diet of religion? Just do it at home. Keep it outta the schools (per our Constitution, which says nuthin' about felching or fetching).

I ain't saying religion is bad -- I'm just saying keep it in YOUR life and not other folks' -- if they want religion, they'll find it without your help, believe me.

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I DON'T know what "school libraries" you are referring to, but the grammar school that I attended had NO such books in their library!! The SAME for the high school I attended!!! And as far as the city library AND its branches, you would HAVE to ask/request "those" book from the head librarian AND have a VALID reason to view/read them!!! It was NOT as simple as going to a book rack and taking it off the shelf!!!


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