The Supreme Court was the last hope for honest government. Now that also has been lost. Just look at the chief justice’s smirk. That tells all. And why is justice Thomas still sitting on the court!

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We need a way to impeach supreme court justices. Also, I propose 9 year term limits.

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The Supreme Court IGNORED THE PLAIN TEXT OF THE CONSTITUTION in 2000, and appointed Baby Doc Bush to the white house. The Supreme Court IGNORED THE PLAIN TEXT OF THE CONSTITUTION in 2024 in order to stall Trump's trial. Now the President is supposed to enforce the law, including the Constitution. Clinton should have had the R 'justices' tried for treason and hung. Biden should likewise have the R justices tried for treason and hung. If betraying the very words of the Constitution is not treason, trying to help a well know Russian asset take power sure-the-Hell IS.

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Hung might be a bit severe. I think life in prison is a better choice. But, of course, we need to do something about the constitution before we go even that extreme. Tis a pity indeed.

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6 (Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett) grifters, cons, and liars on the Kangaroo, Rubber Stamp, Bought and Paid for Fascist Republican court. Their rulings are an absolute joke and so full of BS that if you get too close you will die from the stench. Like our Democracy and Freedom are dying under the thumb of these Fascists. There will be no justice from this gang of thugs until they are tarred and feathered and sent packing.

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Trump is asking the oil industry to give him a billion dollars and he will deregulate them when elected

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We're not surprised, are we? When has he ever cared about this country, let alone the planet?

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He will probably get it from them! We're watching the fall of a nation. Spearheaded by a despicable power hungry moron. He;s only the "head puppet" and is too stupid to know it.

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How do we take $$$ out of politics because $$$ money corrupts?Let's start with abolishing lobbying, publicly funding candidates and making their salaries consistent with their constituents.

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Waaaaay past time for SCOTUS impeachment proceedings.

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All I can say is: REVOLTING!

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By getting involved and fighting back.

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Yes, fight back. I tried shaming the Supremes. Even sent Thomas and his cronies a home made picture postcard with the message: "The Constitutional Principles of Clarence Thomas -- Marriage is between one man and a pubic hair on a coke can." No one resigned, but I still think that laughing them out of town may be quicker than impeachment.

Recently, the MC at GLAAD's awards banquet said:: “Since some members of the Supreme Court think it’s okay for them to tell women what to do with their bodies, we should tell them what they can do with theirs -- like, maybe, they can go f--k themselves?”

Every little joke helps.

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And the real pisser is that the ACLU defends the spending of political money as "free speech". This one position completely destroys their ability to fight the oligarchy to advance civil rights. But maybe it makes lawyers rich...?

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Money talks and baloney walks!

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the 'wealthy elite class' again profiting from bribery, price gouging, tax breaks, etc that most of do benefit from but end up paying for!

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Supreme Court "justices" are set for life. They cannot simply be impeached or forced out. Hence the smirks and the ongoing skulduggery - they feel safe. Term limits are a great idea, but even if we make it 6 years, corrupt justices can do a lot of damage. (Look at what Trump managed to do in 4 years.) The stench will be with us as long as we tolerate the return to power of greedy, dishonest politicians, from the top down. As long as so many people vote for them, year after year, there will be no change. Activism and voter education are slow-working medicine, but if we do not give up, there is hope.

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Amazing that Democrats in Congress are NOT forcing C Thomas to resign from Supreme Court. Could it be that they are much on the take from corporation and Billionaires as are the Republicans?

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Money talks, BS walks and there goes Clarence down the street. As H.L. Mencken once said "The American people know what they want and they deserve to get it good and hard".

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Watching the way the "Supremes" have been handling the ridiculous claim of Donald Trump for complete immunity, I've debated cowardice of corruption. It's both.

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