The union told us for one contract that we should let the company grow and they would be able to give better benefits. The company grew and hired more beancounters. Support your local small business

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Work is about more than money, it’s about you, a person of worth.

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As robots do more and more,. plus AI handling the ibrainwork, THE BIG BOSSES DO NOT NEED SO MANY OF US! Then most jobs will become person to person assistance and service jobs. VERY LITMITED PROFITS THEREIN! So, the Big Bosses and their supporting Corporate "Weenies" may have to pay MORE TAXES to fund these human needs! THAT'S WHY THEY WANT TRUMPERS to run things!

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In our undergraduate career planning text, we define work as "an activity that produces something of value for oneself or others." It could include leisure and unpaid work. If employers used this definition in creating work, there would be less burnout, stress, quitting, frustration, etc.

Reardon, R., Lenz, J., Dozier, V. C., Roark, K., & Hultman, J. (2024). Career development and planning: A comprehensive approach (8th ed.). Kendall-Hunt.

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There is no ethical core to the work Bezos and Musk demand because they have no ethical core.

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" . . .for the laborer is worthy of his hire." Luke 10:7

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It’s sad to think that people lives are consumed by something without meaning

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With bigger numbers of dollars as the desired end result of the corporation and the Government focusing on stimulating the economy based on buying and selling our natural resources to the highest bidders, then what is the meaning of life as industry profits by dumping their toxic wastes on our life supporting habitat, Earth, Water for Life ! Ban Fracking NOW!

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My job was updating and maintaining a web application. It had been purchased from some vendor and was pretty crude and shabby: there was one user (no particular name required) and one password which was, you guessed it, "PASSWORD".

I started by wrapping it in a security system based on a corporate employee database where the user had to validate using a system-provided tool. Then I linked to a different database which determined which records that user was authorized to view (and in some cases control). Then it was linked to a mapping system that could locate specific places and determine if that user was permitted to view (or control) the attributes of that place.

But it was never my life. It forced me to learn new APIs and new programming techniques which were useful in my work. But I didn't take it home with me. I was still the same me through it all.

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Thanks for the message.

I'm also remembering the song, "Big, Bad, John!"

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"Layers of Bosses" was in effect in the 1970's business planning (you say even further back?).

By 1980 my Computer System Programmer Analyst wage had "Bottomed Out" on its plateau.

My employer, one of the top three U.S. grocery chains were replacing store General managers with one Assistant store manager overseeing two grocery store managerial duties.

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Maybe not about "another dollar a day," but still. Small businesses, mostly service or low value-added, all around me are closing or getting very close to shutting down for lack of people who will exchange their labor for the hardly princely "dollar a day" on offer.

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The citizens of the United States are primary, business

is secondary. Corp. and other businesses must abide to

the citizens not citizens abiding to the corp. demands

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This is what has made all workers say what is allegiance to a job , that concept has just about disappeared , service workers get a bit of feedback from satisfied customers but…..

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The economy of the Future will need a lot more small businesses. For example, a nurse I know (cousin) is developing a foot care clientele, especially for diabetics and those with artificial limbs.

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We all have to eat and feed our kids, and the "Boss Man" knows it. John Prine says it in his song "Spanish Pipedream", "move to the country and eat a lot of peaches." (great tune, if you've never heard it you should listen to it). If we could learn to do so in a sustainable fashion, maybe one day corporate greed would collapse on itself. I went to school and listened to some of the brightest economic minds discuss economic theory, but they never really bring human nature into the equation. Greed ! It makes us as a society forget that quality of life is so much more valuable than ownership. When will we finally learn?

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Hightower, is it time for "The Workers of the Word to unite"? Maybe yes, many no, but the rumblings are encouraging. Please keep staring the pot.

BTW: MY favorite Jimmy Reed is "Bright Lights, Big City" which he played at Carnegie Hall!

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