Perhaps you heard about the recent surge of invasive foreigners into Eagle Pass, Texas – the Rio Grande border town that finds itself at the hot center of the US-Mexico immigration crisis.
2) "Invasion" is a Republican dog whistle for ethnocentric bigotry.
3) I live on the border--no invasion here.
4) These were not Christians or they would have applied Matthew 25:35-46.
5) As far as I can tell, this is another clown show designed to divert attention from the bumbling of the oligarch party, especially in the House.
6) They didn't provide Mayorkas with what he needed to do the job and now they are trying to impeach him multiple times for not doing the job they hamstrung.
7) When a politician of any stripe says "look here," I always make sure I look somewhere else!
I like Kamala. I would be fine with her as POTUS. Many dems and all 'publicans don't much like that idea. That's why people are so freaked out about Biden's age. I wish Kamala would recognize that and gracefully retire, to be replaced by someone more palatable to the masses. How about the governors of New York, Michigan, or California? How about Michelle Obama? One of several recent military leaders? Other ideas?
I wrote this. I retrospect, I probably underestimated her popularity. Things are looking up! I hope she picks a good Veep who is hugely popular in their own swing state.
We went into Mexico in 2019 after Trump didn't make a border law when the migrant caravans started conveniently before the 18 midterm election. We heard a lot of people making noise about the crisis but we saw nothing driving through el paso and going into Juarez. We do need border security there are a lot of terrorists running around in red hats, easy targets .
Is that group legitimate? Some of their "logic" seems shallow. In my opinion, anyone who puts their faith (willful ignorance) above the law of the land is suspect with this non-believer. Or do I have them all wrong?
GODS ARMY !? Looked like a 2nd rate Carnival ,freak show to me ,and most of the freaks were of the elected variety! I wonder where their Orange 🍊 God was ? I hope those pitiful morons weren’t expecting Jesus to show up! I’m pretty sure Jesus takes a dim view of angry ,armed ,hypocritical hate mongers ,who would have liked to murder a few of his genuine children in the middle of the Rio Grande if they had gotten the chance! You know , Jim , It’s past time for an old fashioned million citizens march on D.C. , been way too long since the 70’s ! It was successful in the past,it can work again ,now all we need is a committed leader and the will to do what we know worked for real Americans back then ! We can’t afford not to!
I have joined the ranks of the conspiracy theorists. I believe social media was conjured up by a collusion of ultra-rich, influential and evil conservatives for the sole purpose of brainwashing the populace. It's been going on since the hanging chad affair, which led to the installation of W by the SCOTUS. It's been highly successful, as nothing else could explain the crazed thoughts and behavior of the MAGA crowd and christian nationalists.
Instead of addressing the gravity of American issues in a bipartisan manner this GOP crowd is all about whipping up hysteria and....doing nothing.To quote Shakespeare "Much ado about nothing."
Our Governor Little represented Idaho bravely at Abbott's show. I am going to forward him your post. We will see if he quotes you in his next TV appearance.
Good it make our Governor (Iowa) look like a fool & she is finding out they are the repulsive inbarrassing people who are showing there type to the world abused.
What this gives some inventive writer is another chapter in a book that will hopefully be named "The Saving of American Democracy" instead of being about the only other outcome which will be a disaster for every American, even the ones that have been brainwashed by the MSM in this country. A press that is in no way liberal when the propagandists who are profiting from misinformation and lies are the actual RWNJs who own 90% of all radio, TV, and printed material the general population sees daily.
1) Sarah who?
2) "Invasion" is a Republican dog whistle for ethnocentric bigotry.
3) I live on the border--no invasion here.
4) These were not Christians or they would have applied Matthew 25:35-46.
5) As far as I can tell, this is another clown show designed to divert attention from the bumbling of the oligarch party, especially in the House.
6) They didn't provide Mayorkas with what he needed to do the job and now they are trying to impeach him multiple times for not doing the job they hamstrung.
7) When a politician of any stripe says "look here," I always make sure I look somewhere else!
Bravo, Kim - on all 7 points!
Hoping for a Biden Landslide. We are going to take our country back from Trump and his Nationalistic Authoritarians. Christians? You gotta be kidding!
I like Kamala. I would be fine with her as POTUS. Many dems and all 'publicans don't much like that idea. That's why people are so freaked out about Biden's age. I wish Kamala would recognize that and gracefully retire, to be replaced by someone more palatable to the masses. How about the governors of New York, Michigan, or California? How about Michelle Obama? One of several recent military leaders? Other ideas?
I wrote this. I retrospect, I probably underestimated her popularity. Things are looking up! I hope she picks a good Veep who is hugely popular in their own swing state.
Thanks Jim.
An eye from France: Americans think that they can immigrate to Europe. Which is extremely difficult.
SO: while the immigration people in the USA are trying to stop immigrants from S. America all the white/middle class are trying to come to Europe.
What I am interested in is this:
Corporations near the border NEED s. Americans to run their corporations.
Paid a pittance.
This is a circus filled with uneducated people who still think the US is the BEST.
We went into Mexico in 2019 after Trump didn't make a border law when the migrant caravans started conveniently before the 18 midterm election. We heard a lot of people making noise about the crisis but we saw nothing driving through el paso and going into Juarez. We do need border security there are a lot of terrorists running around in red hats, easy targets .
Is that group legitimate? Some of their "logic" seems shallow. In my opinion, anyone who puts their faith (willful ignorance) above the law of the land is suspect with this non-believer. Or do I have them all wrong?
"God's Army" lost. God won. Think we'll stick with Him.
GODS ARMY !? Looked like a 2nd rate Carnival ,freak show to me ,and most of the freaks were of the elected variety! I wonder where their Orange 🍊 God was ? I hope those pitiful morons weren’t expecting Jesus to show up! I’m pretty sure Jesus takes a dim view of angry ,armed ,hypocritical hate mongers ,who would have liked to murder a few of his genuine children in the middle of the Rio Grande if they had gotten the chance! You know , Jim , It’s past time for an old fashioned million citizens march on D.C. , been way too long since the 70’s ! It was successful in the past,it can work again ,now all we need is a committed leader and the will to do what we know worked for real Americans back then ! We can’t afford not to!
I seem to have missed the Fox coverage of this one on all platforms... LOL
Hopefully, a few of these clowns will finally realize they are being played.
I do hope that this is an indication that people are sick and tired of seeing and hearing about D.T.Rump and extreme MAGA distractions
I have joined the ranks of the conspiracy theorists. I believe social media was conjured up by a collusion of ultra-rich, influential and evil conservatives for the sole purpose of brainwashing the populace. It's been going on since the hanging chad affair, which led to the installation of W by the SCOTUS. It's been highly successful, as nothing else could explain the crazed thoughts and behavior of the MAGA crowd and christian nationalists.
Instead of addressing the gravity of American issues in a bipartisan manner this GOP crowd is all about whipping up hysteria and....doing nothing.To quote Shakespeare "Much ado about nothing."
I'ts a never ending circus
I'll take the greased pig contest any day over anything that Trump has anything to do with.
Our Governor Little represented Idaho bravely at Abbott's show. I am going to forward him your post. We will see if he quotes you in his next TV appearance.
Good it make our Governor (Iowa) look like a fool & she is finding out they are the repulsive inbarrassing people who are showing there type to the world abused.
What this gives some inventive writer is another chapter in a book that will hopefully be named "The Saving of American Democracy" instead of being about the only other outcome which will be a disaster for every American, even the ones that have been brainwashed by the MSM in this country. A press that is in no way liberal when the propagandists who are profiting from misinformation and lies are the actual RWNJs who own 90% of all radio, TV, and printed material the general population sees daily.