Same old and tired trickle-down bulls*it the GOP has been pedaling for 40 years. It's why our kids today are so tired of the government and why we are in danger of losing any chance of correcting this atrocity unless they realize that voting for any GOP candidate is detrimental to their future.

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How about we all just agree to re-elect President Biden instead of voting for dead-weight trump? I just read Heather Cox Richardson's post for today and, seriously, I don't understand how any person of good will could possibly make a different choice. If there aren't enough people of good will left in America to re-elect the President, then we are surely in for the very bad times Jim Hightower bespoke here.

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As a son of a steelworker, who was also the son of a steelworker, I surely have benefited from their labors, with a college and professional degree. Seems to me that the backbone of our country is really not those who sit in high places, but rather by the sweat from the brows whose labor in industry, the farms, and walk the beat, and their compatriots, are where the REAL WORK and ACCOMPLISHMENTS of our country have originated. It's long past time for their rewards to be felt and celebrated!

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So they are going to create new jobs and expand the economy? Right!

With unemployment at record low, who are they going to find to fill those new jobs? Immigrants? Wait! Aren't they the same folks that want to built the wall?

Even if they succeeded in expanding the economy, what does that do to our environment. Make more stuff - throw away more stuff - add more plastic stuff - use up more natural resources - use up more energy - add more CO2 to the atmosphere - accelerate global warming - and cover the planet with shit.

And who gets all the profit? If you think it's you and me, then I have a bridge across the Hudson that I'm willing to sell you cheap.

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There are good bargains on drained swampland now, if you have a bridge to cross that you can sell a lot of them to people in red hats

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Marjorie Taylor Greene was just on the web hawking votes for Trump to eliminate taxes on tips. This is no doubt part of the plan to lower taxes on people with too much money. This will go just like Bush's rebate stimulus to buy 2 elections. We got a week's worth of spending money and people that still had a house and money after his great recession got a lower capital gains rate to buy up the spoils.

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We can certainly agree to vote for Joe Biden. That part is easy. What is hard to understand, as Deanna M. points out, is why so many people are so blind that they will vote their prejudice, their racism, their wallet, their selfishness - all embodied in one man, Donald "Jesus" Trump. Our kids and grandkids may be our best hope, because they are beginning to see that their future is at stake. (Good point, Jerry!) We need to encourage them constantly. One good organization to support: Leaders We Deserve, founded by two survivors of the Parkland high school mass shooting. They are mobilizing young people to run for local and state offices, and already having some success. Our granddaughter (22) tells us that she and all her Gen Z friends despise Trump and would never vote for him. There is still hope!

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Love those parkland kids they have done more for gun safety than all the other organizations. "We have the right to live "

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Yes, amen, Brother Paul!

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"Trickle down" economics has been discredited since St. Reagan, but the underpaid keep falling for this false promise. Please vote in November to get these crooks out of Congress.

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By the way, we're now into Year 2 of the repeal sectioni of the Trump 2017 tax break for everybody making less than $70,000. In my state, the median income is $52,000, but the average income of that lower half is only $36,000. So, those Trump voters are only losing maybe $200, neither a big loss nor a reason to stop supporting him. They can't see the money flowing gently ever upward, ever upward....

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My first editorial was about Bush's plan to let people invest 2% of their social security. If you do your fuzzy math and figure out how much 2% of your social security was in 1999 you will know why that turd of a plan was never heard from again

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Consider also the Great Recession of 2008. Where working people lost jobs, their hard earned pensions, their homes. The finance wizards so admired in the '80s just might be not all that trustworthy. Yet the reward for such egregious failure was the bailouts of at least $500 billion and not one of the perpetrators ever punished. But yeah, sure, let them play with our Social Security.

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Most of the perpetrators got a golden parachute bonus. The Bush years were full of failures and stimulating the economy of the country we invaded and occupied is the dumbassest thing our government has done

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Notice that neither of the subsequent D presidents or Congressional leaders said anything about it, either.

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The Republican "stink tank" that came up with the policy proposal of "Starve the Beast!" should apply it to the beastliest of them all, Donald John Trump. So much for good ideas!

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Well, sure! Because the evidence supporting this claim is all around us.

Neoliberal economics is based on the belief that The Market, a god-like entity that knows best everywhere and at all times, bestows its greatest blessings on those who obey its rules. An updated expression of the Robber Barons' approval of Social Darwinism where being extremely wealthy was proof of a natural superiority. So of course the successful should be encouraged. What sense would it make for inferiors to determine economic policies?

Simplistic terms like "trickle down/up" are used to instigate unrest among the uninformed masses. Why is this country so great? Where did those good paying jobs that make the American dream possible come from?! Certainly not from the agitators, the non-producers, but rather obviously from the job creators--investments by owners and innovative CEOs.

Downsizing (right sizing actually,) mass layoffs, outsourcing, controlling wages, etc. are decisions made by experienced and knowledgeable business professionals. Criticisms of this efficiency come from those with no relevant economic expertise, or un-American theories, or merely plain old envy.

Let the few proven best do their jobs so you can have yours. Defer to your betters. Got it?

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Yup. Got it. Suck up. Take a second job at just a little better than minimum wage. Better yet, take your kids to work and let them make money, too. Even the five-year-olds can be useful.

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Exactly. Because child labor is simply on the job training! What more do they need to know? Let them get used to their place in the econ system.

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We knew this would be one of Trump's projects if re-elected, but surprisingly, he keeps making it known in his announcement. No stealth this time.

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Consider the fact that Elon Musk was given a pay package of 45 billion$$$...,.and now they want you/us to pay more taxes.Trumpolini will only serve his billionaire supporters.

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Why can they get away with "rolling the big ball of dung up Capital Hill". Those I hear supporting supply side economics compliment themselves as having common sense - obviously not true, especially for the last 40 years. But, I don't hear about any efforts to cut the money takers out of the loop. We could sure use some of the cream they skim to make life for all American operate better. But, how can we get there? There's no Austerity party, just grow, grow, grow! Is it Capitalism that is so ugly? Greed seems to grow exponentially. Maybe someone could invent a religion to address the problem, although that's likely to be beyond our imagination - no "good" religion yet - one can hope.

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Why isn't the Dem party telling the American people the truth behind this BS ongoing for 40-50 years. Read Thom Hartmann's books to understand the whole ridiculous story

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Because the D party went neolib, supporting econ status quo. Why corporations and rich individuals are comfortable making donations to Ds. I know this by direct experience; 28 years a blue collar worker, union activist, and local D political campaign mgr. Their abandonment of New Deal ideals and of labor deserves intense public criticism. However, although my heart bleeds and my tongue would were I to say this out loud, the Ds right now really are the lesser of two evils. The Rs clearly intend to impose a fascist corporate state.

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How do we stop them?

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