The attack on culture is a part of the con job to distract from their main goal of stripping ALL Americans of their money and giving it to the wealthiest Americans and the wealthiest corporations. Because then they can get more money from them and remain in power. You scratch my back, I scratch your back. They just need to keep their bas…
The attack on culture is a part of the con job to distract from their main goal of stripping ALL Americans of their money and giving it to the wealthiest Americans and the wealthiest corporations. Because then they can get more money from them and remain in power. You scratch my back, I scratch your back. They just need to keep their base "enraged and engaged" and distracted from their main goal. Which is stealing from ALL Americans! And if ALL Americans really got wise to this they would collapse and be driven from office forever. But the con continues with their distraction and disinformation and misinformation to keep everyone confused and not wise to the con.
The attack on culture is a part of the con job to distract from their main goal of stripping ALL Americans of their money and giving it to the wealthiest Americans and the wealthiest corporations. Because then they can get more money from them and remain in power. You scratch my back, I scratch your back. They just need to keep their base "enraged and engaged" and distracted from their main goal. Which is stealing from ALL Americans! And if ALL Americans really got wise to this they would collapse and be driven from office forever. But the con continues with their distraction and disinformation and misinformation to keep everyone confused and not wise to the con.
Need to get out on the streets!