Another group to check out is Move to Amend.

They are pushing a 3-part constitutional amendment that would establish:

1. Corporations are not people and don't have constitutional rights.

2. Money is not equivalent to 1st Amendment free speech.

3. Governments at all levels are mandated to regulate political campaign spending.

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Big fan of Move to Amend! Thanks for sharing here.

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These are definitely three of the Supreme Court decisions that MUST be overturned!

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Jim Hightower

"...we have met the SOLUTION, and it is us." I like it!

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Exactly, instead of waiting for some ONE to come along and save us!

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Pogo is sorely needed these days. I learned how to read, at age three, on "I Go Pogo" in 1951. I have always blamed my uncle, who gave it to me, for twisting my mind. I have every Pogo book Walt Kelly put out, even the LP "Songs of the POGO". The pubs are still up to their "Parlor Tricks".

The Jack Acid Society Black Book" is more prescient than ever....

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“We have met the enemy, and he is us “!!

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McCarthyism was the face of Fascism then, and it never left. It merely submerged, to work in the background. They worked to take control of the court system. Now they want to take the entire government.

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Mr Hightower you have hit the ball out of the park with your writing again I would like to thank you for all you have done for the American People. and I wish to tell you from one "OLD FART" to another GOOD JOB , as I'm 79 1/2 yrs old I think I've earned the right-------OK ? dennis parsons (OREGON)

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I sent two Letters to the Editor of my local newspaper and neither one has been published so l sent a copy to my State Senatorial Representative and my State House Delegate and to V.P. Harris. I also sent copies of my letter to Public Citizen but feel as if l am preaching to the choir in that case.

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Thanks for the direction provided for where to go to help sanity along. For what it's worth, I think the whole McCarthy/Biden/Impeachment is bullshit and those supporting it should be ousted from Office.

Politicians and Voters need to grow up.

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It's a smoke and mirrors ploy by the corporate culture to distract our attention away from their dirty deeds and their corporate dumping on our life supporting habitats.

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With all due respect, Jim, I have no doubt that the Bidens are as corrupt as the Trumps, but maybe a little better at hiding it and with more allies in Washington and corporate media to help them hide it. As near as I can tell, the reason rich people have lawyers on retainer is not to make sure they don't break the law, but to advise them on what they can get away with--and defend them if the political winds shift.

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No idle down-time for any of us anymore who want our wonderful country to continue. Blessings.

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When I need a retool of my perspective on America...I go stay at my little casa in Mexico. It works miracles. Maybe it's the beer and carnitas:) Back in Los Estados...I'm a regular Hightower reader. Refreshing your enthusiasm for what is necessary is always a good thing.

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THANK YOU for the comment about what I wrote, i have followed you & your writing for years and will continue to do so--------- again THANK YOU Dennis

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