Thank you Jim!! This is great news! A little hope for humanity!

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When the decision gets down to the people, which it rarely does, we agree on most of the important issues (even shareholder people). We could solve abortion, immigration, military aid to fools, etc with our cell phones in 30 minutes and bypass Congress and the Supreme Court.

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The inflation we are experiencing is caused primarily by corporations keeping prices high because of a corporate greed influenced by lack of competition in the market place. If you buy up your competition you can keep your prices and profits high. Same way they use to keep the stock price high by buying back their stock from the profits they rake in.

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Not acknowledging global warming has become plain suicidal and the liars are committing mass murder at the same time. I got my first taste in 13 ,after seeing mass rain in Texas and Europe. We have tornadoes year round now and the weather this year makes it my number one concern Not all of the culture war problems that citizens united has made nonstop political ads about.

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I agree and hope more corporations see the light to save our country from extremism.

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This is the only thing I’ve read today that gives me hope. Badly needed. Thank you Jim!!

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Again opposite sides on the same Ass, the illusion of 2 parties and no one wants to miss the party so die hard Donkeys and Elephants will come through (1984) because if we do not want the other party to win but we know it is the corporations that win either way - however you have other choices - watch - you can watch a 3 way debate at TheRealDebate.com. Get corporate media out of the picture. Give me a candidate that care about America and the American people.

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How nice. Reminds me of comments by dogmatic far leftists I encounter on sites like Chris Hedges or Consortium News. Who think it's their right as a superior vanguard to tell us lessers that letters like BIPOC or LGBTQ are merely corporate distractions from working class solidarity. True, often merely public relations, but that doesn't negate the reasons for activism. Especially when coming from white men who've never had to fight for their identity--and have never held a tool in their lives. As a BIPOC and LGBT blue collar worker, I know by decades of experience they aren't mutually exclusive. It's both/and, not either/or.

Similar to arguments I've had regarding the upcoming election. I've gone on and on here about how much I detest the Dems for ditching the New Deal and abandoning labor. And how appalled I am that the D party elite and current admin are neolib (econ status quo) and worse yet, the Biden State Dept. is dominated by neocons trained by Dick Cheney. I have yet to hear any D apologist explain these facts.

However, although my heart bleeds and my tongue would were I to say this aloud, the Ds really are the lesser of two evils right now. There is no doubt Trump wants to be dictator, and the Chicago school economists and their corporate allies believe that free market capitalism is most efficient with undemocratic governments like in Chile under Pinochet. Re-electing Biden would at least give us dissidents the room to go on fighting.

Another reason for grudging support for Biden and the Ds--they don't deny climate change. That denial is the product of the same 5 guys, Cold War physicists, who shilled for Big Tobacco. Read the detailed documentation in //The Big Myth// by Oreskes and Conway. Also doc film available on YouTube.

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The law(s) allowing corporitization should be revoked. I don't see where such vehicles for human misery and subjugation have ever done any good.

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From what I’ve seen being report by a variety of sources, this is true!! Music to my ears and digestive system!!

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