This plot line could have come from one of Charles Dickens’ novels about upper-class depravity: “Miserly governors refuse to provide gruel for poverty-stricken ragamuffins.”
As a retired special educator/high school principal, I know first hand how valuable such food programs are to students and families. The bogus comments about obesity and fake concern about monies wasted really infuriate me. We knew many students who wouldn't have eaten if our district hadn't done free breakfast and lunch for all students and we always had supplies of granola bars, fruit, etc., for extra hungry kids. It's hard to focus on learning when your stomach is growling or actually hurts from hunger. These people call themselves Christians? Give me a break.
I don't understand why feeding poor people and providing them with shelter from the elements is such a difficult leap for one of the richest countries in the world. Of course, back in the day, we just allowed them to die, thereby reducing the surplus population.
I would expect that in Alabam or Mississippi, the cracker oligarchs of which are about one step up from Idi Amin. But , damn Iowa ? Here in MN we joke about the low intelligence of Iowegians. and the western part of the State has a lot of extremely old fashioned religious types. But I have to say that i am disappointed in our neighbors' Governor rejected food for poor kids. Not at all Christian if you ask me, but very very Trumpist.
Yep, Gov Reynolds is really "owning the libs" here in Iowa. I do wonder, though, how many children of people in her "political base" might also have benefited from the additional food aid? Plus, of course, if you can't afford a lot of groceries, you're stuck buying the cheaper, but highly processed food from your local convenience store - food that, um, er, contributes to obesity, diabetes, etc.
One of the richest countries in the world is also the one that has created the hope of the American Dream. And that is now no longer a dream of freedom and equal opportunity, but of how rich you can get by stiffing as many people as possible. All this, of course, disguised under many different names. The Trump family of speculators, frauds, tax cheaters, draft dodgers, liars, performance artists, etc. is a prime example, but not the only one. As long as people buy into that narrative, they will be voting these creeps into office. Truth-telling is one of our best chances to reverse the tide. But oh, for the olden days - Robin Hood, where are you when we need you? Well, since the pen (computer) is mightier than the sword: keep it up, Jim!
Because we think that much of what Trump and his puppets in Congress do is performance - putting on a clown show to please their fan base and to get attention. Works for them, doesn't it?
Unfortunately, my state of Georgia is one of those refusing this money. Our governor also steadfastly opposes expending Medicaid, which leaves tens of thousands of OUR money not claimed to support our citizens who need health care and cannot afford it. Our GOP legislature is currently (AGAIN) trying to push through a bill that would give tax money to parents for private (mostly religious) schools. That is the GOP agenda--punish the poor, reward the well-to-do, and line their own pockets. Please, VOTE Blue this November.
1) Look at Reynolds educational credentials. How is she qualified to weigh in on this topic?
2) She also approved a school voucher program
2a) A disaster for schools in Arizona, where the Democratic governor has sounded the alarm.
2b) Data suggests 2/3 of voucher students were already in private school
3) Most of the "conservatives" I know claim to also be "Christian." How about Matthew 25:35-"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me"
4) We have money for wasteful, non-transparent voucher programs but no money to feed hungry kids?
Is there a way that these insane govenors, Reynolds, Abbott, DeSantis et al, can get this report Jim? I mean, it might pop them out of their Dickensian stinginess!
None of those gulf state governors has declined massive amounts of funds from FEMA to recover from hurricanes and other disasters. Billions! If they did, they would never survive reelection.
The immoral greed of the Aristocratic Overlords is insatiable. And their payed off lap dog politicians will keep feeding it. Any aid to the poor will put more pressure to take away tax breaks for the rich. Those tax breaks that build up the deficit. As Marie Antoinette said about the starving poor who had no bread, "Let them eat cake." We need a solution to the greed. is a start.
Once again, PRO LIFE has raised its ugly head. Hypocrisy 100%
As a retired special educator/high school principal, I know first hand how valuable such food programs are to students and families. The bogus comments about obesity and fake concern about monies wasted really infuriate me. We knew many students who wouldn't have eaten if our district hadn't done free breakfast and lunch for all students and we always had supplies of granola bars, fruit, etc., for extra hungry kids. It's hard to focus on learning when your stomach is growling or actually hurts from hunger. These people call themselves Christians? Give me a break.
And NE Gov Pillen, aka "shillen" says it's welfare. And yet he's a pig farmer and accepts how much $$$ from the feds in the socialist farm programs???
I don't understand why feeding poor people and providing them with shelter from the elements is such a difficult leap for one of the richest countries in the world. Of course, back in the day, we just allowed them to die, thereby reducing the surplus population.
I would expect that in Alabam or Mississippi, the cracker oligarchs of which are about one step up from Idi Amin. But , damn Iowa ? Here in MN we joke about the low intelligence of Iowegians. and the western part of the State has a lot of extremely old fashioned religious types. But I have to say that i am disappointed in our neighbors' Governor rejected food for poor kids. Not at all Christian if you ask me, but very very Trumpist.
Yep, Gov Reynolds is really "owning the libs" here in Iowa. I do wonder, though, how many children of people in her "political base" might also have benefited from the additional food aid? Plus, of course, if you can't afford a lot of groceries, you're stuck buying the cheaper, but highly processed food from your local convenience store - food that, um, er, contributes to obesity, diabetes, etc.
One of the richest countries in the world is also the one that has created the hope of the American Dream. And that is now no longer a dream of freedom and equal opportunity, but of how rich you can get by stiffing as many people as possible. All this, of course, disguised under many different names. The Trump family of speculators, frauds, tax cheaters, draft dodgers, liars, performance artists, etc. is a prime example, but not the only one. As long as people buy into that narrative, they will be voting these creeps into office. Truth-telling is one of our best chances to reverse the tide. But oh, for the olden days - Robin Hood, where are you when we need you? Well, since the pen (computer) is mightier than the sword: keep it up, Jim!
"performance artists"!?! How did they get on this list?
Because we think that much of what Trump and his puppets in Congress do is performance - putting on a clown show to please their fan base and to get attention. Works for them, doesn't it?
I'll bet that the right winger never miss a meal, especially if it is provided by a lobbyist or a financial backer.
Unfortunately, my state of Georgia is one of those refusing this money. Our governor also steadfastly opposes expending Medicaid, which leaves tens of thousands of OUR money not claimed to support our citizens who need health care and cannot afford it. Our GOP legislature is currently (AGAIN) trying to push through a bill that would give tax money to parents for private (mostly religious) schools. That is the GOP agenda--punish the poor, reward the well-to-do, and line their own pockets. Please, VOTE Blue this November.
If only the DEMOCRATIC party would shape up and FIGHT for Bernie Sanders! Do any of them have any courage?
1) Look at Reynolds educational credentials. How is she qualified to weigh in on this topic?
2) She also approved a school voucher program
2a) A disaster for schools in Arizona, where the Democratic governor has sounded the alarm.
2b) Data suggests 2/3 of voucher students were already in private school
3) Most of the "conservatives" I know claim to also be "Christian." How about Matthew 25:35-"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me"
4) We have money for wasteful, non-transparent voucher programs but no money to feed hungry kids?
5) Hypocrisy reigns!
Is there a way that these insane govenors, Reynolds, Abbott, DeSantis et al, can get this report Jim? I mean, it might pop them out of their Dickensian stinginess!
We wish. Sigh......
Absolutely true!! Beyond cruel and unbelievable. Trump's influence reaches every where when idiot republicans are in charge.
But why? Our Gov Hogan in Maryland stood up. But what an attack! Admired but not bought, so no chance of running..
Clever Republican s think their policies will be blamed on Biden.
None of those gulf state governors has declined massive amounts of funds from FEMA to recover from hurricanes and other disasters. Billions! If they did, they would never survive reelection.
But it doesn't speak well for those real performance artists who've been performing their art since the sixties!
The immoral greed of the Aristocratic Overlords is insatiable. And their payed off lap dog politicians will keep feeding it. Any aid to the poor will put more pressure to take away tax breaks for the rich. Those tax breaks that build up the deficit. As Marie Antoinette said about the starving poor who had no bread, "Let them eat cake." We need a solution to the greed. is a start.