The Naked Emperor is beyond weird. A third term (which would begin when he is what, 84?) is unthinkable. What we should worry about is the brood of vipers that he has elevated to positions of power. .They will be ready and willing to carry on his glorious work of "making America great again". As Murray says, we the people have to say "enough is enough". Most of the checks and balances written down by the Founders are still in place. We have to demand that Congress use them, and give him hell when he rants, raves and squeals. Our lawmakers need to see the Wizard and ask for a heart, a brain, and courage. Plus a spine.
Putin, Donald's hero, was limited to two terms in office. He found a way to sidestep that requirement. He's still in power. Never underestimate Donald's desire for power.
That is an interesting thought, but fortunately, it does not quite apply. Russia has never been a democratic republic, and "term limits" for Putin, as well as the idea of free and fair elections, is a joke and a sham there. Putin has certainly found a way to stay in power: his opponents/critics die under mysterious circumstances, are held in prisons, or simply "disappear". We are not at that point, but we would never underestimate King Don's desire for power. The wee man started as an unfunny clown and ended up as a threat. Quite a career. But the end is coming for him. Let's hope we all live to see it.
This will go on until enough people in America and around the world are hurt and injured and damaged by the Felon King and say that's it! It will end now! Until then the UGLY American Felon King, along with his gang of thugs and goons, will trash everything and everyone in his and their path. (And here we are 2025 and America has a King.)
Die, Donald, Die! Don't get shot or killed - you would be a hero (to some). Don't die of natural caused - you would still be a hero. Fall into a sewer and drown in your own muck.
I hope the 6 supreme court justices are happy with helping to destroy are democracy with the Citizens United and presidential immunity opinions. The opening of the floodgates allowing money to corrupt our political system and allowing the convicted felon to be basically free to do whatever he wants as part of his "official acts" is leading us over the cliff.
Sharpen the tines on your pitchforks, people. And get those torches ready!
One of my ancestors fought under General George Washington's command. He knew how to deal with kings.
Donald Trump has an authority problem: he refuses to recognize our sovereign authority as citizens of our Republic. He is only our Butler-in-Chief and should be fired for insubordination.
Trump is a stupid jackass!, and all who voted for him are truly not Americans! All of those who fought in WW ll are turning over in their graves right ow because we have voted in a jackass who thinks it's okay to be a king.
By his own proclamations, he’s smarter than all doctors, scientists, and economists in the world. Also bravest man in the world, heel spurs notwithstanding.
Don't forget how despots take control. All he needs is a "national emergency." So far he doesn't have much, but Bush/Cheney capitalized on 9/11 to start the latest forever war (which is still ongoing), domestic surveillance, and other things. We must be vigilant.
Protect and preserve our Federal Lands, planetary climate and our water, as again they are attacking our life supporting habitat to feed the greed for $ the government power
In his Federalist Papers discussion of the presidential pardon power (The Federalist Papers : No. 74), Alexander Hamilton wrote, "Humanity and good policy conspire to dictate, that the benign prerogative of pardoning should be as little as possible fettered or embarrassed." Well, I'm embarrassed for our country, and George III is probably laughing his head off in his Windsor Castle burial vault.
trump has been ignoring the law for 50 years and getting away with it! truly, Teflon Don. 98 felonies and 27 accusations of rape, never a day in jail. Makes Al Capone look like an amateur. if you think Congress will do jack shit about him, I have a bridge I'll sell you. I think it's like with the drug cartels. They tell cops and prosecutors and politicians "Silver or lead" ie cooperate and get rich, oppose us and get dead. I think the legacy media and the tech bros have decided to take silver rather than even risk legal harassment, let alone prison or murder. what can WE do? Good question. D party (aka Useless Party) seems more concerned with pronouns etc than with smashing Fascism. for us- I honestly don't know. You can't reason with a neo-Nazi and they have lots of organized gunmonkeys to keep us from lynching them. Hard for us to organize effective militias. On the other hand, there seems to be a lot of un-organized resistance in Russia now...
I have never been so terrorized by the actions of people WE have put in office. Trump and Musk (both terrorized as children and needing a good slap on the fanny) are doing their best to get even for the terror inflicted on them by their parents. Hope the rest of us will survive!
The Naked Emperor is beyond weird. A third term (which would begin when he is what, 84?) is unthinkable. What we should worry about is the brood of vipers that he has elevated to positions of power. .They will be ready and willing to carry on his glorious work of "making America great again". As Murray says, we the people have to say "enough is enough". Most of the checks and balances written down by the Founders are still in place. We have to demand that Congress use them, and give him hell when he rants, raves and squeals. Our lawmakers need to see the Wizard and ask for a heart, a brain, and courage. Plus a spine.
You're asking a lot. Even if some Republican lawmakers have a heart and a brain, courage and a spine are as rare as hen's teeth.
You are right. This may be too much, even for the Wizard of Oz.
Putin, Donald's hero, was limited to two terms in office. He found a way to sidestep that requirement. He's still in power. Never underestimate Donald's desire for power.
That is an interesting thought, but fortunately, it does not quite apply. Russia has never been a democratic republic, and "term limits" for Putin, as well as the idea of free and fair elections, is a joke and a sham there. Putin has certainly found a way to stay in power: his opponents/critics die under mysterious circumstances, are held in prisons, or simply "disappear". We are not at that point, but we would never underestimate King Don's desire for power. The wee man started as an unfunny clown and ended up as a threat. Quite a career. But the end is coming for him. Let's hope we all live to see it.
This will go on until enough people in America and around the world are hurt and injured and damaged by the Felon King and say that's it! It will end now! Until then the UGLY American Felon King, along with his gang of thugs and goons, will trash everything and everyone in his and their path. (And here we are 2025 and America has a King.)
You are so right!!!!
Die, Donald, Die! Don't get shot or killed - you would be a hero (to some). Don't die of natural caused - you would still be a hero. Fall into a sewer and drown in your own muck.
I hope the 6 supreme court justices are happy with helping to destroy are democracy with the Citizens United and presidential immunity opinions. The opening of the floodgates allowing money to corrupt our political system and allowing the convicted felon to be basically free to do whatever he wants as part of his "official acts" is leading us over the cliff.
Sharpen the tines on your pitchforks, people. And get those torches ready!
One of my ancestors fought under General George Washington's command. He knew how to deal with kings.
Donald Trump has an authority problem: he refuses to recognize our sovereign authority as citizens of our Republic. He is only our Butler-in-Chief and should be fired for insubordination.
More pushback against Executive orders. Policical, legal, the press and the public. PLEASE
Trump is a stupid jackass!, and all who voted for him are truly not Americans! All of those who fought in WW ll are turning over in their graves right ow because we have voted in a jackass who thinks it's okay to be a king.
Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall, all the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldn't put Trumpty together again
By his own proclamations, he’s smarter than all doctors, scientists, and economists in the world. Also bravest man in the world, heel spurs notwithstanding.
Don't forget how despots take control. All he needs is a "national emergency." So far he doesn't have much, but Bush/Cheney capitalized on 9/11 to start the latest forever war (which is still ongoing), domestic surveillance, and other things. We must be vigilant.
Looks like he's orchestrating a national emergency
Protect and preserve our Federal Lands, planetary climate and our water, as again they are attacking our life supporting habitat to feed the greed for $ the government power
Recession is coming. Forget about Royal Trappings.
Trump froze $615 billion on Biden’s climate/health care law and his bipartisan infrastructure law.
He froze federal grant money worth $1.78 trillion.
Both total $2.4 trillion.
US Budget for 2024 was $6.75 trillion
1/3rd of Federal expenses on hold.
US GDP is $29 trillion.
8% of US economy is suddenly on hold.
In his Federalist Papers discussion of the presidential pardon power (The Federalist Papers : No. 74), Alexander Hamilton wrote, "Humanity and good policy conspire to dictate, that the benign prerogative of pardoning should be as little as possible fettered or embarrassed." Well, I'm embarrassed for our country, and George III is probably laughing his head off in his Windsor Castle burial vault.
trump has been ignoring the law for 50 years and getting away with it! truly, Teflon Don. 98 felonies and 27 accusations of rape, never a day in jail. Makes Al Capone look like an amateur. if you think Congress will do jack shit about him, I have a bridge I'll sell you. I think it's like with the drug cartels. They tell cops and prosecutors and politicians "Silver or lead" ie cooperate and get rich, oppose us and get dead. I think the legacy media and the tech bros have decided to take silver rather than even risk legal harassment, let alone prison or murder. what can WE do? Good question. D party (aka Useless Party) seems more concerned with pronouns etc than with smashing Fascism. for us- I honestly don't know. You can't reason with a neo-Nazi and they have lots of organized gunmonkeys to keep us from lynching them. Hard for us to organize effective militias. On the other hand, there seems to be a lot of un-organized resistance in Russia now...
I have never been so terrorized by the actions of people WE have put in office. Trump and Musk (both terrorized as children and needing a good slap on the fanny) are doing their best to get even for the terror inflicted on them by their parents. Hope the rest of us will survive!