How many times have we all heard Trump say things like "a lot of people". It is total and complete BS. He is a pathological liar. It is always about how to turn something that benefits and serves the public into something that serves and benefits the wealthy - and make the rest of us pay for the service to benefit the wealthy! The "a lot of people" are his wealthy buddies who want our money and use him to get it. Just another Trump Ponzi Scheme!!!

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Almost as many times as we have heard Trump say: "No one ever knew this [fill in the subject, e.g. law of gravity, moon tides, long division, an "obscure" continent like Africa, pounds in a long ton, language spoken in Greece, sum of 2 + 2) until I studied it bigly and told the world about it. Now everyone says, 'Sir, what a genius you are. No wonder scientist and college deans come and worship at your feet.'"

Anyone with ordinary intelligence and a fourth grade education knows that Trump is just like a goose -- everyday it's a brand new world.

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Do you think your kids will write free letters to Santa if postal service goes private? Think about all the letters we wrote to service men through the years and how efficiently they were delivered, do you want to leave that to a private for-profit company that can and will charge anything they can all the while telling you how little the money is they are making, while the CEO takes as much as he can and puts it in his own pocket?

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I left this comment at the end of Robert Reich's column on Ponzi Schemes. It may work here too.

"Read the whole section on crypto currency and Ponzi Schemes. Then remember that Trump, et al, want to privatize the Post Office and other public entities. The next thing would be to convert the 'coin of the realm' - the dollar - to some form of crypto. You want to be damn sure that your assets are not heavily in cash."

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Ah yes it was supposed to get better after trump appointed DeJoy last time around. Things that always came on Saturday started coming the next Tuesday. And of course the price has steadily rose. The workers are still nice but if the po runs out of stamps it takes weeks to get more. My po had no stamps f or several months. Weren’t even allowed to borrow or buy from a neighboring po.

Benjamin rolls in his grave.

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Seems pretty obvious. His buddy Bezos has a fleet of trucks and a delivery network. I’m sure the system could be reworked to generate a profit for him. Maybe less-frequent deliveries to (rural) places he doesn’t have a fleet?

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DeJoy was already on record as being a greedy, corrupt Republican during Trump one. There was plenty of outrage, but he stayed on into the Biden administration. WHY???

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Because, by law (one of the few, evidently, trump is unwilling to break), the board that manages the USPS has to be the entity that fires DeJoy.

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But almost two years ago, President Biden finally got a Democratic majority on that board, which could have removed DeJoy but failed to do so. Guess they were DINOs.

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The Postal Clause of the Constitution, which is Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 gives Congress the power to establish post offices and post roads.

What does the Postal Clause allow Congress to do?

Establish post offices and post roads

Designate mail routes

Designate certain materials as non-mailable

Pass laws against abuses of the postal system, such as mail fraud

Make laws necessary to carry out these tasks

**What does the Postal Clause imply?

The Postal Clause implies that the Post Office has the power to carry, deliver, and regulate mail.

The Postal Clause has been interpreted as giving Congress a monopoly over the delivery of first-class residential mail.

**How has the Postal Clause been interpreted?

The Postal Clause has been interpreted as a funding mechanism for the USO.

The Postal Clause has also been interpreted as allowing the United States to give up the Post Office if it chooses to do so.

Per AI Summary.

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We can't let them privatize the postal service. I will contact the postal workers union and see what I can do to help.

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The postal service is a huge target for vulture capitalists with its 75 year mandated pension fund. I retired after 35 years so my pension would have been fully funded 40 years before I started. That must be a big chunk of money that needs to be watched.

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I just hope there is a total revolution, widespread furious outrage, if Trump, Elon and their fascist billionaire buddies mess with Social Security and the Post Office. And you can be sure they will. Democrats and true, principled Republicans alike should bombard their Senators and Representatives with demands that they stand up to bullies in the Administration.

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So with what other "postal" service can you send a letter anywhere in the US for less than one dollar?

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I would have shared this episode but the picture of the mailbox with "This machine kills facists" would cause those who most need to hear or read this episode to delete it right off.

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I well know the feeling, frequently being told that we must play nice. That we catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Don't offend their sensibilities, etc.

But an old campaigner once told a group a kind of parable. A farmer was observed with a load of hay being pulled by a mule. Occasionally, before he gave a verbal command, he would hit the mule with an 8 foot long 2x4. A woman upbraided the farmer, noting the mule seemed to respond, would pull to the left when the farmer yelled "haw" and to the right when he yelled "gee." so why the beating. The farmer said, "yes, Jackie here knows the commands alright, but I am dealing with a mule, so I use the 2x4 to get his attention."

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Beware:Trump/Muskrat want to capture control of our communication sources so they can only present their version of the news.Remember Joseph Goebels,Hitler's propaganda minister,who once said"Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it."History is repeating itself.

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When will this corruption and illegal coup of our government stop? As Senator Murphy stated several days ago, he thinks that we have 6 months tops to stop the illegal coup. Again, once the Trump administration gets control of the military brass, the jig is up. We won't have any non-violent recourse left to us, the American public. Democrats must immediately go into republican controlled districts all over America and hold town halls to inform the public of what is at stake and sound the alarm that unless many, many people contact their representatives in congress and inform them that they are out of office unless they oppose this coup. The message must be stark and worrisome because the stakes are very high for the survival of our democracy and the survival of the planet in many respects.

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The Elon is every one that Trump refers to as "a lot of people". He hates the USPS because -- despite the efforts that have been made to cripple it with a "pay as you go" budget, it remains a paragon of efficiency. That makes the Muskman very envious.

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I'm sure the Slavonic Slut would simply love to privatize the post office. Then she could have a free hand designing new uniforms. They would doubtless be an esthetic triumph, just like her christmas decorations.

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