The heartlessness of these people is astounding. They have no idea what it takes to really earn a paycheck in this country.

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Corporations are not alive, they don't eat, drink, breathe or die. More money profits is all that matters and power over the life supporting natural resources

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Yes, I agree, but the Supreme Court as now configured, would probably disagree with us as they already have given 'life' status to corporations. I think the elites have managed to get the upper hand and will block all legitimate avenues toward life affirming policies and laws unless enough people can overthrow them. And I'm afraid it will take an earthquake to do so, if you get my drift.

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From the rock musical 'Hair' We Sop Look at one another short of breath, walking proudly in our winter coats , wearing smells from laboratories, facing a dying Nation, a moving paper fantasy, listening to the new told lies with supreme visions of lonellitude...'

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Earthquakes are common in States that have been sacrificed to the fossil fuel extraction. Of course the only reason that money has power is because people believe in it.

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Allow me to speak in bumper sticker "Every time that you spend money you are casting a vote for the kind of world you want"

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My niece who is in her 20's has it right, she says "You need to vote for your values and not your wallet!"

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Yes, great wisdom from one so young! We still have a life supporting balance to work to defend from the rich serving corporate greed(forevermore)

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The oligarchs don't need to worry about heat or sunstroke. They have money.

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As a former hot tar roofer I can attest to the need for water and shade thoroughout the day. Abbott et al deserve to be in that hell for a couple years.

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Absolutely. And if they changed their tune, let's see how fast their buddies turn on them! A nest of cannabalistic vipers is running the country.

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You got that right brother !

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Has unleashed and is pushing for more, More, MORE !!!

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The whole corporate economic structure is wrong and unjust

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Another example of how cold hearts don't feel the heat. Great idea to put these entitled exploiters on a hot roof - how does "Fat Cats on a Hot Tin Roof" sound? Or we might shut down the air conditioning units at the governor's mansion, followed by some friendly sabotage at Mar-A-Lago. Imagine the panic if Donald's and Melania's face paint starts to run!

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Priceless image!! Hehehe.

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Seems like a normal response for someone who likely never planted a garden, mowed a lawn, repaired a roof or trimmed a tree. The mantra seems to be "It's all about me, and to h--- with you.!

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Florida State Legislature did the same BS and DeInsanetis signed into law. Chamber of Commerce pushed it as lowering costs to consumers. Disgusting, picking cotton for Massuh all over again

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Yes desatan vetoed the heat laws first. He needs to do roofing work alongside Abbott .the pro life crowd doesn't care if you die of heat stroke gunshots or covid

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Reminds me of the scene in The Shawshank Redemption where he gets the guards to provide a few beers to the guys working on the roof. I won't make my dog stay out when the temperature gets into the 80s.

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Beer is a wonderful thing, but beer, rather than water on a hot day is not recommended.

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Remember, it's not just outside workers that need protection! Standing by hot ovens, machinery & furnaces inside warehouses & buildings can be as dangerous!

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I doubt they would take too long thinking

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They might hurt their brains if they had to think too hard.

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This, among so many other things, actually makes me baffled that the people who are the most vulnerable to the mean-spirited GOP policies (and there is no kinder way to describe them) are so often the people taken in by them. Can they possibly understand that Trump, Abbott, Cruz, and all of those charlatans do not care whether they live or die?

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Roofing jobs for our lawmakers! Jim did you know forrget how bad they are at balance issues?

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They’d never be hired the job requires a clean slate 😂🤣

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good one!

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Thanks Jim, for telling it like it is. I guess some folks just never planted a tree, repaired a roof or mowed a garden! The best way to understand anyone's concern is to walk in their shoes! Simple enough.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

Projections for increased heat and water deficits.


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It would seem to me that Abbott and his ilk--causing workers to die by depriving them of basic needs, like water breaks--is guilty of murder. Oh no. That accusation applies only to those seeking reproductive healthcare and the pertinent medical professionals.

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Really, roofing jobs for climate change deniers? What a great idea! Talk about hotter frying pans...it might be enough to get the deniers to breathlessly get behind President Biden's efforts to halt climate change. Better do it today, because we are stuck with the climate status quo. But we can and should prevent it from getting worse. Oil and gas CEOs to the roofs!

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I’d be willing to show them the ropes …on the roof ..or the gallows !

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has said in interviews that one thing that he learned from his uncle's handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis was that the successful outcome of the crisis was largely based on JFK's quite rational decision to put himself in the other person's position. As a result, he and Khruschev came to an agreement on the missiles themselves and a ban on further underground nuclear testing. The two even considered following up with a total ban on nuclear weapons, but JFK was assassinated before that could happen. Jim is right, if these corporate monsters had to actually suffer the consequences of their decisions, they would probably do something different. It's no wonder that in ancient times, despotic Kings and other fake rulers walled themselves off in castles surrounded by moats.

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