I will give up my wood heat that keeps my home cozy and gets rid of my downed trees when some real population control and a plan for a major decine is brought up.

When I was born the world population in 1942 was close to 2 billion. Now its over 8.

If as much energy was put into discussing and decreasing the population as is put into how to feed 10 billion we wouldn’t have worry about a lot of things.

I realize it will take 50 to 100 years to work but we know what we should be working on.

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I was born in 1948. I've been watching population numbers. Remember 'The Population Bomb?' Everyone said the green revolution would take care of starvation. No. Only starvation will control population growth, unless climate change beats it to the punch.

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I'm the same age. And yes, I remember. The issue became toxic because what were called 3rd World--especially colonies whether external or internal--pointed out the hypocrisy of former colonizers with their comfortable lifestyles now in effect denying others the same. In the name of saving the Earth. But for whom?

The so-called "green revolution" wasn't about botanical green; rather the green of $$$ profits made possible through proprietary rights, patents.

The soulless corporate "persons" and 1%ers think they are entitled to possess the planet and all of its resources, be they natural or human ones. So what if millions of inferiors starve to death. Or obscure critters and plants go extinct. And they are arrogant enough to assume some tech quick fix will solve climate change problems.

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Thanks Jenny, I'm a Boomer too! I hope I have a good ten more years. My daughter's are doing well, and I hope their kids won't have to spend all of their time trying to survive, or have to battle in the political arena. I'm trying to back off on my bad habits, but that plastic sure is getting in the way - I know a few people doing the same - most? No. They have alternative beliefs. I'll try to stay positive. I wish you a Happy New Year!

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You too. Can it be worse next year????????////

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Jenny, if you are interested the PDA disability issue organizing team virtual mtg is just starting. Hers is the link: We'll get started at the top of the hr. In the meantime, invite your progressive friends! https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpdumvqDwoGNx6xKMg-liSlwcpK1dJ0jzb#/registration

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Rick thanks for this. I do not live in the US but am working here in France for the same.

Good luck.

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Back in the night & day we got out of Vietnam by unflagging protest and Tricky Dicky & Kiss wanted out for other reasons, BUT our movement was bending the Demos & POTUS got crowd scared. Next, was to shut down the local/ loco Shoreham Nuclear Powerplant (oh, the Graff in that contraption would spin a yarn) and we were a peaceful-mob pictured on the front page of our local newspaper (we still have this good solid investigative muscle of a newspaper---knock on the nearest tree!) And lo & behold folks- shut 'em down was successful. Next, was the preservation of much Open Space on a mis mosh development crazy tangent---this fight continues today I am proud to say--- Here & There were good people power achieving what we believed...Some boomers still have poetry and songs to share with our young heirs who have more strength but hopefully, just as much Fire.

We cannot wait for looming tipping point cascades to shape our future nights& days---please never give up.

It is what I'm telling our new grandson in our sunrise to sundown busy grandparents' day care... so forgive me if I can't always march with you, my spirit and poetry celebrates all who do.

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Feeding the kids hope that the Green New Deal will solve all of our future problems is criminal I believe. Yes, David, our predicament has been the fossil-fueled runaway population growth and the need to grow the GDP. The population growth problem of 70 million more humans every year could be solved humanely if we would actively work to address the estimated 210 million annual unintended pregnancies. This could eventually stabilize the human population, but unfortunately not in time. A more virulent virus may be nature's way of reducing our invasive species' numbers in time. Of course if the wealthier humans would live at the level of the average Indian and the average Indian would be satisfied with his/her current economic condition, then that would be another solution. I do not believe that that is a realistic solution as humans are basically greedy seen by statements such as Dubya's: "The American lifestyle is non-negotionable".

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I greatly appreciate these email messages, but I sorely miss the Hightower Lowdown printed version.

I miss the names, dates and other pertinent facts and give-em-hell attitude.

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Im heartened to see the younger generation on the climate change bandwagon. After all it's their future and they have the right to fight for it. Boomers have recognized the problem as has a lot of other generations but political activism I'm sorry to say has kept them away from doing anything about. Let's hope we are smart enough to join our children in the fight for this planet.

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Jim, I think your right that us boomers have become to complacent or discouraged and that the younger generations are leading the climate crisis fight. We need to get back the fire from our 20's so we can proudly say we left the world a better place for the future generations. The Native American culture looked to future impacts , for example the Haudensaunee believed that decisions should provide sustainable future for seven generations. This directly contrast western culture glorifying short term gain and greed.

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And the children will lead us...

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I hear we will need major upgrades to electrical infrastructure to power car chargers assuming people don't invest in padded headboards and figure out every Walmart parking lot every church, mall,government building has a parking lot to install solar panel covered charging stations and power the place of business when they are not being used. Tell your congress critters to mandate padded headboards before the next election.

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I am in France and a huge number of parking lots are solar + we are getting grants from the Govt. to help with solar and double-glazing in our homes some of which are extremely difficult because of old ancient buildings.

We are somewhat behind in getting more chargers for electric cars but it is coming.

I have hope.

Water pipes have mostly been renewed and most places have fibre-optic cables. It all takes time.

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I haven't heard of any solar lots except Michigan state university in the us. Glad France is utilizing, it takes time and people who want a nice planet

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I believed AL Gore's movie ,the inconvenient truth over 20yrs ago about what our weather is going to be in 25yrs.I built steel frame Passive Solar home by hand. I bought a hybrid car 2009,& 2020 I had solar panels put up.& this yr. replaced gas furnace & A/ C with heat pump. I have small income now only SSI. 66yrs been recycling for 25 also been in many street protests to stop oil pipelines,grow huge garden.yes I am what Hippie are supposed to stand for. Example!

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Me too. I think we should have been called the duck and cover generation and homesteaders instead of hippies.

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Great Patrick, I always considered solar panels honor house but not sure if trees or the angel on the roof would allow them to work effectively.

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thank you bold and daring ACTIVISTS!

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Hey kiddos ,the louder you speak the farther you can be heard ,gather your energy your enthusiasm , the knowledge that you are unequivocally capable of making the powers that be shake in thier boots ,and take notice that this is OUR TIME and we will be heard!

Youth and enthusiasm can beat age and inaction! This world now belongs to you ,it is your birth right,my generation has passed, some of us fought the good fight and won many battles,some gave into the greed and power of the corrupt corporate elite, we have not lost, we have you our children ,and the struggle for what is right will continue! Rise up every where in great masses ,show your strength to the world!🌎 Do what must be done to save the species,it’s all on the line ,no half measures will do!Its the whole ball of wax this time ,lose the fight and your time is the last time ,the next generation will not come to fight again ,it will never be!! Don’t be stopped it’s now or never,FIGHT!!!Children FIGHT!!!

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Love Mother Earth Ban Hydraulic Fracking NOW!

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great motivating speech. I suggest joining Prog. Dems of America, see PDAmerica.org

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I got the Lowdown newsletter years ago. You do good work.

I feel strongly on this topic - it feels like little is happening - what's it to the Boomers, they'll be dying off soon enough - but the poor left behinds, like a bad experiment. Maybe, every community should start a public storyboard to try and visualize what a sustainable world might look like. The status quo will be tough to break. It might mean locals producing their own food, local craft, less consuming and traveling around all the time. We can't leave it better than we found it. And I hope we don't end up in a war - maybe evolve to something more enlightened.

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I am a Boomer and I care a LOT. Most of us have grandkids who we love and I have never stopped fighting.

I am getting very fed up with this 'boomer' rubbish. We are mostly still going. Some of us are not sprightly any more but we care.

One of the things that irritates me is that the 'younger' generation do not think clearly how to make it easier for us oldies to take part.

On substack I have written hundreds of times asking for transcripts/subtitles on U-tube etc. I am deaf. I can fight and I will but please do not write us out.

Thank you.

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Jenny, May I suggest joining Progressive Dems of America, with members scattered all over the country, we mostly meet with virtual meetings on zoom & they have captions and a chat where you can leave your comments. There are several task forces that usually have weekly mtgs, including a disability group and many state chapters. Please check website PDAmerica.org or email or call, if you can, Mike Fox at mikefox@pdamerica.org or 727-320-4502. Please join, I don't think any dues are required.

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Historically, activism has suffered from lack of cohesion and unity. Everyone has their pet cause: civil rights, LGBTQ+ rights, climate, Palestinian rights, abortion, corporate dominance, etc. Somehow, there has to be a unified umbrella approach or the fractured "youth" ideals will mirror Italy in the 20's, Spain and Germany in the 30's. Progressives (with their multiple, seemingly mutually-exclusive goals) have no chance against Fascists' ("fascia" - bundle) solid, unified combo of corporate, Church, and extreme militia solidarity. The Left will continue losing as it did in Europe of the 20' and 30's. Forget "Diversity" - unify!

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Excellent!! So happy to know about this ! --76 year old woman in Iowa

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Good to read about younger generation pickng up the passion us older folks had in the 70's History repeating itself? The arguments from corporations about fossil fuel not being so bad are similar to arguements from corporations about smoking not being so bad. Convincing people not to smoke came from 4th grade heath classes. It worked. It seems to never end.

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