For those who remember acid rain and what it was doing to the forests in the Northeast, the acid in question was sulfuric acid from sulfur dioxide that had been spewed into the atmosphere from fossil fuel burning power plants. Now this cretin wants to deliberately inject even more of it into the atmosphere on a constant basis.

And that doesn't even address the other problems that increased CO2 is causing beyond global warming. Acidity in the oceans is rising causing problems for any critter that uses calcium carbonate in its exoskeleton because the increase in CaCO3 solubility in acid environments makes it difficult for the animal in question to condense it out of the water and deposit it in its shell. And another problem is that plants have adapted to the previous level of CO2 in the air, and despite claims by non biologists to the contrary, excess CO2 is not always a blessing for plants.

When I read about bobble heads making scientific claims like how good CO2 is for plants, I am reminded of Pope's poem:

"A little learning is a dangerous thing;

Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:

There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,

And drinking largely sobers us again."

--Alexander Pope

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Good point, Jim. If the law of unintended consequences applies anywhere, it's in the environment. The insecticide, DDT, introduced in the 1950's was initially hailed as an insecticide until evidence of its toxicity to birds and many other animals (including humans) accumulated and it was banned. Now, 70 years later, it persists in the environment as a POP, a persistent organic pollutant. Oil, the foundation of fuels, plastics and other modern products is now a main driver of climate change, as well as the ruinous scandal of our major oil companies lying to us and funding multiple efforts to block the political will to halt our ruining the climate of our planet for most living creatures. Our cleverness has already led us to directions and products that are later seen to be ruinous.

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Put sulfur dioxide in the air, what could possibly go wrong? Florida's night temperatures have gone up noticeably with the big increase in rocket launches the last few years. The things that block the sun also trap heat besides the other problems they cause. The sky was bluer during the pandemic less burning of fossil fuels does make a difference but the best thing to do is get don the Teflon con to stop spewing hot air.

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Occasionally we do get it right. Decades ago, forests and bodies of water here in the Northeast were being devastated by acid rain. The culprit, mainly sulfuric acid created from sulfur in gasoline. The gasoline was cleaned up, and in a very short time the forests and lakes began to recover. As it turns out, the sulfur compounds in the atmosphere were also blocking some solar radiation from striking the surface.

Here's where things turned loony. Around the same time, predictions of global warming were hitting the popular media. No greater climate scientist than the (blessedly) late Rush Limbaugh suggested that we could halt the warming and perhaps even reverse it by reintroducing sulfur to our petroleum products. I dunno. Do we really need those trees and lakes and rivers...?

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I think the sulfur was mostly from coal power plants. Very little sulfur o gasoline-it would destroy the engines. The Govt made them put devices on coal plants- lime & water injection? I forget - to soak up some of the sulfur.

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The billionaires became such by employing or backing technologies that are destroying our Earth. Now they want to put off the end of the Earth a little bit longer so they can amass many more more billions before it's over. And you expected .... ????

Is all the heat, by the way, being generated by the massive AI and crypto data banks contributing to global warming? Perhaps the techno science egomaniacs can put a billion massive computer servers in a stationary orbiting ring that will be cooled by the frigid vastness of space and keep that heat out of our atmosphere.

I won't patent that concept. I'll let it be prior art and leave it in the public domain. I'm such a nice guy.

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I love the way you use humor to point out the danger of some very dangerous policies. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, helps truth be heard. We so need humor these days, really need a good belly laugh to help us let go and clear out our systems. I guess it needs to be skillful humor appropriate for today, and you are a master at it. Thank you.

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Scillfully Targeted is that no good Lowdown dirt bags specialty!

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Just another example of what is known as the "technological quick fix." Assurance by true believers telling us we need not worry because capitalism and technology, especially high tech, will solve all problems. Yeah...never mind the long history of unintended consequences.

I read an interview with David Keith that sure raised my hackles. [New York Times 08/01/24, updated 08/04/24, also available through the Yahoo News feed.] I wondered if it was just me, so I read it to my 96 year old mom. She reacted before I'd even finished the piece.

He says even if there are a few problems, the dire circumstances mean it's worth doing. "There's really a lot of evidence that the risks are quantitatively small compared to the benefits, and the uncertainties just aren't that big," he said. Now we can relax, right?

He wanted to test the idea with a small release and arranged it with the Swedish space corporation. Which became public; the Sami (Laplander) indigenous people and Greta Thunberg strenuously objected. The Sami as "the direct opposite of the respect we are taught to treat nature with." Greta Thunberg as "Nature is screaming at us to back off, to stop--and we are doing the exact opposite."

Dr. Keith's replies? "A lesson I've learned from this is that if we do this again, we won't be open in the same way." So they'll proceed in secret...isn't that reassuring? He finishes his line of reasoning with "I'm more motivated than ever to push on solar geo(engineering) because the rationalist case for it is looking stronger." In case his words weren't obvious enough, what he means is that the ignorant superstitions of indigenous peoples and the reactions of hysterical girls are of course irrational.

Sheer arrogance.

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Rush Limbaugh was a drug addled moron along with the loon that's making the suggestion that we reintroduce sulfur into the atmosphere. We've already decimated the planet in our efforts to line our pockets with its' worth. We're like parasites on this planet. We will use and use and use it up till there's nothing left and then it will be our turn to become extinct and earths chance to recover.

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Some. like Musk, have too much money and thus power. Absolute power, is absolute corruption ...

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when Mt Krakatoa blew in 1883, it caused "the year with no summer" in the US. Global temps were estimated to have fallen by 2.2 degrees F. But Krakatoa released 20 million tons of sulfur. short of setting off H bombs in sulfur mines, I don't know how we are going to approach that.

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This reminds me of when Sid Miller wanted to spread cyanide all over Texas to kill a million or so feral hogs...

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My husband is a chemist and thinks this idea is nuts!

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Let's zip him up in a cheap plastic greenhouse & pump it up with some trusty sulfur dioxide and see how that works out :)

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KENNEDY 2024 has spent his career fighting corporate geed and corruption - he is not owing to any corporation In fact they have successfully waged a war against him. Truly a sad day for democracy and all Americans who want to have all the information to make up their mind on who best represents them and which candidates represent corporations. I believe in family farms, clean air, clean water, healthy food, small business owners, I vote the person/policy not the party - the 2 biggest corporations in America are the Democratic and Republican parties

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What goes up must come down. SO2, in the stratosphere or wherever high in the sky is bound to gradually return to lower levels where it will mix with water and make sulfuric acid and acid rain that is already a problem. Why trade one problem for another?

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I think a better idea for ScOpeX would be to creat a Planet B Amusement Park on the mountain top removal areas, big parking lots with solar collection roofs that turn into gutters to direct the water to turn a turbine when it rains, if they have money to play with. It could be an educational experience and take school vouchers for admission fees.

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