I've never liked Facebook, as I consider their practices to be not only troublesome, but downright dangerous! In 2016 FB allowed hackers to say that Ms. Clinton was a pedophile in a pizza place, and what then happened was a man with a rifle descended on the pizza parlor and was thankfully stopped from a mass shooting! And now owned by META, FB is worse!

But this "takes the cake!" Such blatant aggressive behavior in a so-called public social media platform is unheard of--until now. Until this insane year, with the worse duo now heading for the White House unless we DO SOMETHING!

I didn't "fact check" this but a friend sent me a short memo listing ALL the major news outlets and that the CEO of every single one was a Trump donator/supporter. Is this true?

What are we gonna do, folks! This is getting out of hand faster than we can get a posse going!!

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Jul 16Liked by Jim Hightower

My attempt to post your project 2025 peace was also blocked. I protested the removal, did not hear back from FB and will try again since Susan Spivak was successful. Meanwhile, there have been plenty of comments about project 2025.

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It takes an act of God to reach them. I've never had any success. I don't know why they even bother saying their arbitrary and capricious censorship may be disputed. It can't be if you can't reach them and apparently if you do, they do not respond. I also got 86'd from Twitter (I'm not calling it X) because I listed actual documented bad acts by Tronald J. Dump.

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Jul 16Liked by Jim Hightower

Glad you're on this. My post of your Project 2025 piece, gt put back after I protested its removal, and I juct checked, it's still there.

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Thanks so much for the update, friends. We couldn't believe our eyes when we looked at the P25 article again yesterday and found those "removal notices". If P25 is ever implemented, America will no longer be recognizable. We never were on Facebook, nor on any other platform except for this one. Is no place safe? The mainstream media need to pay more attention and focus more on these issues and less on every piece of BS that comes from Trump and his minions.

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I was blocked from FB back in April, but with only the explanation that I violated their standards and practices, or some such phrase without even specifying what specifically those policies were.

I deleted the app and have not been back there since. I deleted my Twitter account as soon as Musk took it over, already knowing what was going to happen. Substack and Mastodon are the apps I use now.

The strongest way to let the social media sites sites know how we feel is by leaving.

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Exactly. So, I tried to analyze the situation I posted immediately above. Was it the mere use of the proper noun/name "Hitler? Was it the innocuous label "American Indians?" Or, was it the words "system of calibration?" When did proper nouns/names become banned or bannable? What's wrong with "American Indian?" Similarly, why in the world would "system of calibration" be offensive. I am so sick of jumping through ridiculous hoops and screwy censorship by algorithms.

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In many previous Hightower missives l was not able to post my comment as the whole thing would suddenly disappear just as l finished making my point. This has happened to me several times and it has also happened to some of the comments that I tried to post here

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And then U S Presidential Candidate Donald Trump gets shot at and trump's all over the media again, hogging the show

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It's the only thing he does well. Other than lying, of course.

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He wouldn't serve in Vietnam, but now he's a war hero. What!?

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I would almost bet that someone with high connections to the MAGA movement has told Meta and other social media platforms that if they don’t resist anti-project2025 information that should Trump win the election there platform would be removed or severely curtailed. Watch what is being done as well as what is being said!

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Has anyone else noticed that the site that pops up when you go online will not let you discuss things involving Trump's bad acts and screw ups. Comments are blocked.

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At least you got a pseudo-explanation as to why the post was removed. Most of the other people I have seen get a crock about "Community Standards" but no one seems to know which standard they ran afoul of.

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I don’t “do Facebook” but I must “do Hightower” !

I’m really worried for everyone - especially children and grandchildren. Thank heavens - I’m OLD!?” Catherine

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The less time spent on Facebook the better.

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When trump told everyone not to watch lame stream media I watched it to find out what he doesn't want people to hear. There must be something in 2025 that corporate doesn't want us to know

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It's a fascist manifesto basically that kisses Koch/Federalist Society/Billionaires asses. Consider it the wet dream of every plutocratic, oligarchic, kleptocratic kakistocrat. A kakistocracy is government by the worst for the worst. A very interesting read is Mark Ames's Meet Charles Koch's Brain, 35 pgs. The author said that he wasn't prepared for the level of crazy that influenced to Dutchmen. Fred Koch, Sr. was a founding member of the John Birch Society that was kicked out of the GOP for being too crazy. Charles and David were John Birchers before they jumped ship in before the 1980 election. Not being a large enough platform to engage is a the takeover of the U.S., the Kochs, the Mercers and wingnut billionaires have purchased the GOP. They even fund the Maggats and crackpot, religious skypilot (evangelicals) despite having no interest in cultural issues. The Maggats are useful idiots. They are used as billionaires' unhinged stormtroopers without brownshirts.

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I have never joined Facebook, and never will! Social media sites like Facebook have been a prime source of misinformation and downright lies. The anger and political polarization that is spreading worldwide is being fueled by irrational posted content. Time to quit Facebook and spread the word widely to encourage others to do the same!!

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Facebook? F******K it!

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This is creepy.

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Zuckerberg is CAVING to Trump and the Right Wing Radicals. He wants to get in on ALL the goodies $$$$$$$ that will come his way if he supports Grifters Trump and Vance and Project 2025. It is for Billionaires and Corporations and a Radical Right Wing Agenda take over of America! They are salivating at the potential as America is turned over to the Billionaires and Corporations to suck the rest of America dry with their privatization scheme. It is the "Big Con". From the mouth of Kevin Roberts - Project 2025 is for the "forgotten Americans" and it "reduces Washington's influence". NO IT DOES NOT Kevin and you know it DOES NOT! It CONS the "forgotten Americans" out of their money and control of their lives and increases the influence of a Trump Washington over the lives of ALL Americans and ALL America! Examples - the tax rate for the Billionaires and Corporations will go DOWN, while the tax on goods like healthcare of everyday Americans will go UP! Social Security will get reduced or eliminated. Farm programs will be cut. Climate programs will be gutted or eliminated. The weather service will be eliminated or privatized. Any media other than conservative media will be silenced. And on and on and on and on and on Go to stopthecoup2025.org and see for yourself how YOU and YOUR family and YOUR business and YOUR community and YOUR government will be dismantled ALL in the service of the Billionaires and Corporations and Right Wing Radicals who want total control of you, power over you, and your money.

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I suggest to anyone that wants a detailed, but long, article all about Project 2025, including the history, the goals & all the players go to TheNation.com All the writers of article are shown along their credentials A VERY detailed article

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