Feb 16·edited Feb 16

Whatever their own personal or business behaviors, bankers know that 1/3 to 1/2 of Americans don't care about promises, good behavior, or climate. They're simply following the lead of Trump, his cronies in power, his funders, and a good chunk of MAGA followers who proclaim that it's really OK to cheat, lie, and grift - just try not to get caught. The American climate is changing - to "me first, me only, my money, my power." It's a trickle-down morality in the worst possible way.

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Jim, you know as well as I do, a banker's promise is worth about the same amount as a politician's promise.

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And if you come up a little short or miss a couple of payments on your mortgage or car loan...?

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Oh, yeah. I worked at a mortgage bank in the Collections and Bankruptcy Departments.

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Of course the major banks have reneged on their promises. When have they not. It certainly wasn't when the government bailed them out but who's remembering that..certainly not the banks..they're only interested in one thing PROFITS for their shareholders. Name of their game is GREED...pure and simple.

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Makes oner wonder if any of these corporate titans have grandchildren.

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My only child is refusing to have children because of the corporate greed

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Right out of college in1966, I was a bankster and quit when I realized I couldn't be that weasel. Things haven't gotten any better and the consequences are exponentially worse.

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You're a better man than I am Gunga Dinn.

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The US corporate bank value system-Say what you think the public wants to hear but "Never" deviate from our true goal to make as much $$$ as we can regardless of what we say.

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Or the consequences of what we do to our living planet

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How sad that the expression 'his word is his bond' has no meaning anymore. Once upon a time people (or some of them at least) realised that one's word was important and one would be judged by whether or not it was kept. But now all we seem to have is weasels whose word means nothing at all. One wonders whether those who swear on the Bible have any concept of what they are saying.

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Let's also take a look at the amount of energy used for Crypto currency mining. It's over the top. And don't mention the amount of noise crypto mining makes.

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When a corporation goes bankrupt, how does the government reconcile the losses and devastation left behind? Get the Boy Scouts to plant trees?

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So is the Mountain Valley Pipeline and Hydraulic Fracturing for Natural Gas sale and transportation.

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After the housing crisis in 2009, we should’ve put a whole bunch of bankers in jail and then made the banking rules a lot stiffer.

Had we done that we wouldn’t be in this fix today with these people lying about what they’re going to do & then doing the opposite.

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Unfortunately, the Dim-ocrats are just as depnendent on Wall Street money as the Rethuglicans.

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Unfortunately, that is a projection. The two parties are NOT the same. It would behoove you to get more information BEFORE making a careless statement like that. That could apply to many in both parties, however, most of them are Republicans-- the only party that is shitting on our Constitution and the rule of law & has been taken over by someone, who any logical person can easily see is a pathological liar, a rapist, a cheater, and an ignorant fool.

It's NOT the Democrats. Your choice about who to vote for is yours-- but I can assure you that any support for the Mango Mussolini and his compadres will do major harm, and until the Republican Party either is dissolved or evolves into something less than the theocratic/oligarchic/Russian-Lite and despot worshipping of a dolt-like-Trump it is now, there can be no reason to vote for any Republican.

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Yes, indeed! Bankers (money shufflers) have far too much power, given to them by Congresses being influenced by campaign funding. The root cause is the success of the Citizen's United case.

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Jesus Christ said "No one can serve both god and Mammon." The bankers and politicians are on Mammon' side.

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The Bible says "It is the love of money that is the root of all evil"

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When it comes to money or the earth, the big corporations, banks, and the billionaires will always go for the money. The very rich figure they will always buy their way out of any disaster. I have news for them; the American People, and the world, will not accept "let them eat cake" without a revolution.

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weasel's are fun to watch,but not when they are human's 1

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Just like the Covid Scamdemic, I’m seeing “otherwise smart people” calling hoax on climate change (during Covidiocy, they lined up for jabs)

Their argument: it’s normal, nothing to do with man’s fossil fuel dependence.

And Big Oil smiles all the way to the bank.

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Don’t these fools realize that THEIR LIVES are at stake too?

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Corporations are not alive and have no morality. The paper structure is based on an economic model for the Megadeath of the planet. Their human representatives are blinded by dollar signs and tombstones in their eyes.

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