Hey! That's ALabama's (unofficial) state motto! And with Louisiana sometimes we're only the 3rd worst.

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Sad commentary on Texas but YAY!!! for Mississippi!

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I cannot call it 'progress' to praise an anti-reproductive choice candidate, although his positions on other issues may be, and likely are, improvements for the lives of ordinary people in Mississippi, should he be elected. I am old enough to remember when abortion was illegal and now that it is so again in many states, I'm more determined than ever to support access to reproductive health care. I am also determined to remain a progressive -- in words and as many deeds as I can muster.

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So that's all we have is 1 young person who supports the wrong side of abortion & guns to get the vote of the locals.who will step into a powerful position to betray later, like Sinema

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Brandon could be in the State House. Sometimes improvement is measured by baby steps.

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